ℹ Costumed Snow White– 5* Ice/Blue from Fables of Grimforest

I’m in the minority in that usually I’d always choose the survivability+ attack as I usually do. That extra tile for slow is rare to make a difference.

However, given the costume bonus, firing in 10, making her average, may well be worth the trade-off. Worst case she’s ready a bit early, just bring support heroes to keep her alive a turn longer.

I was lucky enough to get Furdinand and I am SO looking to seeing them play together.

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Seems unanimous in favour of mana tbh! Which is good, because I had almost convinced myself on attack…

Also, that is mostly why I’ll actually be pairing her with Lughaidh of all heroes… nothing says sustainable like the biggest bulkiest non-dispellable defence up available! :smiley:

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Can you share any hits with her maxed @Orion_Fervor ? Curious to see the damage
'+ @Ripobin_The_First

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Thanks for the ping!

I’ll try and catch it later on for sure, but I’ve hit around 900-1000 per target with max boons/debuffs :slight_smile:


OK! Tagging @Ripobin_The_First here as well of course, for the benefit of research.

Stats and Emblem paths:
Mana node + all swords for costume

Images for reference:

I took her into Raids because it felt like the best way to showcase her damage without the ridiculous low defence of map content :wink: the team I was up against is here:

So, as I mentioned previously, my strategy here is to capitalise on getting 10 debuffs from Kravekrush and Guardian Panther, together with the addition of 5-6 from Kara (depending on if Lughaidh is in ghost form or not). Anything else from the opponent is a benefit!

Admittely, I got a really massive number of cascades so, almost thought I was even going to get to see the damage, but here it is with before and after:

A fun extra tidbit, is that you also proc Kara’s passive because of dispelling buffs from her :smiley:


This is amazing. Thank you my friend! Mine is going up slowly but she’ll get there. Excited to do this too!


Snow White also pairs very well with Gullinbursti (or, ideally, his costume since it provides an extra HOT buff) as the dispel of his special skill triggers the damage to enemies.


She is awesome against Ferdinand


Thanks so much for the info & pics @Orion_Fervor ! :heart: so close to a nice, round 1,000 atk

That’s a pretty massive hit, I’d be happy with that kind of damage! Almost got mine up to 3-70

And Milady de Winters. She should hit for 470% of damage at least after Milady fires.

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That would be scary, could anyone survive them two hitting back to back?

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I have never fought against her and I’m not sure about the first part of her skill removing all status effects. By all, does it really mean all? Or taunters can block her and she will remove just taunt?

If taunt is active only the taunt and other buffs ailment on the taunter will be removed. The rest of the cards buffs will stay on them and the damage will be buffed only for the taunters dispel/ cleanse.


As you will see from throughout this thread, I actually did some testing on this!

If the team that Snow White is on that same team that has an active taunt, she will remove the taunt AND any other buffs from her own team. I’ve shared images above if you want to check this out

If Snow White is facing an opposing taunter (e.g. My Snow White is facing up against an enemy Ludwig), then she will only remove the taunt and any other buffs from Ludwig, but the rest of the team will stay protected.

In fact, I actually found the Perfect Example - see images below:

  • You will note that all of my Kara’s buffs are gone from the whole team, but Lughaidh’s remain as they are undispellable.
  • Enemy Kara’s buffs are ALL gone, except the undispellable elemental link of course.
  • The rest of the Enemy team’s buffs are all still active BUT they all took FULL damage (as a result of 14 total buffs/ailments stripped), with the exception of Arco who had Stoneskin active - which means that it didn’t count as dispelling Queen Guowong’s damaging dispel, or the stoneskin buff due to being protected by the taunt.

Also, just to clarify, My Snow White’s Ranger talent class did not proc on any of these as it would ahve shown “Bypassed” if I remember correctly.

Really interesting interaction! @Ripobin_The_First


Thank you very much.
I thought that her skill is similar to G. Chameleon’s skill, but it seems that there is a huge difference between dispell and remove:

Dispels and cleanses all buffs and status ailments from all allies and enemies.
Removes all dispellable and undispellable status effects from all enemies.

It is also interesting that this skill ignores friendly taunt.


so she will pair great with queen guonwang


Of course! We have a member in our alliance who has both on his defense team and they were surprised to see how well his defense team is doing! Very high damage when both kick off!


She works like Anabel

Yeah, she does damage instead of healing but she’s similar. Must be fun with with (C-)Gullinbursti where opponent takes damage from Boar’s dispelled buff and then from Snow White’s special.

Also, given Taunt discussion above I realized that with enemy Taunt active her class talent isn’t completely useless, as she dispels only Taunter but enemies still can have Riposte, reflect and what have you.

But Taunt is old news. I’d like to see her interaction with Anubis.

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What do you mean exactly? I have both, still at 1/1 but maybe I can test them?