April 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Springvale, Underwild, Atlantis, Ninja Tower, Valhalla, Dynasty Of Dunes, Costume Chamber, Monster Island, CF1, Covenant Quest, and W3K)

@Elioty33, thanks a lot for your work! When can we expect the Soul Exchange, at the end of May? :thinking: :slight_smile:


Oh of course, absolutely…heimdall C is excellent…i just fear the fishy the most!!


Thank you very much for those infos :heart::heart:. Just there is no SE. Do you know if there will be Soul exchange in May?


@Hexa @ajly19 I expect SE at some point in May but I don’t have any data on it yet. Forgot to add a warning for that just like I did for the Covenant Quest. I will add it now.


Thank you very much, we appreciate your work a lot. And sorry for bothering you every single month about SE lists and some other things. You are our savior :heart:


Can you explain the differences between the two versions of Monster Island? And of course, thank you very much, dear friend, for the information. Your help, as always, is appreciated by us very highly and is accepted by us with great gratitude! :pray: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :blush: :blush: :blush:


Do you see Covenant Portal available? It should be opened today, right?

No, it was postponed to May 6. The Oracle has already written about this. :wink:

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Oh no… such bad news… I wanted to have another chance for summoning Turgruk…


We have Trials of Strength today but it should be Decimation according to the calendar. Which is wrong? The game right now or calendar?


I guess SGG messed up all the quest rotation when trying to fix the Covenant Quest… Now I fear for the Omega quest too. See Wrong rare quest?!.


The question is if we’ll have red OQ again, or we’ll start another rotation with yellow quest.



Thx for your predictions :slight_smile:

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Wait a minute. Isn’t it the turn of the ice omega?I do not mind if they give us again holy one but it is not fair for other players.

Since now we had yellow, green, blue and red. Only the purple one is missing.

But last one was green and rotations are going blue dark red yellow and green :thinking::thinking:

I’m pretty sure that the last one was red. I got Ferrant from that portal. :stuck_out_tongue:
Check the calendar here:

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It was definitely red, even without looking at posts in the topic, I remember because I tried to get my second G Falcon maxed, but then I don’t think I ended up using him, or he was fine when I did.

For me the red was a breeze, purple should be too with multiple rigards, proteus and ludwig.

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Hey you are mixing omega quests and contest of elements, not the same thing at all :grimacing: