Continuing worsening boards

I’m still laughing at myself! I confidently went to look at opening board captures because some are epic until I realised all but two show boards with a pile of the wrong colour! Apparently I only record bad things. :joy:

2 out of ten would be at least once a day. I get these kinds of boards more like once a week, and usually in off-colours.

I am screenshooting my starting boards right now. Soon I will be going through them and I can come up with an accurate number.

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I don’t know for other players, but for me and the members of the alliance that participate in the attacks , it’s been over a week That of six attacks or revenge , for several days I lost six , this is because they touched the system that provides the board , I got to use very quick mana heroes several times and they didn’t activate I’m really a player who really likes this part of the game But after Telluria arrived in the game, a lot of things changed, they could have avoided that before she speared it, I didn’t get it, but my defense kept calm for 2600 trophies a day, And after they changed (nerf) the heroes to balance the game they disappeared with the stones To activate the heroes, I don’t have a good team of heroes, but one that bothers me . Telluria only shows that whoever evaluates the heroes before the launch should review the consequences because the noor was weaker . I would like you to go back to normal I don’t mind losing but you spend more than a week losing by a ridiculous board I see as slutty

SG touching the board generating system. The system looks unhappy about it, it seems to be being violated. Maybe they really did give specific people bad boards. Oh wait, they only gave some alliances bad boards. Oh wait, they only gave FTP players bad boards. Oh wait, they only gave P2W players bad boards. Oh wait, they gave EVERYONE bad boards. That is why everyone’s raid scores and war scores have dropped to 0.


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May be how worse the boards is depend on how many trophies you have, and also you highest team power at that moment ?

For example your highest team power is 3600, then you able to get max 1800 trophies, but once you get over 1800 or even 1900 trophies the program will offer you continuing worsening boards, even the boards is not that bad but opponents attacking power are unreasonably high, and your attacking power is become low and even always hitting miss, no matter how good your heroes are, how good you strategy is, color stacking, opponents team power is lower than you… etc, you fianlly lose the battle.

You can say win or lose may actually pre-set, their goal is keeping you to have “reasonable trophy amount” unless your higest team power is upgraded.

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Hahaha “rng” . This is fourth bad board todays tournament. I was so angry that i made screenshot. FOURTH. always the same full of blue dices.


Don’t worry, soon some idiots will be along to tell you how you could have played that board to victory easily. They always act like Telluria isn’t going to be charged after your first play, and that at that point the game is over.

Or they’ll tell you that you just need to spend a few tens of thousands of euros to build a team that can win 40% of the time.

It’s always going to be your fault, never the fault of the broken game.

Maybe all of these people are just so new they don’t remember when the game worked.


Why do you play a broken game?

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So he can keep complaining about it. Duh!


Ugh! That is all.


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Why would they bother programming an algorithm like this?
The way that raids are matched and the difference in TPs will keep you in a range but far more organically.

It is happening to me this week and the previous one… 9 of 10 boards are extremely bad. I use monocolor or 3-2 for war/tournaments/rides… and every time I start a battle… there are 2 or 3 tiles of my colours… one on the left corner… the other at the middle… And when I start to move the tiles… my colour never comes… it can’t be random… because if this were random… I would have bad-bad-good-bad-good-good-bad… but this is bad-bad-bad-bad-bad-… I cant even activate my heroes specials… and I am 64 level, with many legendary heroes talented… but tiles… tiles never come!!! I am getting upset, because it doesn’t matter the heroes you have, the level… the materials… it is just all about the board. Im getting bored of this… and I can’t understand why this happens, but this is not funny


I think developers doesn’t want players able to get too many trophies with low team power. When consider loot tier is better on diamond class that arrangement is reasonable, but from player’s point of view that arrangment is very frustrating, and even make them hate on that.

RNG is a good tool to cover many things, including truth…



[Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy - #2220 by Pompitous]

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Your answer doesn’t make sense.

You completely missed the point I was making

Well hmmm, it could be my fault that you don’t understand but… I don’t believe that’s the case.

At any rate, nor does it matter

You haven’t seen the code
And neither have I

I believe there are weighted values after experiencing repetition. Clusters. Waves.

I even think it’s fun to be a believer!
The slot machines tightens when you close one eye
When you close them both!

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I have seen stuff… The stuff looks fine and normal to me… the stuff uses Linear Feedback Shift Register for pRNG… No special treatment to skew the distribution, from what I see…

You’ve been playing with pants on…

You want to see something?
Made of math and lead.
You want to see lightning in a bottle?

Put those pants on your head!

Your answer doesn’t make sense.
You completely missed the point I was making