Chance dropp of the legegendary heroes

lol !!!I want to contact the developers of this game! Dear, if you can call the developers! Many players are not quite satisfied with the percentage of loss of Legendary heroes from the events. 1.3% is what is it? THIS ZERO is practically just an insignificant chance !!! For each call of Atlantis, I spend about 20 calls and I get 5 times MNESUS, WHAT !? What is the MNESUS !? What are you doing there? If you want the game to last longer then enter you 6 * heroes and let your worthless percentage of 1.3 shares be there. Because if you calculate it so that 1 legendary hero would fall out, you need to spend $ 300 THREE DOLLARS this is my salary!
And that is not the fact that it will fall out because there is no system of accumulating bonus percents !!! Nonsense! People spend time and money, and because of your greed, I won’t be surprised that online players will soon fall and your income will also decrease!

Yes, this is perfectly normal.

20 Characters.

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Clearly they don’t have any clue as to how to develop a successful game.

What’s the name of your game that you sold to Zynga for 560 million?


You ask me or???

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Yeah, forum bugged out. I edited the rest of my question back in.

What’s the name of your game that you sold to Zynga for 560 million?

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1.3 percent its normal? lol

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So you spend money on a game you don’t like and we’re the idiots?

Sounds like SGG has figured out something you haven’t.


Neat. But can you right a cogent sentence?

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For your information i speak 4 languages and i can’t write perfect on all

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Yeah, I’ve played for longer and the only 5* I have are duplicate Justices. Not exactly stellar rates. The game is a grind. There is no instant gratification.

But, knowing that, I question why you would throw money at the screen if you weren’t willing to be unlucky. Don’t gamble if you can’t accept the outcome.

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It’s great you’re trying. But if I can’t read it, I’m not wasting my time trying.

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No clue what point you are trying to convey. Write a full sentence.

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true bro
10 characters

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Quite untrue, actually. Player base still expanding. For every rage quitter another 2 new full time players coming on.


Вы серьёзно??? 5 призывов подряд в Атлантиде и 5 героев подряд 3*, просто корм!!! 5 подряд!!!

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Twenty Characters.

All the cool parts and amd aspects of this game and the ability to join alliances and make friends from all over the world and all anyone can focus on is 1.3% on a legendary flipping hero. How about the fact that the actual developers share time on these boards to try and get feedback and improve it… or maybe the memebers and regulars that bust their ■■■ and provide AWESOME information to help everyone out. U pull for a legendary and don’t get one. Ok. It’s probably frustrating. But it’s a chance. It’s a gamble. U want a legendary and not have to worry about losing ur 401K then get SH20 and TC20s. But wishing people financial ruin and failure at something that has been most likely a LARGE part of their lives because u didn’t get a flippin Atalantis 5⭐️??? Cmon. I swear I am as decent a person u will ever find and I’m pretty friggin positive too but right about now I’m slipping towards the dark side. Try to enjoy the 99.9% of this game that doesn’t involve u getting a flipping legendary hero. Please. And if u can’t…
and I’m not being a smart ■■■ here… life is way to short to get so worked up. Find a game that’s better fitted for u. Hate to c anyone go but sometimes ya gotta admit that not everything is maybe ur cup of tea. Best of luck to u and I mean that but enough with talking foul to others and wishing ruin and failure on people. Too far. Thanks just too far.

I think we just notice the duplicates when we don’t particularly like the hero. Like the people convinced that TC20 only gives Renfield (or Friar Tuck). This time around, I got the Atlantis heroes Chochin, Namahage, Melia, Mnessus, Agwe. Melia and Mnessus were dupes and got eaten. Agwe is not a priority, but I’ll level him if nothing comes around in Blue, Chochin is getting leveled simply because I have no purples in the pipe, Mnessus is a long way from getting any love :slight_smile: (even if I do get stuck using him on the cleric trials).

That little mini vent wasn’t directed at u @mpolo. I’m sorry if u thought it was. Just some people dropping profanity and basically wishing ruin on others is too much. I’ll b honest Agwe is actually a great hero. And don’t sleep on Mnessus. I wouldn’t believe how productive he is maxed out and with Rare Heros tokens go far. I’ve gone against him at level 11 and he’s no slouch!!! Best of luck to u and I like Agwe as more aggressive leveling project. His wave can do damage especially if stacking!

Agwe’s only behind Sonya (4/40 or so) in my blue list. Still holding out an insane hope that Frida shows up, but I’m unlikely to get enough coins for another pull unless I get a good Atlantis coin reward somewhere — the new levels take 9 energy…

Mnessus is a bit farther back — doing Skittleskull now, then have to decide between Kashrekk, Mnessus, Friar Tuck. I don’t see Kashrekk as being particularly useful on attack, and I’m pretty happy with Boldtusk on tank, so maybe Mnessus will get some love sooner than later. (His sister is maxed…)