šŸ‘ŗ Boom & Fang - 5* Nature / Green from Goblin Village

With and without hachiko crit, both normal and mega minion do crit, didnā€™t know that, probably cause of never using crit troops or crit heroes paired with minions.


Interesting that the crit damage against titan isnā€™t damage x2 as on mobs but only x1,5 :thinking: need to test the crit minion stuff in raids too to see if itā€™s double damage :thinking::thinking:


Yes, minions do crits. The crit buff seems to be the only buff/debuff, besides Freyas +120% attack for minions, that applies to minions, too.

Iā€™ve also prepared some screenshots for my Freya minions:


Perfect test, mono team, mob all same color, least confusing since the minion can do different damage depending on being on weak/strong or neutral color hero :+1: too bad that attack up like gazelle etc doesnt work with minions too.


Just copied your Max and Franz team with c2Domitia. My Freyaā€™s a late bloomer. That minion damage is massive! :+1:


As far as I know, all regular minion canā€™t do anything with MM, so when you have regular minion from allies, it will replaced with MM but you canā€™t get regular minion as far you have MM and mega minion use attack from caster, it means will damage a lot when meet blue hero/monsters, and you can increase attack from allies hero e.g. Boldtusk.

Very agree, I levelled this hero to 85 but still not give an emblem, this hero special skill is useless when you already have MM with full health. This hero must have at least one more skill.


Boom and Fang should be called Boom and Bust.
Since he does nothing earth shattering, or ground shaking, He can be ignored by the opponent. Characters that can be ignored by the opponent are not worth summoning.

His minion when summoned, can be taken out with one shot or two shots.
At full mana if he uses his skill while having a minion, it just resummons the same minion. If damaged, it will seem like he heals that minion. (It is replaced.)
While he has a minion that counter attack is up but it is weak. It would be another thing if that counter attack went to other characters next to Boom & Fang.
Otherwise he is a very subpar tank and I donā€™t expect to see him on offensive teams since the offense is supplied by the minion. Once summoned it is a free attack that will go off every turn once summoned. Although it does some decent damage, it is singular and unpredictably random.

His passive is a 30% chance to do 70% damage to all enemies. Considering most enemies Armor level is going to be higher than that, I am not sure that is much of a threat.
The family bonus is not worth putting another goblin in so not much there.

Possible improvements.
Give Boom and Fang the taunt skill for the first three turns the minion is up like Phorcys. (I know many people would drop as many tokens as possible to get Boom & Fang if that happened)
Only one minion can be up at a time. If you could allow him to have a second or third minion and each attack from the Minions also subtracts 5% mana from the target, that would be decent.


The OP is updated with the changes in november balance update.

Is this guy only good as a tank? I canā€™t seem to think of any good uses for him outside of this. Certainly not on offense. Anybody having success with him at tank? Got a pic of his stats?

Weird hero. Not sure where he fits besides bloody tournaments. No upfront damage . Imagine as the last hero left on either attack or defense. Itā€™s like Ludwig by himself. Maybe Iā€™m missing something?

You miss 200% attacks and 100% counter attacks from mega minions. I used him in all events, and often he was the only one surviving, just avoid tiles that gave Mana to the enemy, MMā€™s attacks were quite strong especially against blue heroes, and the 100% counterattack give you a chance to make enemy die quickly. Iā€™m just disappointed because this hero was released at the same time as Madhammer, but his special skills are very far from him. At least he has 1 special skill too.

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The 200% is about 200 damage to 1 hero per turn. The counterattack would be great if it was also nearby. Not saying itā€™s bad, just not as good as the others. Like itā€™s missing something. Might bring an it to 3/70. Looked around on YouTube for a reference but but found very little.

No, 200 and 200% are different, it depends on the strength of your hero and the enemy hero. This MM will be stronger against blue and weaker against red, I just tested it, here is the video

I recently got this hero and boy is it really underwhelmingā€¦Definitely needs moreā€¦maybe counter attack to nearby or somethingā€¦not even going to take past 3/70 anddas a shame because im really hurting on good greensā€¦

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Think Iā€™ll keep my copy of this one on the benchā€¦ i imagine this onw is screwed against minion destroyers or minion silencers? :frowning:

Anti minion debuffs donā€™t work on mega minions.
Skills that destroy minions will remove 50% of mega minion HP.


Donā€™t underestimate this guy, I mean - I still beat him, however, he is pretty nuts, the minion is hard to kill and he actually slaps you for just over 300 damage per turn, heā€™s extremely annoying to kill actually as heā€™ll just respawn him by the time you kill it and get a bit of damage done to the hero, which then means his passives go off relatively often too.

Loki loved copying him though lol.


Yeah I know the difference between % and actual damage. Iwas just guesstimating the damage. I have him at 2/50 ish. Iā€™m sure heā€™s annoying on defense. Eager to face one lb to experience for myself. If anyone has found synergies please share.

If you can tempt the opposition into going blue mono or just a high number of blues, the MM minion will do 2xdmg towards these targets I have seen hits at 700+ then.

So consider going red tank with this guy flanking.

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