The special ability on fully leveled costumes is only 3 from 8 most of the time…
Did some costume pulls yesterday and now i have 4 costumes for 3* heroes.
Leveling these costumes works a lot faster - more experience per feeder hero.
But not for the special ability. So you have to use a lot of feeder heroes to get the special to 8 on a fully leveled 3* costume
It can be already tricky to get the special to 8 while leveling a 3* hero. But for costumes it seems impossible. Did nobody mention that during beta ??
Does it matter? Once the costume is fully levelled it gets to the same thing as a normal hero… Special skills get a 5x chance at leveling up with extra feeders.
I.e. once it’s maxed and the special skill isn’t, a single 1* on colour hero goes from 2% chance to 10% chance.
Doesn’t really take that much extra feeding to max the special skill after the hero leveling is done…
I personally usually feed 1-3 1* to them at a go and get it done easy.
If you take 10 1* heroes one by one you have 10% probability - if you are lucky you get more than zero abiltiy gains…it’s all about luck. If you use 10 once you are sure. That’s simple…
All these additional heroes are a senseless waste caused by wrong adjustment for costumes.
It works the same way as with heroes. You can level-up a maxed costume for leveling up the special. With enough heroes of the same colour you get a 100% propability.
I know that for sure. But costumes are leveled much faster than heroes and the special skill is at 3 or 4 and you need a lot of feeder heroes only for the special skill. That’s complete needless. Level some 3* costumes and you will see…
I just finished my Bane costume this morning, thought I’d throw some info out in case it helps:
I started with the original Bane being 3-50 with max 8/8 skill. I used 1* same-color feeders (which is my habit for 3*) - each gave 450XP on the costumed version rather than the usual 180XP I would see from a 1* same-color.
I fed one-at-a-time, and Bane Costume reached 3-50 with only 4/8 skill. I then topped it off using 40x 1* same-color feeders (ten-at-a-time for 100% skill increase).
Final products, now that both original and costume are maxed and 8/8 skill, including the corresponding +5% Attack, +5% Defense, +10% Health:
Costume version has +37 Attack, -7 Defense, and -80 Health compared to Original. 280% Special damage vs 300% but the difference in Attack rating makes those almost identical, with Costume having -40% Blind instead of -35%.
Conclusion: I will most often use the costume version if I’m making attacks (I only use 3* in Rare events and in 3* tourneys), because the special will hit for about the same damage, but the tile damage will be higher; with a dip in durability being the tradeoff. But I think the tile damage will be worth it.
EDIT: +5% mana from the costume bonus seems useless on this hero, as in cases where I would use him, I would not have a mana troop available to bring him to 15% mana which is what he’d need to get to 7 tiles.
When I got Brienne at 3-50, i lucked out with the special and had it at either 5/8 or 6/8. One of the two. Since I run two TC 11s generating enough feeders to max out the special is not a problem for me but I do see how this can be an ongoing problem. You would think with the bump in xp there would also be a slight bump in special percentages. I know dupe costumes give 50% chance to raise the special but I usually use the extra costumes for the xp.
There is even more of a problem when including a 3* duplicate costume in the leveling as it eliminates one whole level of individual hero feeding. I fed a duplicate Hawkmoon costume to her costume leveling and it entirely filled her second 2/3 level but no skill increase until after I final ascended her. Her costume ended up at 5/8 skills. Therefore, my amount of time to max her skills were reduced and so her duplicate costume in actuality was a wasted resource that didn’t improve the heroes skills and actually increased the likelihood her costume skills would be less than 8/8.