Appreciate a Dragon Day šŸ‰

Itā€™s Appreciate a Dragon Day. Only in the USA, but that shouldnā€™t stop us from honoring the best dragon in the universe here. @Dudeious.Maximus

He is the admonisher of forum search, the corrector of threads, the distributor of dragons, the mother of the forum, counter of zero, the queen of dragons sorry, couldnā€™t resist.

He too deserves a never-ending celebration, weā€™ll see. So celebrate the Great Dragon and praise his existence! Have a blast! :beers:

On a legitimate note, Iā€™m adding @Smaug_the_Golden here, real mother of little dragons, tireless counter and light of the forum! Itā€™s her day too, so celebrate her presence! :clinking_glasses:

And on another legitimate note, today we are of course also celebrating @Dragongirl13, keeper and addict of books, as well as @Saphirra, creator of true hero cards and counter of zero.

@SamMe @Sarah2 @PlayForFun @Coppersky @littleKAF @Steve9999

tag more


Congratulations @Dudeious.Maximus :partying_face:
Itā€™s your day buddy!!! Dragons are always awesome :sunglasses:

Ps:- @Pike can you delete my name and tag smaug_the_golden as sheā€™s our lady Dragonā€™s :wink:

@Dessertrose @Skellet53 @Nirvana29 @Oxide @Shyam @Sam-I-Am @SamMe @Sarah2


Why donā€™t you tag @Smaug_the_Golden yourself? :thinking:


I think she deserves her name in the main post as sheā€™s one of the new famous dragon in our forum :wink:

Out of likes :roll_eyes:

@Elioty33 @Ruskin505 @Ufeel @u2371 @SnowyNinja @Latchback @BlackZed @nevarmaor @notyou87 @Mistress_of_Shadows


Dude, the magic dragon lived on W3
And frolicked in the ether waves, in a forum for E&P
Dude, the magic dragon lived on W3
And frolicked in the ether waves, in a forum for E&P

You are appreciated @Dudeious.Maximus, especially when I manage to make extra work for you :rofl:


Happy Dragons Day to everyone !


In honor of the day I changed my profile back. :slight_smile:

I hope that you feel appreciated for all the hard work you do here @Dudeious.Maximus !! We appreciate you. (At least I do. :wink:)

@Smaug_the_Golden It has been really cool seeing you around on the forum and interacting with you. I am glad you are here, and that at this point in your life, Bard the Bowman hasnā€™t killed you yet. It would be a shame.

@Luna, @voidstrike, @Mad1max9, @Maciurella, @Garanwyn, @Tidyup


Speaking of dragons ā€¦ you have a great dragon day too!



Enjoy your Dragon Day!

Donā€™t forget to resume celebrations come 10 February.


Good morning all and thanks for the kind words! Very thoughtful of you @Vidya128 to always think of me :heart: and @Pike and @Saphirra to add such lovely comments. Trust me I love compliments more than gold :rofl::wink:

But I do believe the intention of this was to give our great dragon overlord, the incomparable @Dudeious.Maximus his own much deserved never ending cake day as it were. So letā€™s make it double for him! :slightly_smiling_face:

Dragon King you are just wonderful and I appreciate the insane time commitment and care you put into this community. You could very easily set everyone on fire, but Iā€™ve seen you settle even the most ludicrous of disagreements with humor and grace. And the emoji contests are such a joy for all of us. Thanks for being you! :dragon::fire:

Also now that I know itā€™s Dragon Day I shall require appropriate sacrifices from my allies :smiling_imp:

PS: I always wondered which dragon your profile pic came from and in honor of Dragon Day I finally looked up. The fact that it came from How to Fight a Dragonā€™s Fury makes me love it even more :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (The book cover is different in the US!)


Happy dragon day!!!

So i try celebrate with Alfrike in a version of dragon queen
(Credit from @Domdom here )


Thanks for the tag! Dragon Day is the best day. If I had a pet dragon I would teach it to cook steak like a boss.

Edit: Congrats to the forumn dragon leader. @Dudeious.Maximus




Sheā€™s a woman. So I donā€™t think it was a jokeā€¦ :smirk:


Dragon Day!! Finally, a holiday I can get behind. (*casts disapproving look at National Bosses Dayā€¦)

Dragons have long been one of my favorite creatures. Wisdom. Power. The mystiqueā€¦all of which our own forum dragons have in abundance. I found this incomplete list, which seems like a good place to start:

To this we need to add @Saphirra, my newest dragon-friend! Like the first blooms in spring you popped in to instantly make everything better! A Light-spreading Dragon, and an exquisite specimen at that. :heart_eyes:

Also, sweet @Smaug_the_Golden. Not only the swiftest dragon on the trails but one of the kindest Iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of knowing! She might value compliments over gold, but youā€™d never know because she hands them out so freely.

And of course, the one and only @Dudeious.Maximus. This game isnā€™t half of what it is without you. Iā€™ve never hit the character limit (is there one?) but were I to try to list everything youā€™ve done for the community I bet weā€™d find out. Your contributions, and equally as important- your presence, are invaluable. A most heart-felt and sincere THANK YOU!


All hail dragonā€™s might! Iā€™ll wear a dragonā€™s eye in your honour today and bow to you!


@Pike , your thoughtfulness knows no bounds :trophy:. :beers:

@Dudeious.Maximus ā€¦ I hope youā€™re having a fantastic day, week, monthā€¦ Year (so far). You are appreciated more than you know!

Infinite blessings :partying_face::tada::boom:


Happy dragon day to our mod @Dudeious.Maximus :dragon: ,my best ally @Smaug_the_Golden :smile: and all forum buddies :heart:


Thank you all :green_heart::tada: i am greatful for this.

Guess Iā€™ll have a beer to celebrate :beer::joy:

@Smaug_the_Golden and @Saphirra plus @Dragongirl13 my fellow dragon buddies hope yall have great day too :beers::dragon:


Make the most of each and every moment knowing that you are appreciated for the one of a kind that you are!