Anzogh is really good with emblems

The only relevant answer to my post. And very saddening…

I thought crit for aoe will be great so anzogh is great so now without this I guess for me he just lost some of his aura…

One of you regular or mods pls amend the title name.
Anzogh is spelled wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

@zephyr1 @littleKAF

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I chose him over Grazul, because he deals damage. I have enough 4* healers for everything and Grazul’s ability doesn’t impress me much. I don’t care what others say about that, everyone has their own playstyle and for me Anzogh fits better.


It looks like the OP edited it already. :slightly_smiling_face:


At the chest from this morning I let him fire, having Ranvir’s buff. Pathetic… Like I said many times before: a defense with Anzogh is a 4 heroes defense. So I repeat, you should let the emblems on those heroes, like your first instinct told you. And in attack, in a red stack, any hero is good. It is your choice; I’m just trying to open your eyes :wink:


I will post another one and no more. I just found Anzogh +9 among my base attackers. Like the title says, any other hitter would have performed better, instead Anzogh. Poor damage, even emblemed and his special doesn’t really help with anything the allies. The small amount of HP is insignificant for the high league, among the confrontations between 4200 - 4500. And if is so useless even emblemed, I really don’t understand how could help an average player. I can see him useful in offense, but only if helped with buffs (though even with tripled damage from Ranvir, wasn’t impressive). And definitely, a not must have emblems. All wizards are better than him :wink:

To each their own. Im very sincere about that as I know people who use different tactics than mine and do just as well.

As for defense, I don’t like healers for raid defense and usually don’t feel they are needed for war defense. Offensively, it depends on the group makeup. If you scroll up and look at my red mono I can tell you I have the option of replacing my Anzogh (or any of the heroes) with any red in the game except QoH, Black Knight. Kestrel or Kong (the 4 I don’t have). Even though I would love to have QoH or BK…I wouldn’t replace Anzogh with any of them.

To go further…and more on topic, I soft-caped my Guin at level 17 a few weeks ago and soon as I get 25 more emblems, I am going to start on Anzogh.

Good enough for “High League”? I can say he is good enough for me with an alliance that hit 92 2 weeks ago (and sadly quickly dropped after 4 players quit the game). I rarely hit anything under 4300 and I have only been under 1% in tournaments 4 times (never been under 5%).


I think he gets a bad rap…he can be very difficult to deal with…very tough and has a good spirit link with other red heroes…don’t think you will be disappointed!

But again. I can deduce from this video that kunchen is no good.ranvir did nothing at all. Kingston did even worse then anzogh so I don’t really get how you conclude that anzogh was the weak link here


That was very nice victory

You did very nice board manipulation
Seshat is great!

And anzogh is not doing allot. Especially after people starting to die

Yes, I wanted you to see when fires second time and my health is low… Barely hurt me. And is +9. Like I said, maybe is good in offense, in synergy with other reds, but in defense is awful. And in my opinion, your Proteus and Kiril are more important.

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Ok. So that means I don’t have rainbow Defence for now
Either two blue with miki magni or rigard with custum and seshat.

Bt striped for Kingston
Wilbur is meh for defence

And anyway I don’t have five star healer. So I think rigard with attack buf can help justice and together with seshat Kingston and magni will build my defence for now

Interesting thoughts. I think I will be smarter when he is maxed . He is now at 4.55

Anzogh has got the wrong class… he simply has too much competition with the other wizards around…

He is not that bad as scarecrow thinks he is but if you have zeline, hel, sartana, onatel or even proteus you cannot spend your emblems on anzogh

I still got him in my defense because i dont have another 5 star red… but when magni gets to 80 he will replace him and I will continue with 2 purple


Here’s a typical hit/heal from an Anzogh tank with emblems. This one was at 80+9 but I didn’t check what his exact stats were. He hits each attacker for 300-ish damage and a jinx talent boost can take it up to 400+ damage. My Zim, Richard and Frida were previously hit by Drake’s SS. Athena and Grazul were scuffed up a bit before Anzogh fired but you can now clearly see that Athena (w/o emblems) is easily within sniper range now. Grazul is at 80+11 so she would probably survive one shot from any 5-star sniper but would likely be crippled. You can also see that the defense team has been healed by 373 - 455 HP each. That’s roughly a 25% - 30% heal effect. All of this at average speed instead of slow.

@kilrathi agreed. I’ve called Wizards the class where tanks go to get nerfed. Some of the best tanks in the game were given a talent that obviously does not benefit them much. The most Guin, Kiril and Kash get out of the class are the stat bumps. If a player has nearly any other Wizard, they are much more likely to get the emblems because of Anzogh’s reputation. There is a strategic advantage to this situation. One can entice noobs to attack your defense thinking that this particular tank means the defense is weak. If you put a solid defense team behind Anzogh you could pick up a lot of cups on defense and also rack up a lot of revenges in your watch tower.


Wilbur, falcon, zim, anz, guardian kong
Wilbur has leveled mana troop so he triggers earlier, zim is fast and heals giving time for hitting trio to do their magic, falcon-anz-kong: pure devastation nothing left on the board regardles of the enemy emblems or def setup. Only occasionally some emblemed rogues can survive.
This setup works on any green tank, any healer tank, and almost any slow tank.
Aegir, kunch, ares, vivica tanks are simply useless against this setup.
Anz has critical importance for this team in case of really, really bad board.
Long term plan is to get mana troops on two more.


My usual fire sequence:

Wilbur - Zim - Azlar - Mitsuko

Mitsuko may fire first sometimes depending if how desperate I need to mana cut the opponent.

Anzogh could substitute Azlar but I love my Azlar so much more.
Can’t wait for this costume to arrive.

I went and found anzogh flank and took pics of what happens when my anzogh fires with Ares buff and when defense anzogh fires without buffs. My anzogh does 1350 total damage, and heals my allies for 1200hp. That’s a swing of 2550hp.

It would be more damage and more healing of course, had more heroes still been alive but that’s neither here nor there. And this is the enemy anzogh firing and doing about 1700 total damage to my heroes, and healing himself and friends for about 1200 total. That’s a tempo shift of 2900hp.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: :information_source: Anzogh – 5* Fire/Red - Apr 2019 HotM