ℹ Costumed Snow White– 5* Ice/Blue from Fables of Grimforest

so it need lv.23 troops to make costume c.snow to charge in 10 tiles right?


I think its 23 with the mana node ranger and maybe 17 with mana node cleric …

Iv been in raids using her milena ariel wilbur JF … Milena is a great help in this team with the chance of mana boost .


snatches the costume today with the event reward coins.
Her non costume version took a back seat in my roaster simply due to speed.

The costume is great both because of better stats as well as the mana bonus.

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I have been using her for a while and i must say she is a very good hero. With the right mana troop she also will become average speed.

Have currently both a maxed costume Krampus and costume snow white and i am leaning on using her.


That’s her after buffed stats


Atk >1000? Wow!
How? Emblemed all atack?

I pulled her last CF1 and am very excited to level her My excitement about her, especially in this buff heavy meta, is such that I’m leaning towards not getting Milena (going Arco instead) and using my 12 scopes on her and Hippo.

How’s everyone finding her at the moment?


It seems I have another CF1 lover in you @Ripobin_The_First :joy: Because I’m currently levelling mine too!

I actually have an alliance member who is using her as their ‘tank’ in the double formation, and even in some friendly against them, her costume is pumping out numbers in the 700-800’s to all without being fully powered up…! The slow speed is a little painful, I have to admit though.

Whilst I think there is an argument to “building a team around her”, if you face up against the likes of furdinand or hawthorn she will really punish them hard!

I will still be picking up Milena from SE, but she will actually round out my c.Rumpelstiltskin’s chance at healing nicely


So I managed to pull 2 of them and I am wondering if it is worth to level them, the conditional damage is not really appealing. I was wonder if I should feed them both to soul exchange or at leas keep 1

Yes! I love the classic heroes. Maybe it’s just because they’re the ones I grew to know and covet when I first started. Yay, CF1 friend! Also very jealous of cRumple. I was desperately hoping for him! I loved my Rumple for ages.

Thanks for the info. You mention Hawthorn and Ferdinand - and along with Tethys, Bennu, Sif, Oceanus, even Hippo, and overhealers and so on - I see her as an excellent counter

I think she’s a bit of a dark horse on defence too. Slow actually plays in her favour as the buffs will arrive and then she’ll be ready.

I think I might pair her with Toxi or Ludwig to boost that. In fact, that’s a good point - will she only dispell my Ludwig’s taunt - so the rest of the buffs remain? That’s an interesting use case (assuming the opposition is buff heavy).

@egeovannyam - do you have anabelle? I wasn’t sold on Snow White when she first arrived but after using Annabelle I’m excited. I’d definitely keep one.

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no Annabelle, so it can be ok to keep 1 I guess, but a 5* hero that will be only useful for rush imo is not that great, she is definitely no an alfrike or that kind of heroes that can make a difference

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For the record, the team that I am hoping to slot her into for me (and my rainbow raiding efforts), is looking like:

  • Kravekrush (2 debuffs to all) [10]
  • C. Guardian Panther (2 debuffs to all) [10]
  • Lughaidh - undispellable defence and health boost for the survivability
  • Kara - Taunt, Special skill reduction, [2] and attack buff to all [4 (3 with Lughaidh active)]

I do also have a few other heroes to move around with thankfully, but I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of active buffers / debuffers to keep her damage strong :smiling_imp:

As you mentioned… if she only yoinks the taunt from my team, that means that she will (in theory) keep the attack buff from Kara for herself :smiley:

EDIT: @Ripobin_The_First She will actually steal ALL buffs including Taunt, Special Skill Reduction, and the attack buff from the team :thinking:

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It entirely depends on your playstyle. She does require some strategy - but also has the potential to do 500% damage to all. She’s not quite Alfrike, but she’s also potentially devasting. As long as there’s no taunt hero (and that can be managed with a debuffer) then she will remove all buffs from the enemies and all ailments from you (and vice-versa) and then either leave them dead, or nearly dead.

Pair her with a fast AoE and you’ll see. Once I’ve levelled her I’ll pop some videos up.

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For the record, pay no mind to the damage… my C Snow White is only 2^3 with a level 3 special :joy:

Taken from Normal - Stage 18-2 - Season 3 :+1:

Edit - we really are sharing the same thoughts on this one haha


I love a rainbow raid team!

Love the sound of this.

I just did a test run with my 1/1 snow white and ludwig, and all the buffs disappeared.

  • Grazul (resist status ailments)
  • Qunell (self buff)
  • Nemesis (prevent buffs)
  • Ludwig (taunt + mana buff)

Although with Quenell and Ludwig there’s a chance to keep the buff… So that could be quite a fun pairing. he second time he kept his +86% def against special skills.

Edit - ah, you’ve just done it too!

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No, because taunt on your ally is treated as just any old buff. It specifically forces enemies to treat it differently.

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Thanks, Freq! It makes sense. It’s nice that with the Wolf heroes, if it’s undispellable they can keep it - so you just have to make sure to load up on ebuffs and ailments.

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She is awesome vs. ferdinand

Reviving a topic… But, I’m about to hit the point of embleming my Costumed Snow White and am intending on going full attack path in favour of the costumed version. Unfortunately, it has the curse of the Ranger talent tree, where you either need to pick the Mana+Health nodes or the Attack+Def (x) nodes :upside_down_face:

For a defensive Ranger hero, it just makes sense to get mana, but I do hate this dilemma for offensive Ranger…

So, on a slow hero such as Snow White, who relies on a) pumping out massive damage at potentially 500% to all, and b) staying alive long enough to have enough buffs/debuffs to achieve this:

Which did you / would you choose?

  • 2% Mana Gen + Health Nodes
  • Attack + Def (x) Nodes

0 voters


I would go with mana. You can fire her with 10 tiles if you have lvl 23 mana troop on her.