Create/Design Your Own Hero – Player Hero Ideas [MASTER]

Here is an idea for a family of heroes (maybe Lycanthrope) where they have one default special and then they change into a different form (maybe a slightly different graphics) depending on a certain condition. In the alternate form they have a different special (and more powerful). Maybe that condition lasts three turns or something. It would need to be tested out. Think when Jafar turns into the snake in old school Aladdin. Or the Incredible Hulk. These conditions will vary in the family. Some ideas are less than 20% health. Greater than 100% health. Having a minion. Having a fiend. Being on fire or poisoned. Having your mana stolen. Having no alive heroes adjacent. Maybe one hero has a part of their special that automatically changes all family heroes to their power mode.

Apix (fire legendary hero)

Title: demon Queen bee
Attack: 577
Defence: 883
Health: 1672
Class: fighter

Parasitic stinger- mana speed very slow

  • kills both the caster and the target. All bosses and titans are immune to this effect

  • if this attack doesn’t kill the target, the target receives -50% mana generation and -54% attack. These ailments can only be removed when the target uses a special skill.

  • once the target uses a special skill, remove those ailments and the caster revives with 100% health

Mohican - Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*

Gender: Male

Power: 840

Attack: 830

Defense: 810

HP: 1420

Class: Fighter

Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Fast

Family: Magic Family

Special Skill: mood change

  • Deals 340% damage to the target and nearby enemies,

  • Summons a Fire Wolf Minion for each ally with 20% HP and 18% attack inherited from the caster

    • The Fire Wolf minion gives +24% defense generation for its owner as long as the owner has Fire Wolf minions. total defense up to 65%. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • The Fire Wolf minion converts its owner to the element where the opponent is weak as long as its owner has Fire Wolf minions. This effect cannot be destroyed.

If anyone likes this work, I’ll give you a wallpaper for your mobile phone.

That should be average speed

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I actually thought of this hero more to use the strongest heroes against the titans, but you’re right, being average would have saved him from being op.

Title ~Goosebumps
Element ~Dark

Special skill ~ SG Slap

Nerfs all the opposition heroes permanently

Been a while since I’ve had inspiration to think of something new (and latest SGG creations have exceeded the wildest imagination in terms of hero power), so instead of entirely new concepts - here’s a what-if batch, of E&P classic heroes if they were villains instead - corrupted counterparts.

For all of them, colour and speed remain same as originals, but they get an updated title and special.

Corrupted Richard

Hammer of Injustice

Deal 450% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies.
All enemies hit receive -50% mana generation for 4 turns
This attack ignores defensive buffs (including reflection and counterattacks), and can ignore Taunt.

Corrupted Vivica

Life Denied

Deal damage equal to 40% of the target’s maximum health to all enemies. This damage is increased by Corrupted Vivica’s healing increase percentage.
All enemies receive -75% less healing for 4 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Corrupted Melendor

Twisted Grovetender

Summon a Crown of Thorns fiend for all enemy heroes. The Crown of Thorns fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of the target’s maximum health.
While the enemy has a Crown of Thorns fiend, all allied heroes counterattack with 100% of all damage received from that enemy. This effect cannot be dispelled.

Corrupted Elena

The Bone Bastion

Deal 250% damage to all enemies.
All allied heroes counterattack with 140% of all damage received for 4 turns.
All damage dealt by these counterattacks also reduces enemies’ maximum health by the same amount. Maximum health cannot be reduced below 30% of its original value.

Corrupted Lianna


Deal 512% damage to the target enemy hero.
The target receives -75% less healing for 4 turns.
If the target is killed by Heartpiercer or during the healing decrease duration, it cannot be resurrected.

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You’ll still hit the target due to the taunt, but he can splash damage now I guess

I was thinking ignoring it entirely, i.e. being able to pick target regardless of taunt.

Then it’s quite a nightmare on their side to program.

Orellia 5* Nature hero

Mana speed: Average

Atk: 752
Def: 889
HP: 1398

Special Skill: Gardner’s Glory

•All allies with less than 50% health remaining receive 15% mana. All other allies receive 10% mana.
•All allies receive 50% reduction in all damage received.
•All allies counterattack for 105% damage refected back to the attacker for 4 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled.
•All allies heal for 50% damage taken for 4 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled.

@Tidyup I have a new fiend summoner idea. How do you think about him ?

Name : Lorel

Title : Sword Fiend Summoner

Rarity : Legendary
Element : Fire
Class : Barbarian

Power : 845
Atk : 845
Def : 795
Hp : 1455

Passive : This hero immune to new Fiends.

Special Skill : Flaming Sword Fiend

Mana Speed : Fast

  • Dispels buffs from all enemies.
  • Summons a Assistant Sword Fiend for all enemies.
    - The Assistant Sword Fiend damages the enemy with 20% attack every turn.
    - Whenever the enemy that owns the Assistant Sword Fiend receive any damage that isn’t a fiend slash damage, the Assistant Sword Fiend damages the owner for every those hit. The damage is reduced by 1% on each concesutive hits. This can be triggered multiple times per turn without limit.
    - The Assistant Sword Fiend deal 30 burn damage to its owner every turn as long as the owner has Assistant Sword Fiend. This effect cannot be cleansed.
    - The Assistant Sword Fiend absorbs healing. It disappears after absorbing a healing amount equal to 40% of its target’s max health.

Note : Assistant Sword Fiend will do 20% attack for first hit then do 19% → 18% → … → 1% → 0% → 0% → … when 0% always do 1 damage (like missing-hero tile damage).

The Assistant Sword Fiends will assist any damage that isn’t a fiend slash damage. They also work with missing-hero tile damage, status effect damage, counterattack damage and even the damage from the share damage buff.
Lorel is Cleaver’s rival :smile:. Both heroes are 5* fire, fast, barbarian and fiend summoner. Do you think Lorel will be more powerful than Clever ?

In your opinion, who is more powerful ?
  • Lorel
  • Cleaver

0 voters

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I don’t understand what this means.

Okay I get it now. But wouldn’t it be too weak?

For example, let say enemy tank has Assistant Sword Fiend. When 3 tiles hit him, the Assistant Sword Fiend attack him 3 times. Then you fire Sartana’s special skill on him, the Assistant Sword Fiend attack him again once. Then he receive the poison damage, the Assistant Sword Fiend attack him again once.

I am not sure. 20%+19%+18%+…+1% = 210%. However, he also dispell as well at fast speed.

Minion can also trigger the Assistant Sword Fiend since anything that isn’t isn’t a fiend slash damage can trigger it.

I reworded it in E&P statements. It should be this description.

  • the fiend deals additional damage everytime it’s owner receives damage, this excludes damage from fiends. This effect gets diminished for consecutive activations during the same turn

It’s more of a raid format specialist. I don’t see it be useful outside raids. But it sounds fun, I think damage amp would be even more devastating, like 20% increased damage. Adding damage amp would increase his usability outside of raids


Thank you. I try do make it like E&P statements but I sometimes have a problem on that :smile:.

Yeah, he is raid specialist. However, I think most fast and very fast are also raid specialist as well.

Yes, damage amp is probably better. However, this effect is tied with the fiend. That mean it can’t be cleanse or block with normal ailment block. And this effect also stack with damage amp as well.

In fact, share damage also work with Assistant Sword Fiend as well. The best may to use him is “pair him with Wilbur” (That is why he is red :sweat_smile:).

The reason why I suggested damage amp is because on paper it’s nice to get 15 fiends, but that is unrealistic with so many varying factors. You’re already winning with 15 fiends anyways unless you’re fighting against arco or esme
Damage amp would be nice to increase damage for at least one layer of fiends.
And also red damage amp will make him a unique hero and be more sought out

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@u2371 here is one of my ideas. What do you think?

Element: fire
Attack: 673
Defence: 853
Health: 1672
Class: paladin
Title: lord of the underworld
Skill: Not available
Mana speed: very slow

  • this hero has no skills

Passive 1: monopolize- this hero memorizes 8 buffs casted by all heroes. Whenever an enemy casts memorised buffs on their allies, deal 388 damage to all those allies. The damage bypasses minions.

Passive 2: extortion- whenever an enemy gains mana through special skills or buffs. This hero steals 50% of mana generated

Passive 3: bribery- whenever an ally takes damage from special skills or ailments, reduce this hero’s mana by 20% to reduce that damage to 1. This effect fails if the mana reduction is resisted, depleted or if there isn’t enough mana cost to reduce the damage

Meant to be a final boss type of hero. How would you fight him on defence?

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This guy is too slow to be a real factor imo. His first passive means a hero would have to activate it’s ability twice in order to receive the 388 damage. In this particular game, with so many more devastating special abilities, an enemy that fires twice means you’re limping to the barn.

Also, a hero that has no special skill won’t have a mana bar, so how is it supposed to steal mana from enemies special skills? The second passive wouldn’t work.

This passive has the same issue as the previous.

Edit: I just saw the third passive is for special skills.

I give you a solid A for your efforts though.