Current team I’m using for a purple titan: Wilbur/Guardian Jackal/Leonidas/Poseidon/Wu Kong Got a mixed range of hits so far. 18k-64k. 8* Dread Dragon
I don’t bother with one. I use Wu Jackal Joon Poseidon Drake against Dark Titans. Landed a 100k hit against an 11+* Dark with that team
Sort of similar to what I’m using. I have Wu/Jackal/Poseidon on mine. Joon is unleveled and I don’t have Drake. My best hit is 96k against a Yellow titan. I love Guardian Panther. I’ve never hit anything above an 8* before. 11* is terrifying.
Buddy also give attack down which aid survival.
i knew but Wilbur give more , try it and you will know what i mean , especially when you fight *12 titan , usually i use Full Mana Potion in second turn to spread the damage , Buddy wont able to do that.
and actually i always bring Axe for Attack down
I don’t have one but I really want him… that synchronization is very valuable.
I just started trying out Wilbur in my titan teams to see if my scores increase. So far I haven’t noticed a huge difference but I’m just starting. So time will tell.
I dont have Wu/Tarlak/Ranvir, so I just have been using BT all this time, but then idk if it’s better to use banners to increase attack and swap him for a hero of the corresponding colour. For Example, I’ve been using BT/Wilbur/3 blues against red titans. Actually, I bring BT and Wilbur almost against every titan (except blue) and that keeps my team alive but struggling to get high scores.
Pls Wu kong appear!!!
Boldtusk gives a bigger boost to attack than banners. I’d definitely bring him for green titans. Other colors? The tile damage from an extra hero strong against the titan might outweigh the extra attack from Boldtusk. Plus, they will charge more evenly together.
I hope you get Wu Kong soon!
You are lucky, I don’t even have Wilbur… and I also don’t have any of Wu Kong/Ranvir/Tarlak…
Anyone have any thoughts on Cheshire Cat’s -44% defense on Holy titans? Worth bringing?
If the cat can survive the titan, bring it, if it can’t, use Wilbur who have similiar -44% def down and increase your team survival.
Not a bad thought. We are currently fighting 8* right now. And he isn’t too bad but I don’t have him fully leveled yet either. 4:25 currently.
Just bring Wilbur along for the ride. He fills the role quite nicely.
I’ve thought about this too. I do have 5 teams that work well but I would want to know what exact teams vs all colors are the mathematical best ones. Is 5 yellows best vs a dark or is Athena plus 4 better? When to add dragon banner vs Boldtusk? Or let’s just wait a month for Miki to arrive plus build us some titan banners from Hunting Lodge level 2.
The theoretical mathematical max, not extra safety with healers or Wilbur/Aegir to soften the blow. Let’s just pretend the titans are time stopped the entire fight.
So vs reds, would it be like Arthur, Athena, Miki plus two with highest attack (like emblemed Magni + Emblemed Alasie at +7 or to add Isarnia but what order to cast considering Athena) + Titan banner 50% attack.
Green titans, Ranvir or Tarlak?
I’m confused by the theory presented in this thread that on-color ramming pulverizer (-34% for 6 turns) is better than Wilbur’s generic defense down (-44% for 4 turns). Is it the duration that makes it more valuable? Or is it the attack that comes with it after having been elementally debuffed? With no elemental down, clearly Wilbur trumps all (well, and Athena). With elemental down the ramming pulverizer strike would do more damage, through that’s a negligible amount in a titan fight, and the defense down remains the same.
What am I missing?
You’re missing the fact that subbing out Wilbur for an on-color hero increases your on-color tile damage by around 25% if you’re not using Wu/Ranvir/Tarlak, and around 33% if you are. And tile damage is the primary source of titan scores. That more than makes up for a 10% difference in debuff strength.
The huge advantage of Wilbur is in decreasing and distributing the incoming damage on powerful titans.
Wilbur is life on larger titans. For the small fry that won’t one shot you it’s best to mono or 4+ Wu/Ranvir/Tarlak.
Jackal is defense debuff against yellow.
Ranvir (more chance to miss than Wu, but higher ATK buff, Fast mana, little damage bonus and extremely useful Element Link if against Dark)
Wilbur (Raises your survivability as well as your DMG)
Someone who lowers elemental defense on Titan’s weakness if you have them (ie. Guardian Jackal against Dark Titan, Guardian Falcon against Nature Titan etc.)
Two heroes of color strong against Titan. Preferably at least one with some kind of heal. Or you can use items.