Ascend Darkfeather or Deadboot?

Was fortunate to pull DFeather and DBoot was the twofer bonus. Only have mats to ascend 1 at the moment – appreciate any thoughts. Have Smarttongue as only other Goblin, but overall have pretty deep bench

I would go with Darkfeather, he is just amazing overall with Hippo like damage, heal and growth.

Deadboot is also great but IMO worse than Darkfeather.

  • Darkfeather
  • Deadboot
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Darkfeather all day. He’s a total stud

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When they both came out I was convinced Deadboot was the way to go. Darkfeather’s skills are so strong, he’s the much better choice IMO.


Easiest question to answer in the history of this forum:


Promise your firstborn child or maybe a kidney. I think SGG likes kidneys…perhaps with fava beans.


Thanks all
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