Costume Bonus issue


Does anybody know if the values 3/3/6/1 for costume Bonus is correct for a 5* hero and his costume with 4/80 and SS 8/8?


Costume bonus is not the same for all heroes. Some heroes costumes give 3/3/6/1 bonus. I dont have this costume but I assume this is correct.

Only S1 costumes get the good bonus.

When they were tested there was an outcry as the event heroes with the standard bonus were seen as very overpowered (back then they were) so this was the devs compromise. Now with all the newer heroes it seems a somewhat pyrrhic victory.

Costume of event-heroes are like this, unlike the S1-costumes.
Eventually the values of some costumes will be buffed later with a newer version/update of the game.

Ok thanks for reply,
I had only s1 5* costumes so far, so was wondering about this one.

Doesnt make sense to met zu limit the Bonus for newer heroes, but it is like it is.

Here is some more detail on the different costume bonuses.

I think some S2 heroes got the good 5/5/10/5 bonus as well. I forgot who exactly though…

Seems so, with some of the challenge festival and S3 heroes. Apologies, been out of the loop for a long time

Event heroes get the same bonus as S1 heroes. Seasonal heroes get the lesser one.