Atlantis Summon: $300, 90 pulls, zero 5* heroes

I don’t know why most people suggest increasing the odds. That wouldn’t make a difference. I mean it would be the same. Even with a 99% chance if 100.000 people do a pull there would be a 1000 people here complaining. What you want is a change from the chance system but this game is all about chance, luck and patience. The boards, special skills leveling up, troop pulls everything is luck. and like the eastern novels say luck is a kind of strength. and this comes from a guy who spent close to 100 bucks since starting 6 months ago and got his only 5* from a tc (sartana) even if the game gave you 20 5* right now what are you gonna do? its gonna take 2 years to level them all and get items. so i recommend being patient. all those people you see with a full 5* roster have been playing more than a year or spent thousands of dollars.


For example in some games there is a pity timer. Like in Hearthstone. After 9 pulls without epic u get epic in tenth booster and the same is with legendaries but after 20 boosters.
Sadly there is no such thing in this game. I mean give people at least one 5* in 50 draws for example, won`t cost you a world…

P.s. stop raping the math. If you need for example heads and flip coin fifty times and get fifty tails than it is not some unluck but something is definitely wrong with the coin.

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I actually agree, Im not suggesting any increase to odds on spin. Just a buffer, eg you last summoned 100 hero’s which once you expand the odds of 100 spins x1. 3% should have something like an 80% chance of a single 5 star I’m guessing, if you didn’t get one then either your odds start to increase or you get some sort of bonus buffer. Its a buffer for poor luck that beats the odds, most people will never see it…

That’s probably what new buildings are for.

It is said by the Small Giant staff on the AMA that there is gonna be a way to use duple heroes (5 or 6 of them) for having a new hero.

It is not clear what kind of hero you can get (probably at best old HotM, no Atlantis or event heroes involved) and it is not clear if it is a guaranteed outcome or works with chance.
It is not tested yet, hopefully we will see that soon.

But this way if you do many pulls (and probably end with many duples) there’s a more efficient way to use them.

So in a sense, that’s what you (and many others) are wishing for.

Completely agree, I think increasing odds would ruin the game in a way. The reason the guins, GMs and Kages to name a few are so good is because they are in fact hard to obtain. If far more people had these heroes they would actually lose their value taking stratergy out of the game where as now people are somewhat forced to make the best with what they have. It makes beating a team with higher tier players then your own all the more satisfying

How would giving someone a 5* after, for example, 50 pulls ruining the game?

Apropos, above 2500 there are tons of guins etc.

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The game actually created varieties of heroes, but certain group of players formed opinions on some heroes as “must have”, that is where the shift is.

The moment anyone realizes the need to be content with what they have per time, then the quest to crave for "must have heroes " would either reduce or becomes easier to handle.

On the other way round, this game tends to favor length of time, so imo, it would be better to be content with whatever you have now and steadily over time build to get what you need, not what you want.

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Some of the whales would simply feel cheated, if those heroes would be available much easier in the future. Spend 1000s for what now everybody can get? Value would decrease and those people would then be right to complain about that.

I was referring to increasing the odds % of pulls after doing a certain amount would ruin in. The reason is in my above response.
But yeh on a side note I don’t like the idea of the game giving you a 5* after doing 50 pulls. I think it would actually encourage players to spend more then alot could afford. Just one opinion.

Also yeh, alot of top tier players have the guin tank, my previous post addresses exactly that. If far more people had heros like guin then guins value goes down. The game is about the long run and does not want players to reach the point of “ok where to now?”.

If a slot machine in a casino guaranteed a “feature” or free spins after spending a certain about of money then what kind of behaviour would that encourage?


I still don’t understand this.
You payed to get that hero immediately, and use it for months (or even years) before others.
Thats for what you payed, like having a Lianna 2 days in the game rather then wait tons of pulls on TC20.
They already enjoy the advantage for their money.

Feeling cheated for having that same heroes (meanwhile that others new and stronger are still not avalaible for free) in training camps is plain stupid.

xmy feelings exactly. i did two thirty pulls, two ten pulls and over a thousand tokens, and not a single 5*. I think i have given away enough of my hard earned money for nothing. I have yet to aquire any of the top heros even though i try. I dont have guen, or hel, or albrecht, or the newest hero, i dont have poseidons daughter, even though lord knows i tried for them. I do have numerous duplicates of base heros most of which are levelled. So i will stick with what i have and enjoy my game, such that it is, because i have spent enough. Thanks for listening to my beef. Lol



Not sure that I understand your point of view.

Whatever after a change there wouldn’t be less complaints imo.

Buying a hero directly would solve the gamble thing, but probably ruin everything. Everything else will have a chance to be unlucky.

Will there be a solution to satisfy everyone? Probably not.

Yes, pulls are totally random…

Did 2 x 30, got only Margaret once inside.

Then I did a x 10, the last chance… And inside, got Grave Marker and Atomos… Random, random, random…

yeah… You should stop to spend money a lot.
Just in case if you really want to spend, should buy some special offer.
EHT is a good way to have HoTM. I have 32 tokens and I will use if a good as Gravemaker/Aegir HoTM is appearing.
So sad… 300 USD for no 5* =(

I don’t think whales would feel cheated, they will always be ages ahead of the rest of us mortals as for heroes quantity and quality goes.

By the time a Zeline becomes available in TC, nobody in the top 100 will wil have her in their def team.

I must be really lucky, got Margaret with 6-8 loose pulls (looking for GM actually, but will not complain!!!)

But there is nice example of Hearthstone, they have pity timer and it works :wink:


There totally is.

If Small Giant introduce season 2 and old HotM on training camps, this doesn’t change the fact that you need a lot of time and a lot of luck to get what you want.
I’m 2 years in the game and almost 1 year runing 4 TC20 non-stop, and still i don’t have all the regular legendary (miss Magni and Horghall).
Having HotM or season 2 heroes in training camps doesn’t mean you automatically get them.
That requires much time, and they can even make it to require even more time then now.

Same thing for fusion.
If you introduce a system that allow you to fuse 5 or 6 heroes for a new one, this doesn’t change the fact that people spending much on pulls will have much more duples to fuse, so still a huge advantage compared to F2P.

This game was born with spenders that had an advantage only for time.
The only thing they could buy at first was time.

Elemantal summons to get heroes faster, troops summons or skipping buildings time.
There was no HotM, no event heroes or such at first.
All the people could have exactly the same things with just more patience (and luck).

It was only after that they introduce limited time heroes that this concept changed.
After that you needed money to have some things, or extremely good luck.

But again, at first it was only a matter of patience.

Making old HotM and Atlantis heroes avalaible in training camps re-introduce that same concept.

Patience, or spend to have it faster.
That’s it.


This analogy doesn’t even compare. In your example, the chance of this stalker you’re referring to dating this person is 0%. That’s like saying, I have a jar with a million marbles in it and one rock. If I keep pulling, eventually I’ll get a diamond. Wrong, there’s no diamond in there.

Started playing in February this year, I’d say I’ve spent enough to do a ten pull every month since joining. I’ve been lucky enough to receive Alberich and Frida so I have no complaints. Would I have liked to have received Gravemaker and Hel this past event, you bet. Did I receive enough four stars however to keep me active maxing for while, absolutely. Honestly, I’m not looking to be the best player overall or reach any specific ranking, I’m only looking to have a sufficiently leveled roster that will help my alliance in the long run. That’s what matters most.