Calendar of Events for Nov & Dec 2021 Announced - Discussion

I use him in 12-13 star titans. If he gets hit out right he can be one shot. Axes and banners are cheap and keep him alive. What battle items are you using?


He itā€™s viable on every titan from 1* to 14*, we have batle items that keep him alive, also you can emblem and lb him, he itā€™s good hero.


If you have issues limit break him and get 20 emblems and focus on defense and hp perhaps.

Unless you have an alternate hero for yellow EDD

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Climbing on the bandwagon hereā€¦I also use jackel on titans 8 to 11*. I put him in the wings and heā€™s stays alive long enough to make a difference.:two_hearts:

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Thatā€™s the Jackars at the moment and heā€™s note viable option for me either way I have no option for purple Titan

Mine is full attack and he die in 2 hits by 14* titans, just use turtle banner and axe. Most of heroes die in 2 shoots by 14 titans anyway so hes not behind much


Nemesis, Well, Iā€™m using mana to set him off the first time, but he generally survives a few more hits - just like the other heroes and my alliance does exclusively 14* heroes. And calling Guardian Jackal ā€˜ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€™ is pretty rude - especially for new players who just pulled him.


Same way people are using C.Brienne against blue titans. If you know how to play and what heroes to use then you dont stick to whether those heroes are weak or not. You use them and you protect them. Otherwise you will wait C.Leonidas for ever and make 30K score in purple titans.


Some people without better options use even Bertulf on titans. If heā€™s LB+20 and you know what youā€™re doing, heā€™ll be much better option than Wu or Ranvir because of their goddamned misses.


Bertulf doubled what I was doing with wu, my purple titan hits are huge now. I LB him plus 20 and just keep revive scrolls in my bag to use when needed


By the previous Tower of Magic i was begging (and eventually managed)to get Sergei because i had no Purple defense down. I went from 30-35K damage to 80 and 90.
Now I also got Bertulf. No ā€œmiss miss miss missā€ anymore. Damn monkey.
Im a level 84 player but my red titan team consists of Bertulf Boldstuk Wilbur Falcon and Scarlet. You dont need 5 * LB full emblemed heroes for great damage at the titans. Just the right ones.


TolisK I use the very same heroes save for Scarlett. Never even thought about using 3 4* and only 2 5* in red - and scores are better than my 4 5* team in blue. As you said, it doesnā€™t matter (of course they are fully emblemed). - Btw, also using Bertulf in my yellow team - and Iā€™m not the only one in my alliance.

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Salve un player ĆØ stato bannato ingiustamente a vita potete fare qualcosa? Un certo tonno insuperabile ha bannato original king il quale non cā€™entra nulla e sta per bannare altri players fate qualcosa per favore

this new schedule that SG made, leaving the farm reduced by ā€œlack of space on the calendarā€ and rescheduling the costume event to every 2 months, In my opinion TOL, season 4, ninja tower is magic to stay 4 days, it makes the event boring, 4 days playing the same challenge becomes tiring and tedious, and the event is no longer desired.


It has to be long cos of all the levels. Lots of players need it longer still.

If you donā€™t like it, tough!

Ummmā€¦are you ok @Jack.O.Kent?

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Thereā€™s no requirement that you complete the towerā€¦or even use any flags there. I use it to help with monster chests so that I can use my WE on other stuffā€¦


I agreeā€¦

Those players wanting to complete the 75 levels need that time, especially as there are typically also other events at that time too, trials, recruits II, Christmas eventā€¦etc.

Rescheduling the costume event was a bummer, especially as S1 heros without costumes for me at least, are relegated to the bench :disappointed_relieved:.


Did I miss the monthly Omega event or are they making those rare to encourage buying Aethers?

Estimated a couple days from now.