🏴‍☠ Costumed Marie-Thérèse – 5* Dark/Purple from Pirates of Corellia

I was referring to her attack feature. I did not know that zombie effect blocks revival. I would think revival would still work but would restore the hero as part of Heimdall’s special.

Pulled her, but she’s in line after Dr. Moreau and Xnolphod, so may never see mats.

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I pulled her as well, and feel like they should have dont a complete flip of her special instead of inhancing it. Instead of damage an instant heal, reduce enemy atk or def, then gain additional life for 4 turns with zombie staying the same.

As a reviver, I feel Heimdall is superior to Marie-Therese. Although not as good as C Mother North, his revival enables heroes the opportunity to fire their special while M-T’s zombies can’t.

I just pulled M-T too and also wondering if she’s worth levelling up. I have Ludwig, Ursena (no costume), C Victor, C Seshat, Agrafena and now levelling Viscaro - all waiting for tabards.

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Agree, just meant that his revival is low so you cannot count on it to help you a lot, just like those zombies don’t help a lot either.

Personally I would do any of the others before her. Especially since Rigard and C. Sabina are already such useful healers for Dark.

Indeed! Also lucky enough to have pulled Xnolphod so my purple healers (including C Rigard and C Sabina) are well covered. I think M-T will stay unlevelled while I work on the others. :wink:

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With a free token, i was able to pull this Mystic voodoo witch.
The costume version is for sure welcome.
But i wish it was different from the original copy.

Bottom line is, im grateful for getting her & im looking forward to take this Witch for a spin.

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just got her, and I was so disapointed, she’s underwelming with no prospect in the current meta, another 5* that will rust in the box for all eternity. Except if SG decide one day to make something more usable of her… R.I.P my luck ^^

So I had maxed original and got her costume that I maxed as well. Her TP now is 822 (costume, unemblemed). Also, with Lv.29 mana troop she can become average speed without any activated mana nodes. She is a bit like Heimdall, except different kind of revival, higher if gradual HP boost, and defense instead of attack (all unremovable, one of my biggest gripes with HoT), plus she does damage, possibly at average speed. That’s good in my book.


The is now shows the latest stats after the recent costume bonus related balance update.

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Just pulled one after chasing White Rabbit or Gazelle instead :sweat_smile: Not sure if she’s worth levelling up if I already have Alfrike for VF war tanks? Wish she did a bit more damage

Depends. I have mine maxed and partially emblemed and she serves me well. If you lack HP booster then her costume is nice combined with the fact that none of boosts can be removed. Also, if you have that Lv29 mana troop, she becomes average speed. Her downside is that she does lot of things but most of them are half-baked except healing (zombie revival is kinda lame, damage is small and defense increase isn’t that big either). If you have different purple projects, go for them.

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will the hp booster stack with gullin or heimdall?

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Yes, because those two heal immediately, and heal will go up to 200% of max HP, but not above.


Thanks @Nightmare2048. When do you usually use her apart from VF wars, or only in that format?

Mainly in wars as a healer and also for farming. I like to have a healer for autofarming, but she also does damage, so she heals and softens wave all at once. She’s also my sole 5* purple healer, so she gets used in no-yellow 5* tourneys, mainly of course VF (I am thinking about Ludwig flanked by her and Senan next time) but due to giving 4 boosts to everyone that also cannot be removed she’ll be great in buff booster tournament.

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Not sure if it’s been asked elsewhere, so i’m going to drop it here… For Costumed Marie-Therese, which emblem path would say is more viable?

Given that in my books, I’m minded to go Def/HP focused so that she stays alive long enough to fire off that special and stay alive afterwards. I’m not too worried about boosting the damage, and if I wanted damage, I’d switch to regular version for a harder hit and higher base attack anyway. Provisional route below:

  • Atk > Def
  • Atk > HP
  • Def > HP
  • HP > Def
  • Other? Explain why below!

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Back in V35 a rare glitch was fixed with Marie-Therese regular form where a hero she brought back as a zombie returned as a full health normal hero. This has happened twice now with my alliance members with MT costume form. In both cases C-MT brought back heroes as zombies and then the attacking team was defeated. When the team then shows on the war field after the original fight - those heroes that were zombies came back in their regular form with full health. I couldn’t find anything about it being reported as a glitch for her costume - I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It was just very odd and there was no other way to explain the full hero resurrection.

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I’ve seen the same in rush wars. I killed several of her team who were then resurrected as zombies, and I lost the fight. When I looked at that team again on the war field, they were all back as the actual hero.

That was a while ago. I don’t know if that was a bug or working as intended, and I haven’t seen her since then in opposing teams so I’m not sure.

I just pulled her with costume and am definitely going to max her. She will be excellent on tower events as my second 5* purple healer after Kunchen. Not only will she have extra lives during Magic Tower, she will be my first 5* Druid healer for Styx. I also plan to use her in omega quest (has buffs unlike Kunchen that just has the status ailment that doesn’t work) and as my 5th purple healer for purple elemental quest. She’ll also provide increased flexibility for W3K and monster island.

So for people who only care about their raid defense and titan teams and can’t focus beyond that, maybe she isn’t your first choice. But the events tend to be my favorite parts of the game and I can see a lot of core utility while filling needed roster gaps.