I just finished levelling my first 3* costume and also got only 3/8 on the special skill.
Though Gavnor is right that it does not take that much to finish the skill, I still agree with OP that with the speed levelling also the special skill levelling should be faster on costumes - e.g. why not double the chance for each feeder hero used when levelling costumes?
And to add insult to injury, feeding the original hero doesn’t give an additional chance to level the special of the costume. I’m sitting on 3 surplus Rigards, but feeding one of them them will only give a 40% chance to level the special of the costume.
I have some 3* costumes that I am levelling. As they level very quickly they are not maxing their special skills. I have Valen, Hawkmoon, Bane and others. None of them are progressing well with specials. My C Bane is currently 3/10 and his special is 4/8. The others are going the same way.
I feed on colour, is anyone else having this problem? The only thing the costume will be good for is the base stats.
Also is it possible to feed away the maxed costume and start again?
First, remember that you will increase the chances of improving the special by feeding by 10 heroes of the same color 2% per each 1* and 4* for each 2*
Second, if you reach 3/50 and still not max you can still feeding just the percentage go up
10% per 1* and 20* per 2* of the same color, 10% for 2 * of different colors, etc so to make sure that you do not waste food taking chances, get 100% chance to level the skill by feeding 5 2* or 10 1* of the same color
Also, as another “not to worry” tidbit, if you hit 3^50, and your specials are not yet full, each feeder you feed will have the % effectiveness increased by 5X
So, say you have Valen, who is not yet maxed in level, each 1* blue feeder has a 2% chance to increase the special, but if he is maxed, that same 1* blue feeder will have the % upped to 10%. A 2* same color would give you 20%.
Note, this is the same with regular heroes, not just costumes.