I still like her as a back-up sniper to my Seshat, or a back-up cleanser to my Rigard. do keep in mind my roster is fairly limited. But she often makes it to my raid offense, alongside C-Rigard/C-Sabina; Seshat; Proteus; Bera. Domi/C-Domi trade places with Ursena, C-Sartana, Ametrine…
what I appreciate about Domi is she’s versatile, I switch from base to costume depending on whether an extra dispel or extra cleanse is more useful. and she can help Seshat take out weakened key threats.
until I get better Purple 5*, she will continue to have a place on my roster. I use her more often than c-Sartana because of her extra utility.
without the costume’s mana bonus though, I would say differently, being able to charge in 9 tiles, instead of 10, is a big boost up