🔵 [Apr 01, 2020] Trials of Decimation Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

My Team Last Time

My Team This Time

Panther out, Delilah join, for color advantage VS 2 purple bosses.

On Bench

Screenshot at Apr 01 18-12-06

The Battle

Decent start on bosses.

Not used any items, finished by delilah’s minnnion… :+1:

The Reward

Emblem finghter keep for Delilah, Wizard for 2nd Proteus.
Trainer goes to Ursena.

PS: @Guvnor, I can not vote the last question. It is 2 days ago closed :dizzy_face:

Not a big deals though…


That says “closes in 2 days”

Click the “show vote” right next to it :wink:


Oops, okay It should be still valid and can vote, but I do not know why, maybe a bugs on Discource (forum platform)? :man_shrugging:
Only the last vote that I cannot vote it.

But nevermind, not a big deals… but the most important part is, why you vote hate all Trials? (and it’s only you)… lol haha :rofl:


Try again now… May have fat fingered it… Or another mod :man_shrugging:

As for hating the trials, it’s more the last part of that answer :stuck_out_tongue: just give me the emblems dammit and let me get back to farming!!


Screenshot at Apr 01 18-50-32
Okay… great now I can vote… thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkles:


Grats! Way to live on the edge!! I tend to keep too many heroes alive and then have regret over item use, I definitely have to get more comfortable losing heroes

My team, I slid Wolfie into the mix this time:

Wolfie hits for about 800 on the bosses at less than half health. I meant to check how much Sartana hit for to compare them but I forgot :man_facepalming:

Overall I find Fenrir a bit underwhelming, curious what others feel about him.

@Guvnor I love your poll response, definitely gave me a chuckle this morning. As the lone vote for “I hate all of the Trials” I think you might be the only honest vote in there :laughing: :wink: seems to be locked for me


Should be working now :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry, was drafting my post :sweat_smile: thank you for everything you do!! :rose:


Dejavu - That’s exactly what I use to do.

The trials have become pretty straightforward now :cry:, so the extra challenge of not using items makes it more interesting. Although in hindsight for an easier ride, I should have taken Boldtusk. :thinking::confounded:.


Guess I should add the hero’s I used huh Proteus, BT, Yunan, Hel, Kiril. Only change here was I added Proteus back in place off Kingston. With him and Hel charging around the same time it kept the bosses from firing.
Final board was less than spectacular so the mana pots came in handy.
Reset token YEP
Trainer went to Stonecleave who I thought was just another ghost girl but is much more useful. Did you know that since he doesn’t have a stomach he just stuffs trainers in his pants?? Weird but he said the other Draugr’s dig it?

@Oliz, almost the same team although no Delilah for me. Although I cannot day I’m not a fan of Yunan He has served me well.


Kiril +9, Proteus +3, Sumitomo +11, Valen +3, BT 3/58.TP: 3269. Used one volley of arrows, axes, bombs and dragon attacks to soften the bosses up a bit.


My team this time:

  • Poseidon +6
  • Onatel +7
  • Kiril +20
  • Boldtusk +20
  • Proteus 4^50

Compared to last time, Poseidon is up two talents, Onatel is up 1, and oh yeah, I’ve been leveling this Proteus character that I (finally!) drew last Atlantis. He’s in for Colen 4^70.

My first real opportunity to play around with Proteus. I checked the stats, and he is less squishy at 4^50 than Colen at 4^70, and his DoT is about the same, so I thought it was a good time to get his fins wet. It’s funny how you get used to going about a trial one way, and when it gets shaken up, you notice. I found myself expecting red tiles to do more damage because I’m used to having a 2-2-1 team. Not an issue, though, as the boards were just ridiculous throughout. Diamond after diamond after diamond. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged and a yellow diamond on the board.

I basically had my pick of the bosses with this setup, so I went after Oberon, because DoT is annoying without a cleanser. Fired Kiril, Proteus, and Poseidon, since Onatel and Boldtusk would have been redundant. Popped my yellow diamond, charged Poseidon again, and unleashed another pitchfork of doom on Oberon. Created a purple diamond for three more turns of mana block goodness from Proteus, and by now, you’re figuring out how this worked. There was not a single turn where either Proteus or Onatel was not keeping the bosses from gaining full mana. Oberon went down first, then Balthazar, and then Ulmer, who had the most mana of the bunch, and still wasn’t half full. I mean, you guys told me, but you really have to experience for yourself how good Proteus is in these situations. I could have come completely without battle items and never known the difference. Unreal.

Emblems from a previous stage took Poseidon to +6. Wizard emblems in storage for Proteus, probably, since I expect I’ll need him to be heartier for epic event tier stuff. (Plus, Onatel is on a node that requires 125 emblems!) Trainer hero to Proteus, of course!


Merlin 3-60, kiril max, guenievre+10, Kingston +10, JF 3-70
Used 5 healing potions to keep that weak merlin alive


Agreed Yunan is solid, makes the green tiles as well as the DoT useful against Ulmer in this trial.
My choice of Delilah is just for the meat shield.

:grin:By the way, I am still having a hard time getting his special up, and a little let down on his ability to receive damage from Holy element even while in dare ghost mode, but then you are absolutely right, he is more useful than the Ghost girl, on offense his random damage dealing in dire ghost is fun to watch.


One more trial I was able to finish which indicates my teams are getting stronger.


Boldtusk +20
Proteus +7
Melendor costume +14
Sartana +13

Easy victory. Used a couple of bombs and dragons but that was just because I had too many.


This trial is an easy one as it gives you healers and variety of attacking heroes.

I played with

Anzogh 3.70, Isarnia + 9 +costume, Sir Lancelot, Elena 4.80, Kiril +8

Minor potions were used (not all of them).


Here we go!


Feel like people aren’t gonna believe me but I got hella lucky (really lucky, double hit on my 3 stars from mob and they might have died) and beat all 3 levels with 2900TP - used items for last level yes haha.1585760587118


Did this across three profiles. Main did all three stages w/out continues. Did the first two stages with 1st alt and 2nd alt.


On the third stage I swapped out Ulmer for Panther who ended up eating the trainer at the end. Between the attacks missing and being softened up with Kingston. Everyone lasted pretty darn long except for the last 5 turns. Panther bit it first because she wasn’t maxed. She was at 3-20. I just wish I had Joon’s costume to stack with Hu Tao for this one. Anyway, Sumi is at +12 and wizard emblems are being stored for now.

1st alt:

Yeah don’t exactly have a heck of a lot of good blues. But just did the first two stages. The emblems are being saved for now.

2nd alt:

This one is blue heavy. Helped in dealing with Elena. Only did the first stage cause Kiril is so low. Other wise if everyone was maxed or at +15, then I would have gone for the third stage. Emblems are being stored here too.