
My phone broke and I had to use BlueStacks to play during repairs. I also think the “cheat” word is thrown around too freely, for what it’s worth.


Yup, definitely needs a snickers bar


I don’t know absolutely anything about computers/bluestack/coding and so on, and what i understand so far is: (stop me if i’m wrong)

  • No problem with Bluestack, just an emulator and SG is fine with that
  • Most likely someone use bluestack to play a mobile phone game on a personal computer
  • the problem is that playing the game on a pc, you may hide running others program that can you make cheat/infinite login/playing for you and so on

As always, someone use it with bad intentions, someone use it just for fun/convenience/need

Assuming that there are not so many hackers around, and most likely there are more convenient things to hack, even if there are some cheaters there must be only few of them.

So personally, who cares.
If you have the talent to do this and use it to hack a puzzle game, well, you need a girlfriend.


My theory is the always-on people have rigged up a dipping duck to tap the screen.


I work in the wonderful world of IT. I frequently stay awake more than “normally”. What or who defines “Normally” anyway? I am on the game frequently between appointments, and when I work late at night.
Now excuse me while I refill my coffee mug…

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it was pretty obvious when we had members of our team check a particular individual every 10-15 mins (global alliance here) and he was never offline for 72+ hours. I too work in “IT” (was consultant, work for a tier1 vendor now) and if I was up that long, I certainly wouldn’t have time to be on the game 72 straight hours.


Most I have gone was 48 hours. but my mind would be too much in a mush state to be playing the game then. :slight_smile:

a good indicator is that the account is NEVER logged out … and btw it can be achieved , also on smart phones not only on emulators … Don’t ask me how , because I do not know . … but there is plenty apps that keep other apps running on background …

Treating Bluestacks users as cheaters isn’t fair. I am using Bluestacks because I don’t like mobiles. I am smartphone user for a short period of time (never needed it) and I spend most of my day at computer (at least 12h). It’s easier for me to use Bluestacks. Especially that I like to talk alot so it’s easier for me to type on keyboard not my phone.


i use bluestacks to save battery power of phone, but i use phone sometimes if i’m not home.
All my best hits were on phone, all my 5* draw were on phone, so i don’t think bluestacks players are cheating, and i really hope they will let us play on this.

and about the connection time, just let player revenge no matter the connection/rank of opponents and it’s gonna be good.

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I have a Surface Pro so I can carry my computer around with me :slight_smile:

As for this topic, I’m not a hacker, so I don’t know what can and can’t be done to “bot” this game. I do know that I’m using BlueStacks with a different Google Play account as an “alt”. That one I’m doing completely F2P and I play it when I’m out of stuff to do on my main (yeah, I can get addicted to this sometimes). I don’t really see an issue with this, and from what it sounds like, neither does SG.

Take a deep breath, relax and go on about your day.

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I would like to use an emulator. I have not yet, but play tons. I am on my PC a large amount of time. The biggest benefitr to me, for using an emulator, would be to save my battery. Why has the battery issue not been brought up regarding mobile devices?

No sure what your question or issue is here?

You won’t be punished by SG for using an emulator, but you won’t be supported by SG either. Meaning if it doesn’t work or doesn’t work very well, there’s nothing SG can do for you.

You will be punished if you use third party software to cheat or exploit.

It’s as simple as that. Discard most of the debate in the thread above. While interesting from a moral point of view, the rules are as they are.


I have to use Bluestacks once in a while when I need to let my fingertip heal up. Sometimes my fingertip gets messed up and affects my game play.

people who want to cheat can simply root their phone and do it without the use of any emulator, never understood why people get so annoyed by it


I installed Bluestacks on the computer. I thought that this would be easier to play or using whatsapp.

Immediately my computer started to send a lot (too much) of broadcast traffic.

Bluestacks uninstalled.

Maybe didn’t configure properly the emulator, but be careful with installing it on your… work computer. IT department will know it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sooo people who play on android can easy use Bluestack but… people who have account on IOS well…

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sorry if i’m slow to this emulator thingy. so which app specifically on android google play is safe & ok to use?

Thank you, for clearing that up for everyone. I couldn’t have said it better myself. And yes, there are much easier and more convenient things for those of us who have that ability.

You don’t need an emulator to play E&P on Android.