Are lootboxes gambling? Australian inquiry

You are correct BUT (a huge but actually) the level of automated and manual checks that we run on accounts to ensure that minors and gambling addicted people have no access to our online products is insane. We are even far ahead than Land Based casinos in terms of security checks and we are members of a global database that keeps such targets away from any online gambling service out there.

For some territories violating such security measures can cost us the license to operate in territories such as UK, and they will fine you anywhere between 1 - 10 million dollars even for a minor infraction or even if they determine you don’t have all their required processes in place. Now that you brought this up I realize it is insane that loot-box based games are not held to the same standards. Note that, even though I’ve never spent money in a casino (for obvious reasons), the amount of money I’ve put on EP gives me chicken skin (lol) and I don’t consider myself vulnerable in any way shape or form.

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