Balance? Seriously?

So tired to see C. Panther, Jove, M&M, Anne, Ogima…everywhere… Where is the balance SG? Jove needs a serious nerf…M&M still too overpowered. Same goes for Panther…and there are others. Heroes that can destroy the whole team with a single shot…When such thing became fair?


or give us more % chances to get this heroes like others to compete!!


I created an entire topic on this. Game is too fast now. Zero strategy left.

You have 4-5 moves to get your 3 matches, or you just get obliterated. SG doesn’t care. They only see $$$. Coming soon: new ninja heroes that do 290% to all and give everyone a counterattack minion, with only 4 tiles needed to activate them.

This game is a joke now. I fought a team with 4 Joves and a M&M tank the other day and just lost a fight to three C Panthers in the tournament.


M&M is not that strong if you go with an antiminion team or the new HOTM.
Guardian Panther, Anne, Jove, Watherpipe… its biger problem for me


Waterpipe is a joke of a hero. If he goes off, you will almost certainly lose.

I really despise mechanisms in games that take away your ability to do anything. Whether it’s dumb crap like stuns in World of Warcraft or heroes like Watepipe that take away your mana. The worst kind of game design.


Is always easy to say bring antiminion/ fiend teams, but if you can’t charge them, your team of even fast heros is dead.

Welcome to the new meta of 2 moves to obliteration . :laughing:


They could also get rid of the shadow buff defenses get automatically.


If i remember correctly the defense buff was removed quite a while back.


What I remember was that they said they were “testing” “adjusting the defense bonus” in “high level raids.” But they never clarified if it was permanent, what the adjustment was nor what qualifies as a high level raid


Balance is stuck in 2021…

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You do realize there were mana steal heroes released long before waterpipe?

They are but not this strong.
Waterpipe has strong minions (stronger than LOTL) that steal mana, block buffs, lower defense…when activated there is no way to counter.
Waterpipe is the hero that needs nerf the most along with G.Panther C, Jove, Anne, Jequn and Bestet


Wrong thread lol, sorry

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this is exactly why I cup drop :sweat_smile: I just set a weak defense that drops me into Platinum and never changed it back…


I beat a lot of Waterpipe teams in raid, he’s not a real problem for me. But it takes a good minion counter. It becomes more problematic in war, when there are more of them.

To add: can lower special damage taken to 1

This issue with general game play in general. Everything is too powerful. All design make you try level ASAP which equals revinue.

Titans, too powerful starting at lvl7…
World maps, too powerful even on normal…
Heroes as mentioned…

I base this on any battle we’re normal attacks can kill you in two hits and special skills in one. If an opponent can take out a fully leveled 5* then there an issue. It’s like armor is made of paper or something.

For example, doing normal underworld. As I’ve progressed normal enemies have 3500atk/1500life. Bosses have 6500atk/3000life. It doesn’t show defense stats, but when strong elemental and stack attacks are doing less then 100dmg then you can only assume defense is high. Then to make it worse, area ailments like status resistance makes it impossible to even the odds.

Unfortunately I have no idea how long you have been playing or what your roster is.

It seems to me, that with the exception of powercreep which should not be a problem at your level yet, the game is not to powerfull but you are to weak.

I GUESS that your troops are low level which makes your life difficult.

Since I have no idea about your leveling strategy I hop you started with the broad approach of leveling 3* and 4 * heros before leveling 5*.

Wish you best of luck and hang in there.
It will become easyer with better troops and more leveled heros to choose from. :slight_smile:

“Not impressed. All he does is minions…very weak minions. Not enough in this day and age.”

Hahahahaha that was a lousy statement

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Who? Slow-motion Lady of the Lake and a 3* Blue hero?

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