Calendar of Events for Nov & Dec 2021 Announced - Discussion

Fair enough. Perhaps I should say that, when given the opportunity to give F2P something they can appreciate, SGG seldom takes it these days. I don’t think that was always the case.

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I know a lot of you have asked about the future of old Challenge Event Heroes, we have addressed this question in our latest announcement here:

I hope this will clarify the situation. :slight_smile:


With diluted summons you better vote for the event with the hero you most want.


Well, them joining the hero academy isn’t really exciting as with all those heroes there now + the small 5% weekly the chance to get one you are after (or even one you don’t have) will be astronomical.

Also, being a part of a joint event also isn’t really good news; if you are after i.e. Gazelle, chances of getting her were 0.2%… now with 5 events combined into single portal, that’s 0.04% - 1 in 2500 pulls.

If that joined portal isn’t well designed with odds/featured heroes/player’s choice etc. it’s going to be as bad as original ToL if not worse.

But at least we know now what the Challenge Festival is :wink: One less thing to distract us from planned summons…


I figured long ago that trying to get a specific 5* from events or HA is just a recipe for disappointment so none of this really bothers me. I treat them like nice bonuses if I happen to get something new from HA like Grimble or an event 5* I kinda like the idea of one big grab bag - though since of all these old events I only need Boomer to complete my set of all the 4* in the game I had to vote pirates but I know I’m going to be stuck trying to get him from the new festival lol.


Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Pretty sure this was the intent all along.


@Suicide_Bunny, I agree with you completely. This 5% turns HA10 into an almost useless waste of a week. It would be logical to exclude S1 heroes from the Academy at all, as they are available on TC. I think so about Heroes of All Stars, not just 5*.

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You have can season one pulls if they always come with costume.

Really? @Draerius, I will build the HA10 in a month, and I already have almost all the S1 costumes. :slight_smile:

Well good for you, I have 3 5* costumes, they aren’t easy to get.

No, there is only 5% chance to get the costumes too in HA10 if is available for the hero.

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Yes 5% is the current, the suggestion was no season 1… but I think they are fine in HA10 with costume (maybe a much higher chance than the 5%)

Yes, for non season 1 heroes it would be good to always have a costume too :slight_smile:


I really believe there needs to be a truly accessible way for players to get some of the key 4*s from the events without having to do a ton of pulls in a diluted gate.

You cannot compete in epic without guardian falcon, and how is that fair? Newer players looking at the leaderboard would wonder who he even is. When they realize the odds are astronomical to get a key 4*, why would they keep playing?

Alliances want people that can contribute to killing titans, and edd is kinda key to good scores.

Mana controllers like Hansel and Gretel came to older players at a reasonable cost to help in the craziness that is VF war.

So, while I’m not saying don’t retire these events as I’m sure all your whales are quite sick of them, i am saying that in the interest of fairness, you have to allow a way for f2p and new players to get these key heroes.

I remember being so excited to get jackal and falcon reasonably early on. (Not the first time through, but the second)
They were heroes i could level while I was working on my 5* defense at the same time, and it allowed to sometimes get the A on those titans, and then move to an alliance fighting bigger titans. They were a big help in progressing in the game, and while i realize that other excellent 4’s have been released since, the ones i mentioned still fulfill a need.

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They are taking about also adding them to what you can cook at 3/4* levels in HA so there will be 2 ways to get them.

Also consider that new heros may be added who take some of these functions in the new new events to be added as well as S5 heros

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Firstly, training camp 20 needs new blood. I Have all the heroes you can get from there currently.

I relation to the old events I liked the themes . The new events Circus, slashers Villains are all a bit similar, and less exciting and a bit underwhelming.

Maybe a refresh at some stage,of other fairy tales, aliens, and Super heroes.

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is there a free gift from SG in December?:pray::grin:

while i don’t disagree with the sentiment of making key heroes more easily available to newer players, Guardian Falcon is only one key cog of one strategy to compete at the Epic level in challenge events. he is not absolutely necessary. the leaderboard does contain some blue teams that feature Nordri and C. Gunnar (elemental defense down and shared damage concepts), but i personally finished 100th in the most recent iteration of Villains (could have improved further if i spent a few more gems on refills to improve level 9) and 30th in Starfall with a green team.

as for “newer players,” competing in Challenge Events is absolutely NOT something new players should be looking into until they’ve developed their roster. unless they’re willing to spend a lot of money right away, i estimate it will be at least a year if not longer until they 1) have developed the heroes that are capable of attaining high scores and 2) developed the ability to play boards in ways that get high scores. also, unless a player gets REALLY lucky, competing in Challenge Events is also one of the more cost prohibitive events of this game just because of the refills required to reach the leaderboard.

again, not disagreeing with the sentiment of making key heroes more easily available to newer players, but i just want to highlight that a major aspect of this game is working with what you have.

i’ve managed to pull my weight on my alliance’s green titans without Guardian Falcon or C. Marjana (or Zenobia for that matter). you just have to learn how to make your roster work for what you need it to do. yes, certain heroes are obviously the best for a given aspect of gameplay, but i’ve discovered that a lot of my 4* fire heroes make a much better titan team than the 5* heroes i had been using for titans. my scores increased, and while they would obviously increase further if i had Falcon, it’s a significant measure of progress.


G Falcon and G Jackal are one of the only elemental def down heroes somewhat accessible to F2P. EDD is a key part of the game for titans and events, as such removing them from the pool ( until further notice) is very unfair. While I do agree with the sentiment ‘make do with your roster’, certain key features/specials should be at least available in 3 or 4 star format. But that’s just my opinion.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing a Survival of the Fittest Challenge event. Something where the heroes do not recharge between battles. you can use potions and the like during the battle but if they end the battle with 50 health then that is what they start with next time you use them. once they die, they stay dead and you have to replace them with a different hero or leave the slot empty.

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