Challenge Event Ranking Target Scores Guide

It is by far the best indicator we have, and I’ve been pretty good at predicting the required scores this time around, IMO.

But most important, again, it’s about the relative differences between the points in the stages.

Yes, it is getting harder every month. But that isn’t relevant; people are not stupid, people are not robots, if they see that their scores are not high enough, they can choose to make another push;

At that point, which stages do you replay? You replay the stages that are on the lower end of the spectrum instead of stages that are already above the upper range.

Then isn’t the better advice the rule of thumb that your score should go up around 2k points per level, except lvls 9 13, 14, and 15? As you say people aren’t robots. They know if a run was good. I use my runs to calibrate expectations for other runs. That’s more helpful than past events. Though I also compare to my best score from past events to calibrate as well.

Allow me to flex a bit here: 2 consecutive wins and multiple top 10 placements in Epic ;).

You can’t bomb your way through a lot of the stages though, so you do need somewhat of a decent starting board too. But maybe with a very well synergized 2-2-1 or 3-2 setup, yes.

Let me actually post this here as a reference too. This is the only screenshot I took of my scores and they aren’t that good either (to my standards).


too cool! howd you do on the other tiers?

I just went for the lowest tiers that gave the WE flasks. Starting prep for Guardians, so can use those very well!

That is wild. I finished #67 and not one of my scores is even close to that

I improved some levels a bit, but ended up 10th with 1063k.

If that’s the gauge you’re using yourself, that’s fine. I have a different one. you think yours is better, I think mine is way better.

Just try to get 2k higher on stage 2 compared with stage 1. it is freaking hard. Try to get 2k higher on stage 3 compared with stage 2. Same thing.

By day 3-4, I’ve played so many stages I don’t even remember which ones were good or bad, except maybe a really stand out board.

Do you remember which stages you got a chest on, for example?

But yes, i do too. But you know what? You don’t have to use just a single indicator. I use that, I use whatever scores other people got as a reference, if there’s not enough, i use past events as a reference. And finally, I use my chart as a reference. It’s worked extremely well for me.

@TheChef @MW4 Guys, this chart is for players who have absolutely no idea what it takes to rank. This chart wasn’t made for veteran players who easily and routinely rank higher than I do. It’s made for players who are starting out on trying to rank in challenge events but don’t really know what to do.

They can compare the target scores per stage with their own scores. If their “best” stages are still below the lowest threshold for their target ranking tier, then chances are ranking will be tough.

But if they have a couple of stages that are right at where the target scores are right at where the upper ranges are, then they know they have a very decent shot at making a specific ranking tier.

it’s a starting point for people to get started and see how realistic their chances are and decide whether they want to attempt it.

If you routinely get top 100 or whatever, of course you don’t need this.

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I think past performance gives us a jumping off point, but when I’m looking for levels to replay, I’m definitely looking for outliers in the progression. Also your score bands are very broad. I don’t think it tells us much to say the score should fall between 83k and 93k.

all those perfected emblemed 4* reds paying off hugely for you. didnt even need to level up most of your troops!

makes me think I should strip a few 5* heroes of emblems and max emblem my 4* reds for the next event.

Ok, then let me ask this; if you add up all the lowest scores you put in the table, would that get you enough points to get into the top 500? If not, your table is invalid.

Since you state that these thresholds get you top 500; all lowest scores added up should get you #500 and all highest scores added up should get you #11.

That’s a fair point. I guess then I would go back to my original point that breaking things down by what appear to be reward tiers is likely to be misleading to who are aiming for that tier. Yes they will be able to see that they need to push harder if they aren’t there, but they can already see that.

@CoreyOfTheIsland, only if you plan on going for top 10. If not, don’t waste resources.

The usefulness comes from broad ranges. If I just gave a single number, that’s what will be useless, because scores vary widely across events and as competition gets tougher.

The range of scores I give is what I call “the 80/20 of challenge event rankings”.

Getting into that range takes 20% of the effort for 80% of the results. The range is broad, because you always get one or two really great runs that allows you leeway into getting a few lower scoring stages. Trying to score higher than the upper mark will take significantly more effort/luck, unless you are a player who is way beyond that ranking tier already.

But I get it, the chart is not useful for you, personally. That’s fine, then get out of the thread then.

No. The chart is designed to average out to top 500.

Because everyone gets a good board occasionally, so you can get away with a few lower scoring stages.

There’s literally no reason for a top 500 ranker to even attempt getting stages that would be competitive in the top 10-20.

I’m all for helping people rank in their desired tier. As a matter of fact, I’ve spend hours of my free time helping people improve their scores and still am (ask the 15 to 20 ppl that I’ve helped just this weekend). But hey, if our input isn’t appreciated…

One last thing tho; I usually advice people to focus on 1 or 2 levels that they can improve significantly instead of a little bit on every stage. It may take a little more WE, but in the end it’s way more effective.


Ok, fine, but I’ll point this out one last time. The range of scores needed to hit tiers seems to be going up. So looking at the average of what it took before is likely to be misleading. I think your chart needs to take that into account.

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Seriously… I don’t know what your problem is. There is nothing that’s misleading, I even said right at the beginning that this is just a suggest/reference and doesn’t guarantee anything, and that scores vary widely across different months and events.

It’s a quick gauge to see whether it’s realistic for a player to reach a certain ranking tier without having to crawl through thousands of posts or having dozens of friends who are already in that range telling them what they need. It’s not perfect, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s useful, way more useful than your simple 2k+ per stage rule of thumb that doesn’t work between any of the stages, laughably.

And it’s also a good quick way to see which stages can easily improve in score. If you don’t understand how to use the chart, that’s not the chart’s problem, that’s your own problem.

When I was starting out, I know I would be very thankful for a chart like this.

That is not what this is at all. It doesn’t seem you have the ability to understand what this chart means no matter how much I try to explain it.

Instead of coming and giving a bunch of logically flawed arguments about why my chart is useless garbage crap, you could be giving actual suggestions on how to improve it and make it more broadly useful.