🏰 Bearnadette – 5* Fire / Red from Clash of Knights

Got her….


I really like her, pretty fun against these passive heal up defenses. I do think she needs some tweaks.

Make it harder to break free , it should be 40 or 50 percent instead of 60.

And she should either be slow speed or make it so this special can not be blocked ( toon, monk)


Mistra does do VF damage to all to the paintings, but by the time you charge a slow and Very slow hero, the match is won by then unless its a heal up defense


A lot of people naysaying Bearnadette for VS w/out any mana boost effects. But, just put her next to heroes that boost mana. Put her on a team with two mana boosters of some kind: Nautica, Ludwig, Hulda, Hawthorn, Ariel, Toxicandra, Myoin-ni, etc, etc.

You get 5 heroes on your team. I think all new heroes should be viewed in the context of who they can best be paired with to make a good team and not how they alone would face off against an enemy team (of 5 heroes).

Make her slow mana soeed


Here, your bear hero :sweat_smile:


TBH Shrubbear looks more like how I picture Shardik.


Except for being green of course.

So, how is this new hero Bearnadette? Or can people "bear"ly stand using her?

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Bearst hero in the game


If you see her on defense, that’s ursine to skip


I dont get this bit. It is correct that the cursed heroes’ (enemies) mana will become very fast and they will strike one of our heroes with 250% damage?

Why would one want to have a “very slow” mana hero to help enemies to attack ourselves? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? I understand that she has other positive skills but I expect a very slow mana hero to have 100% positive skills, not negative.

The Break Free may be only good if enemy heroes which have great damage (to 3 or all) or great healers, heroes with Insanity skill… etc. I assume the Break Free skill will replace all those native skills with only 250% damage. If this is how it works then she is ok. One just has to work out how to use her to her best advantage on the enemy heroes.

her purpose that he do a great is to make heroes squishy as she make them with 30 % less attack and defense

purpose she made heroes very fast and to do damage as noodle as they have reduced attack

in same time this effect will make you suffer 200 damage approx ,but best thing that this hero will in original form do a lot of damage and possibly a lot of effects

she make them just hit abbit and take of ALL MANA as is considered as used special skill (as mindless attack take off mana)
and this is best part of hero that you will understand once you play with or against it

she do it for 5 turns (block whole enemy team to use specials if they don’t break free)

hope i get you a picture of it good😉


Just fought her in rush war and after she fired it was game over. Really need to bring toons but a bunch of toons ain’t going to do well against the other heroes that she has backing her up.


What position was she in?

Asking for a friend


She was tank so once she fired I couldn’t get anybody else going. I did have a few heroes cleanse themselves but then they had no mana and I couldn’t get anything going. She was flanked with a grimsteel and costume Diaochan and so it was a never really in doubt. A resounding zero.


Thanks for the reply, she is sounding more and more interesting

I’ve gone 13-2 so far. One loss was only because of her. She was at right wing but I really wanted to get rid of Prince Siegfried at tank first because not being able to land status effects is really bad for my team.

I was able to get the tank down but since everyone is very fast with legendary troops she got her turn before I could do anything again.

250% at 70% of original attack (with my heroes, only Pophit has an attack value up to today’s standards) barely tickles against someone on defense with 1700 defense and 3500 hp. Especially when you have only one leveled legendary troop yourself. Plus it uses up my attack so I have to charge again. Before it was over she had cast again and I only ever got to use one real special ever again. Unfortunately on a hero that couldn’t alter the battle.

In short, she’s exactly as devastating as predicted for very fast tournaments.


I’m short those stupid little red aethers to be able to take her past 4-85. :sob:


Maybe she can stop there unless you have a lot of alphas? The one that kicked my ■■■ was 4/44 :sweat_smile:

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similar problems hahahhahaha