Ascension materials are becoming very very rare

I have every screen shot of my elemental chests posted in Line, partly bragging to my mates of encouraging chests every 3-7 days and showing off what I would get. It was my most reliable source of 4* mats.

However, this has dried up. For the last 9 chests, 4* mats have been replaced with 3* mats mainly, flasks, and emblems.

To me, something has been tweaked and not for the better. Perhaps, I’m on the naughty list.

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I’m seeing some average amount of variance in my loots though raid chest loot specifically seems to be taking a nose dive in asc mat yield. This is for both 3-star and 4-star mats. I may have to revisit whether skipping the wait times on those are really worthwhile. By far the best asc mat source is titans. I get an average of 3 asc mats out of every 4 titans and I’m in loot tier 12+ on each.


yes i know here is number 2 the red one was last night.
yellow 8* 28 hit 11 replys tonic, tonic, trap tools, tabbard, compass and cape so far

As a player it always feel that the drop is rare because we tend to remember the bad streaks more than the good ones. That is one of the reasons I track my ascension items, and as you can see from the attached sheet, the calculation shows that I get an average of 1.17 AMs per day. Now that does not mean I get stuff everyday, it comes in streaks. But, if you diligently pursue all avenues of the game, especially titans (I hit 8*/9* titans), challenge events completion, rare quests, chests, you would not have to worry about it at all. So my suggestion to you would be to keep track and you will be surprised. Also, for what it’s worth, I am an F2P, so never bought any of these mats. Hope this helps. :slight_smile:


I’ve gotten five 4* mats in the last week. I got a telescope and a tabard from a titan. The next day I got mystic rings from an elemental chest. The day after that I got a tabard from a hero chest. A couple days later(today) I got a telescope and a hidden blade from a titan.

Edit: looks like we are gonna win our war. That means we’ll be able to open the war chest. The way things are going, the keys to the space shuttle are gonna pop out of mine.

Edit 2: I’m not a lucky person. I’m a firm believer in “anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” If this amazing streak can happen to me, it can and will happen to all of you. Just be patient.

Streaks happen. Good and bad.

@Garanwyn I wish I had this kind of luck with the lottery. I’ve never had such a good RNG streak in this game.


I’m really suffering with obtaining 4* mats. I’m usually A or A+ on the titans that we beat (usually 9 or 10*) and have gotten one 4* mat in the last month. About one out of my last 20 elemental chests has had a 4* mat. They’re obviously really rare in normal chests. I’ve gotten one from mystic vision in the last month which I suppose is a bonus. Usually my Atlantis chests have none but in July three of the 4 that I opened had some. That was very nice but these chests are basically “paid” for and I think the op’s point was about them being rare from earned sources.

I’m hoping for better luck but with the nature of RNG there’s probably more variation between the luck that different players have that the variation that one individual might have. This means that somebodys luck might never change and I might remain on a barren streak which has stopped me spending on gem pulls. I’m hoping for better luck but even the average luck (getting the exact drop rates) is too low. Upping them a small bit won’t break the game as levelling 5*'s will remain a long grind but it would mean that we’d more often be able to level them.

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I have been waiting for weeks to ascend Frieda to her 5th and final level, one problem I need 4 farsight telescopes which have been almost impossible to find. I’m doing all the extra Titan battles quests and such but no telescopes. Is anyone else having this issue?


I’ve been playing this game since mid June 2018 and received in total 12 telescopes till today. So yes, those items are really rare.
BTW there’s already a thread on this topic:


Yup, rare. Been playing since the beginning of June 2018 and have found 10 rings in total.


The 4 star mats seem to drop in spurts, and then add RNG on which 4 star means you can wait a long time. And of course it seems MUCH longer if you have a really nice 5 star waiting for them.

I had 3 tabards on my alt for a long time and Kunch waiting for the rest, and between drops and the recent rare quest I got the other three over two weeks. Seems to happen that way.


Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:


Until the AM’s are dropped in to the shop, I could find rarely in the titan battles and wars.
After upgrade they become very very rare.
İs it possible that is related with commercial interests?

For me the better source of AM are titans… thats why the main goal of my alliance is kill 12* titans everyday…
I have 25 full 5* heroes (5 of each colour)
And this is my inventory…

Am I that lucky?
Scoring mostly A > B > A+ >C

Never bought any AM…
Just try to fight 12* titans use some itens because 12* titans from my experience are the best way to get AMs…


I’ve found that the ascension mats seemed to have dropped in their appearance rate after the stupid Titan parts were introduced. If we harpoon then the mats don’t seem to drop much.

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Nope … same rolls for AMs… and same lame drop rate…

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I strongly agree with you.

Definently all about luck, I have been really lucky in the last 4 days from drops so keep at it and I hope it turns around for you


Cngrts. Very nice for you.

I propose we 'nap the Turkey and shake them down for some of those goodies.


Hahaha turkeys are pretty slow so ya would probs catch me easy

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