Barry Farmz Here -- Comprehensive data driven farming guide for Season 3, Season 2, Season 1, Elemental Chests, Atlantis Rises, Missions, and more

No, I haven’t even tried to analyze the event chest monsters. Perhaps somebody else has.

I can say that I made some initial efforts to calculate sea dragon drop rates and came to a couple conclusions:

  1. Drop rate is so low (compared to anything else you might want to find farming) that farming for them as a top priority is a really bad idea.
  2. With drop rates that low, getting sufficient data to calculate the actual rates was a challenge and I kinda gave up (see #1)

I suspect the same applies here.


Is it just me or is the “Fave farming” tab not loading?

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Just loaded fine for me…

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hm…for me sometimes it’ll load for one second but then it’ll disappear

13.2 has 2 bosses for the new avatar mission.

13.8 also has 2 king serpents but also have Dark elf assassins, so 2in 1…


The Elemental Chest tab has a loading error for me

@Meridian, it is working for me right now; try again. Unfortunately I’m pushing some limits with Google Sheets and this kind of crap happens upon occasion. If you have access to any Wise Goat rooms in Line, it has the info from that sheet in a slightly different format for you … and while the goat is occasionally down, hopefully it is down at different times than my spreadsheet :rofl:


I’v never seen 6 backpacks in one run in AR. I thought 5 packs was highest possible. Anyone seen a higher number ?


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With Merciless RNG, all ascension items can be kits/ backpacks. In your photo 10x ascension item rolls.

As a general rule, ascension items are 1x per energy, -1 to +1. With Atlantis Rising you also add +3 then 1.5x to that number.

I would love to see 24x ( maximum possible ascension item rolls in AR.27-10H ) but 9x is the highest I have seen.

It was not even during Atlantis rising.


Here I thought the 8 I have seen is the highest… :sweat_smile:

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Are there any interesting results so far in Season 3 stats? I’m always looking for new ways to farm backpacks!

Maybe if they introduce Valhalla Rises who know :man_shrugging:

I’m pretty sure it will be called Valhalla Descends. :wink:


Ragnarok begins!!!

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The last update changed odds for Atlantis Rises? The better place for farming recruits with AR still is S2 15-9N?

No changes…


I’m still getting the same mass amount of troops from S2 Haed 15-9. Still struggling to find the best place for backpacks per world energy, I’ve read a dozen spreadsheets but not being mathematically minded I struggle to wrap my head around recommendations. So far farming in Atlantis my best spot seems to be normal 1-7, I get from between 2-6 backpacks each run and it’s easy to farm for me without needing loot tickets. Would love recommendations, also on where people are finding best for large bones :slight_smile:

I’m also having trouble opening Barry’s excel sheet!

Which stage is best to fill ice chest during Atlantis Rises?

You are in the right place. Anywhere in P1 is best for backpacks. 1-2 and 1-3 have the best recruits to go along with them, if that matters to you. 1-9 has the most monsters (for chests and slightly higher chance of the sea dragons).


@BarryWuzHere When we should expect data for new S3 missions?