Costumed Joon (Toon Costume) - 5* Holy / Yellow from Season 1

Curious if it’s worth LB2’ing my Guardian Jackal. With a bard you can fire Jackal + Toon Joon in 6 tiles, enough to get a dark tank out of the way guaranteed. Not sure if Joon is enough to one shot even at 90. I’ll test though.

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Guardian Jackal is worthy of LB2 in most all cases.
Very Fast, excellent attack stat (1146 with costume bonus & LB2 power is Attack Up) and the extra Def/HP almost allows him to play with the big kids.

LB2 G Jackal and Joon should be able to kill anything with a 1-2 punch.
His LB2 special damage is high enough that a follow-up from Joon Toon should ensure the kill.
For late war flags vs an auto-taunter, G Jackal is brilliant, because the two main auto-taunt heroes are dark, any tiles on them are big damage especially early while the attack up is in effect, making the 1-2 punch ever more certain to kill. At very fast you can usually charge before the auto-taunter even if you drop a set of tiles into it.
(legendary troops could complicate things and a third holy resolves the issue if you have it and are willing to stack 3 in the war).

My Joon isn’t finished yet so he isn’t used for that punch, for now G Jackal & Zekena is my go-to when trying to knock out auto-taunters in war, but Joon will take over from Zekena when completed.

G Jackal is still my EDD for titans which was the original reason I gave him LB2 but it then made him viable for wars as a taunt busting specialist. I view him firing once and the auto-taunt hero dying as a success regardless of how long G Jackal lives after that. I still get the tile damage and 4 vs 4 with a ghosting lane improves my odds of winning.


This is what he looks like now, fully leveled


What kind of damage are you doing against dark level 90s with legendary troops?

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Thanks @Not-important :love_letter: :100: level 90 with matching legendary troops?

I’ve run into quite a few level 90 Uthragan lately, not sure I get it but to each their own. Positive spin, nice to see a HOTM getting some love & recognition

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Yes, matching legendary troops lvl 21
Nb. Am a C2P and this joon and his costumes is the best holy that the game has thrown on me so far :man_shrugging:

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Does anyone have a picture of toon Joon 2LB, maxed master node with all costume bonuses applied? Want to see his stats before working on him! Thanks in advance! :wink:

Scroll a few posts back :wink:


Thank you! I missed that one! :wink:

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I have Obakan, Horgall, Richard, Sartana and now Joon toons!