👺 Boom & Fang - 5* Nature / Green from Goblin Village

Eesh, got the same two.

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Will puss in boots summon a mega minion I wonder?

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No, PiB does not summon a mega minion

Nerfed on arrival. Class change and removal of damage reduction. I was the guinea pig to test this in my alliance (Top 5) and the consensus is that it’s absolute junk.


Say what? :laughing: these 2 seem to be a team


I think it is too early to call this one bad… just tested her at 1/48 skill 3/8

See the pic the slash attack is allready at 372 which is more than the blue tiles from LB2 Ceto who has 1300+ base attack

I wonder what a max lvl pet will hit and then crit should apply to this aswell… hmmm will be nearly single snipe dmg every single turn that will ignore taunt.

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Crit doesnt apply to normal minions, the mega minion can do that, youre sure?

lets see when he is grown up :thinking:

Thanks for taking one for the team @DrBeno . They should really buff the Chef one to average speed, make him a suprior Rumple. I don’t get some of these changes.

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If you really have him maxed DrBeno then please supply some pics of what he hits with at that level, seeing what im already witnessing at low level

Starting to learn more about my new favorite hero and his :pig:
Gazelle nullifies his counterattack, penolite can’t kill his :pig: although he’s on 3-45. Will search for ogima and alucard etc to learn more and think about possible pairings :thinking::pig::dog:

And Loki can copy him :smile:


Yeah, I am comparing the beta version with the live game version and not feeling particularly great about the hero that showed up vs. the one that was under consideration.

The reduced damage received is an excellent buff although it was only for Boom & Fang and would not have aided the rest of the team. With the damage reduction B&F could have been a serviceable tank for those so inclined and a passable attacking hero with a decent hit per round from the piggy and a little riposte just to add a little sting for those dealing damage.

Overall: Disappointed, although I probably would still have been unenthusiastic even with the reduced damage buff.


Does something like Freya’s minions increase the attack on Mega minions as well?

I plan to use them together in a battle of attrition team alongside Goldie and maybe one more healer and one more hitter


I can see the beauty in pairing them with the Attack Growth heroes, they should hit fairly hard in short order.

I wish I shared your joy in Baldur & B&F, I can’t get myself there but Goldie does bring a smile to my face (2nd is just finishing LB1 where she will stay).

Will keep an eye on this B&F thread and hope I either missed something or a buff that I find relevant happens (not stats, specials).

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Will summoning a new MM replace the old one?

From the videos I’ve seen it appears so, yes


Obviously this is meant to be a tank, 200% hits hard. It’s like hippo, but to one target


I was not under the impression that attack boost such as Goldies would effect the mega minion but after testing i can report that it indeed does.

When summoning a new MM you simply replace the old one. Kinda works like a full heal.


Just tested him under crit+ condition, normal minions don’t do crit damage, but he seems to do, 4 screenshots, first without crit+

Next 3 under crit condition by Flip, 2 are about 400, one is normal around 200 damage :thinking: but doesn’t show as crit by color, just double damage :thinking::thinking: