April 2022 calendar & New monthly schedule forward!

Ok. Thank you very much for the fast response.


hahaha! I am happy that I won’t need to craft so many Scrolls of Alteration…

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May, August and November

Oh goodness. Those. I was so excited to reach the level of the Hunter´s Lodge not long ago, enabling me to craft them. Only to realize, it requires food instead of iron (I thought it would be iron). And I´m always out of food, so, that was a dissapointing moment :sob:


yes, I need more food than I do iron!

and the Titan skulls needed to craft are also quite rare… :frowning:


for me, your calendar is the “official” one ahhaha

@EmpiresPuzzles @Petri
there is no season 4 in April?
And also, at weekly breakdown, no season 4? Forgot?

@RedOoze We will have Season IV in April:



Should be in week 1 of the month. So this is basically week 1 of May

Anyone see that half dozen i left behind… I only see sixes…

It is not the 1st week of month.
Small Giants moved to a 4 weeks event cycle last year.
Season 4 is in the 1st week of this new event cycle.
And I think as Season 4 Event is just finished last week Staff do not want to repeat that event so soon.
So I they are starting with the 2nd week to instead.


But i like the new format

Personally for me, it doesn’t matter when - which event, quest, season or anything is scheduled.

Only point useful is, everything is scheduled in a fairly cyclical / repetitive manner, at regular intervals.

  • This helps enjoy those events / quests / seasons.
  • Get the due rewards, resources that get used in the game play.

I saw no mention of a Costume Event. Is this simply an oversight or is it being replaced?

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3 days catching breath?

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It occurs in every other month

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isn’t there a complete calendar for April yet?

Currently, this is out… + what is there in the OP

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I don’t understand why the mythic titan and Kingdoms have to rotate every other month. That’s an L for SG. Just have them every month.

How? There is simply not enough room in four weeks to have them both and all the other events.
The Tavern of Legends and the Masquerade are already cycling every 4 weeks.
Clash of Knights and the two Tower events are also cycling every 4 weeks.
Both rotations are in place for the same reason, there is no room to fit everything.

We could say “let’s a 6-week cycle” instead to fit everything but then, we would have so little time to farm mats during Atlantis and Valhalla to prepare for all the other events.

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