I posted the link to this Google Sheets Classes Tool I created in another another class related topic right after classes were released. I also know the link has been shared numerous times in Line and other platforms. The tool seems to be well received, and I have been asked by numerous people to create a separate topic for it. So, my intent for this thread is it to be a place were people can leave feedback (good or bad) and potentially provide suggestions for enhancements to it. Also, I will use this thread to update people when I make significant changes to it. Since it works best if you save a copy to your personal Google drive it’s easy to miss out on changes/updates.
I am sure there are still bugs and issues with it so if you see something odd please let me know.
I have been using it to grind out the different paths you can take.
Def/hel = defense followed by health
def/att = defense followed by att
hel/def, hel/att, att/def, att/hel
Somewhere along the line I have taken for granted that defense is at least 2X better than health, is that true? To the right of each hero I did a def + Hel/2 to give a combined Def/hel score.
Here is a snippet of a few heroes, seems someone with better mastery of xcel could whip up a similar selection for every hero.
thank you–i downloaded and filled it with my heroes…i don’t know what it is about this game, but this is the first time that i’ve ever downloaded a spreadsheet and out my stats in it for any game.
I finally got the update and Thorne’s stats have now been updated. Also, all the heroes that had special changes have their new cards loaded and descriptions updated on the lookup tool. (except for Boomer… if someone has him maxed I could use a copy of his card)