Buff Salmon Loki ++

If dev eyes are on this thread (which I HIGHLY doubt), then I’d anticipate a new hero that will have a special that functions like the Scroll of Alteration as I suggested for this fish. It’d be a hero many would chase IMO

So how many new people got Salmon Loki this month? Make sure you vote to buff him at the top of this post.

This hero is crazy bad. Tried him out in maps and sees that he only damaged one color: yellow. It is like taking Mok-arr and then making him much, much worse. Why a hero that only damages one color?

Even if he was very fast, heck even if he charged in 3 shields/tiles he still would not be good. This hero does not need a buff, it needs a complete overhaul

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I’ve repeatedly said that this fish is the worst 5* ever…almost every 3* is too. It’s mind-boggling that it hasn’t received a MAJOR overhaul.

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But it has been buffed?

It has been buffed. Some people find him viable now, others find him still too weak. I haven’t tried him out personally.

@Ruskin505 @mpolo I’m extremely confident that the rate that Salmon Loki gets leveled up to max by owners is less than any other 5* and is surely below 1% of owners.


Salmon Loki needs to be completely reworked. Affecting only one color? His best use is then so niche and he isn’t even very good at it either.

Straight damage to all, messing around with counter color, or as others have said, let him affect tiles just like a scroll of alteration.

How hard can that be? With all these new op heroes the poor fish is just filler material for the soul exchange.

But are you referencing original salmon or new salmon?

Salmon Loki has been buffed. But you’re latest post doesn’t address why I originally responded.

@Ruskin505 we all know the Salmon has been buffed.

I posit that the aforementioned buff remains inadequate to render this character desirable enough to warrant the utilization of highly sought after ascension materials. I believe that this would be evident in data which SGG would have regarding the paucity of players utilizing and leveling this character in comparison to counterparts on the 5* tier.

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Even if it has been buffed, for myself remains a hero for collection. I have some purple heroes that I will ascend before salmon loki, but even if I was a free to play and it was my only purple, I’ll wait for another one instead of using the precious mats on salmon loki. What makes things worse is that when he was featured again in the portal I did’nt want to do pulls I was too afraid of pulling a second one, if the purpose of SG is to earn more money with the players the worst thing that they can do is to release a hero that is not desired by 90% of the players and who makes you pull less in that portal.


Agree, I dont do pulls when I see the fish featured.

I would like to ask SG: would you please fix the fish? ( i.e., Salmon Loki, or as I like to call him, glitter sushi) This hero defines dumpster fire and finding a use for him is like trying to eat soup with a knife, i.e., useless. Perhaps you can “balane” this into your next nerf update?

Has anyone found a use for the salmon, other than the upcoming soul exchange?


Like the use of your wording “like trying to eat soup with a knife”.
Made me laugh

There are some good testimonials for the salmon here.

A simple solution for a buff is to simply remove the “Holy” element to his initial damage component (e.g. 225% damage to all Holy enemies) and replace it with an “All enemies” being hit.

This way you initially damage all enemies, and then the randomness that he was designed for kicks in and any enemy with a Holy designation takes the extra damage.


Salmon’s color changing is status ailment, so it’s removed by the cleansers. I’ve been trying to use Salmon desperately. Its color change is random unlike G. Chameleon. Sometimes some enemies never became holy for 3 turns. And the cleansers like Prof. Liden and Ariel, etc even removed the randomness. How about making Salmon’s color change uncleansable? It may help people use it more often than now. Just my opinion.


Not sure if it was because of this thread but they did buff the fish. I still think Salmon Loki isn’t strong enough to be worth the tabards but at least he isn’t a complete joke now.

It’s too bad Salmon Loki isn’t a 4 star hero where people might be willing to give him a chance.

I have a f2p player that saved up a 30 pull for over a year…

BUFF THE FISH… he’s getting ready to feed all his hero’s to it …… :frowning::slightly_frowning_face:

Please fix it….

He pulled in the wrong portal