Contest of Elements Terrible for Newer Players

I mean I’m sure if someone put a list of the Top 10 yellow 5* up I wouldn’t have more than 4 of them…

But I have gotten very lucky to catch some dupes of a few of the very good ones so have just levelled them due to the Xnol purple meta.

So starting with yellow is probably my best one as that’s been the most hit lately

Funny enough yellow is my worst in depth :slight_smile: It is tied with red on the lowest 5* maxed (8), tied for the least premium 5* (3 are base S1, tied with blue and green), and once Gretel is done tied for least maxed 4* (16 with Blue). So it is the one if any I should have concerns.

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Thanks to Purple tanks Yellow is the first colour I levelled a dupe in. I now have 3 dupes, all yellow and will be starting a 4th very soon.

No other colour have I ever ascended a dupe. Red is genuine concern. Healers I have 1 Boldtusk, 1 Grazul and 1 Hawkmoon…

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So it’s funny how randomness works. Yellow was one of my weaker colors (along with blue and green), but then I just got a slew of yellow HoTMs, so I have 11 maxed 5*, whereas I’m still hurting for green with 6 maxed 5*. The only saving grace for green is that I have quite a few 4* greens to work with, particularly mana controlers (2x Hansel, 3x Tettukh, 2x Peters).


Ah I have level several dupe healers in all colors cause I prefer to war double healer.

Yellow 4* dupe I have an emblemed Gulli and unemblemed Jackal.
5* I have a duplicate Bai Yeong maxed.

I have duplicated leveled everywhere, mainly healers, dispel (Sonya) and my only 2 premium 5* heroes that I have duplicates of (Bai and Anzogh)

I have 2 C. Rig, 2 C. Mel, 2 C. Tusk, 2 Gulli, and 2 C. Kiril emblemed. But have a 3rd Tusk, Kiril, and Rigard not emblemed. Also have 3 C. Kash not emblemed for towers cause I dont like to use a bunch of items and overheal is so nice lol.

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I’m wondering a little bit about the “suggested TP” for this event.

Yes you’re allowed to use double battle items — which seems like a bald play to drain, oh, like a hundred of each major battle item used from players’ inventories — but according to Beta reports the first stage “suggests” 3000 TP, followed by 3300 TP.

Some Beta players reported being able to use 3* heroes in early stages, but those appear to have been fully emblemed, often LB, top 3* (while a team of mostly unemblemed 3* heroes comes in at around 2600 TP)

— a point here being that when counting “do I have 25 heroes of the right color,” counting a significant number of not-fully-or-nearly-so-cranked 3* heroes is probably not indicative of ability to finish.

On the other end, reportedly the top stage has a suggested TP of 5400, which is already beyond actual TP of non-mono teams — my own best 5* yellow heroes have a TP under 4700. Yes I know double battle items but… really?

I know “but but but new events aren’t supposed to BE for everyone! newer players should have something to aim for!!!” but I have been playing for over 3.5 years and have reached level 74.

I have no pretensions of being anything near the strongest player in this game — but I am not a newer player. This event will not just exclude “some newer players,” it will exclude a LOT of players, including possibly me and almost certainly anyone who has a less developed roster than I do.

Even for players who can just barely finish, burning through 100 bombs, dragons, etc in order to earn two Dawas….


25 heroes will be enough. I did some basic maths. Still harsh on new players though I agree

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But maybe, only for a small chance, you can get a new 5* hero.

Statistically every 50th player who completes the event will get a new event hero.
Bombs and axes and mana potions you can craft, but top tier heroes are to be summoned, with gems or tokens. My best yellow mono team is above 4800TP, with battle items it should be doable.

Happy gaming and good luck

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My best mono yellow team is in the lower 4700s, I have about the same time as you in the game…

I think though using best power is deceiving, I will probably approach more like a tower and use Gulli+Scoratek on final 2 waves.

Every 500th draw, in point of fact. (About one in 250 players who complete the event and get two draws will get an event hero.)

It’s arguable whether I personally would consider “make 25000 time stops, bombs, dragon attacks, and top-level heals to get one event hero” worth it if it were a guarantee — but of course it’s not a guarantee because probability does not work that way (and even if it did, it would do so across 250 iterations of this event, i.e. in like 500 months or nearly 42 years)

Honestly, I’m getting a little tired of the “Lucy yanks the football away” aspect of the game. The event seems to me mostly a front for Yet Another Summoning Portal


Isn’t that what they all are and have always been? Since I started playing the game every single event coincided with a portal, and you earn 1-2 summons by playing the event… not really much different here.

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Sorry if it feels like that for you, but the math (and my own experience), tells something different.

Happy gaming

Except for what I’ve been trying to say for some time

harder events should have better rewards

And here is a much harder, likely-non-completable-by-many-players, and much more expensive to complete (in items) to complete for many players…

…for the same reward? (Or possibly less, if talking about the chance of an actual new hero.)


I am all for better rewards, but sorry I missed that point in your thread, thought it was more focused on the difficulty to complete (and not what we receive for completion).

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You’re right that most of my attention, except the ‘two Dawas’ snark, was focused on the completability - especially because so many folks are dismissing this as “there are some things newer players shouldn’t be able to do.”

This is far from being about just newer players - it excludes arguably quite a large fraction of the playerbase from trying, and follows the trend (not least of all cf. Alliance Quest) of trying to get players to burn resources almost purely for a “sense of accomplishment” without any pretense at reasonably proportional in-game reward.

Accomplishment in a game feels a little better to me when I get some actual-yay reward in the game, not “ooh you beat the Ultra Boss! have a grey token, two training swords, and an extra condescending pat onna head, my little ATM!”


Hm, IDK I have gamed for years and the accomplishment really is the biggest piece to me… there are numerous console games where you may defeat extra challenge bosses and maybe don’t need the loot or get no loot? Running through the original Mario’s I didn’t get loot or anything I could carry over to a new game. WoW for example you raided with so many people your chances of getting an item were small you’d have points accumulate in guilds so you spend those points when there was a drop cause they were rare. It was great to accomplish clearing some of the toughest dungeons in the game. As loot increased and the pace of the game increased it felt like LESS of an accomplishment, something new all the time and you did not feel like you could enjoy your hard earned loot before it was outdated (sound familiar?). This game is moving that direction though with the pace of events and release of heroes… its a big different cause all of that content is paywalled so on a personal level I still get lots of time to enjoy something I get new, but that certainly isn’t the case for big spenders.

Edit: I will say once you get the accomplishment replay is for loot only lol

Suggested TP has always been a lot higher than what is really needed for most content.

I have been also playing for 3.5yrs, don’t grind much if at all though so my level isn’t as high as yours. I have 23 fully levelled yellows plus a 3/1 Li Xiu and a few 1/1 heroes haven’t got round to yet ( likely to use Kara of the 1/1s

The challenge is the main part of the game that’s fun. This will be a challenge and that’s why I’m interested in doing it. ToL final level can be completed using just 3* heroes. For newer players that is a good starting point for the roster mastery and getting used to similar type of quest, for players that have been playing a while this is the ramped up difficulty to keep things interesting.

I’ve never decided whether to play content based on the rewards. It’s all about how challenging/ fun the concept is.

I don’t know if I will complete this. Playing an unfamiliar setup in mono, deciding on best team lineups, best items to use given mat shortages due to not farming etc Will feel like an accomplishment if I do it though and that’s better than any in-game pixel reward


I have been playing for 3.5 years (started February 2019). I’m level 94.

Interesting that we all use time to describe our journey, but we’re all at different levels, have different rosters, and different experiences through the game.


I get that people play games for the sake of the play itself/accomplishment in itself, and there are games where winning/getting accomplishments doesn’t carry over. And I don’t want to call anyone else’s gameplay “badwrongfun”!

Just… a couple points toward this

  • I view games built around in-game economies (notably gems, but also resources like food, iron, heroes, troops, ascension and battle items, etc) differently, since the game is about the economies and getting players to respond to a whole bevy of incentives. This game has trained players to “do X to get Y and a chance at Z,” so I don’t think it unreasonable for, for a harder X, that it should be somewhat reasonably attainable and/or have a better Y, Z
  • If, as players, we continue to respond to “we made X harder for the same or lesser rewards” with “yay, let’s keep throwing resources, especially money, at X, at the same or increased pace,” then we are incentivizing SG to continue bringing out harder content for unimproved or reduced reward and disincentivizing any improvements in future rewards

Its good we need events for level 50 players level 80 players level 100+ players
When a level 105 do an event of difficulty 80 there is no interest no challenge, if top players stop to play ==> less players ==> less community ==> less money ==> and they will delete the game for ALL players few years later.

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