Celimene - 5* Ice / Blue from Challenge Festival 2

I’ve been itching to replace Isarnia on my red titan team for a while now. Happened to pick up both Bobo and Celimene this portal. Really wish Celimene had 4 turns of ailment still and would personally prefer her damage reduced in exchange for that extra turn of ailment. So as is- Who’s better for titans, Bobo or Celimene?


Bobo is much better.

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Bobo hands down for titans. One of the best ice titan heroes in the game. Gives massive DD and survivability. Celimene is meant more for raids and maybe towers if you have narcisa

I use Bobo @ 3/70 on my red titan team
This team

These scores

So I would take both to 3/70 and see which one fits your needs better.
Congratulations on your new additions both are good heros!


How do you survive? I mean a hit from titan on several 3.70 heroes
If you have a lot of health with you, then not enough space for mana?

Happy gaming


Most likely repeated silence from Miki…with mana pots.

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I run a similar team, all at 4.80 but one at 3.70
As you say, wiki prevents the special attack from Titan but not the slash attack, which sometimes actually kill a hero.
Ps. We are fighting 14*

Happy gaming

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Not with Bobo’s -60% attack down. Add in arrows or timestops, and you’ll be alright. Match is only 1:30 anyway; damage > HP

(And she even has Alexandrine to help heal on top; I’ve always used Jott instead, and still been fine)

Can’t speak for @L33tVortex12596 obvi, but I never brought health pots against any 14* titan I faced, and I used exclusively 3/70 vs all of em

& Saying that and realizing, it’s not even the worst of it. There are a handful of 3/50 3* that are much better suited for titans than any 4* / 5*


@RandaPanduh is correct … we cap at 12* for comfort but time stop and nados are my friends … plus I try to stay in the sweet spot :wink:

Now back to our regularly scheduled program
Celimene is a very nice hero…congratulations!

P.S. Alex is for crit.





Wow! Congratulations that is Awesome!

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thx :grinning:, this was the final attempt after getting pissed off by a lot of bad pulls.


That happens to me often … lol… great rewards for your conviction though

I only want Rhys and got Celimene three time lol great pulls


How would you compare Celimene with Adalinda? They look very similar. Which one of them would you prefer?

@AlexanderTG that was my earlier comment which addresses your question, but both good heroes nevertheless. Wouldn’t mind hearing some other thoughts though :thinking:


I’d love to have her just because of the art, really. To me she seems like a lot improved version of Athena - stats wise and damage wise too, obviously (comparing 2017 and 2023 hero, kinda obvious). Def down wise, Athena is still better on red titan than Celimene, but Celimene excels everywhere else over Athena. She even is a same class as Athena - ranger. Only Bobo is better than Athena on red titan, but don’t have him.

I little don’t understand the ‘can’t get their status ailments cleansed’ part of special. I understand that Rigard or Vivica can’t cleanse ailments, when it is active, but can Kiril’s def up for example replace her def down? That is not considered cleansing, it’s an ailment replaced by buff. Not completely sure how is that supposed to work.

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i believe shes a beast but i dont have her what do i know. seems like most are disappointed why is that? 400% is no joke.

I believe they are pretty much on par with each other. I find when I hit with Adalinda it tends to be game over. Haven’t maxed Celimene but think it will be very similar results. having her defense down one turn less yet undispeallable is kind of a wash. Passives again are kind of a wash. Celimene passive dropping attack down to 50% effectiveness for whole team I think is undevalued. Mind you the covenants 10% chance to get no damage is really nice as well if not entirely reliable. And finally Celimene like all bards has an awesome family perk with the covenenant family perk kind of meh. I think both are great heros.


Yep their DD can be replaced with defence up, as that is not considered cleansing with a special. I’ve tested it and can confirm.