Any love out there for Friar Tuck costume?

I have never kept or used Friar Tuck, but now have his costume. Doesn’t really seem a great improvement.

Any reason to keep it? I just feel a little cautious about getting rid of costumes


I was considering it. The mana gen could be useful in some events. But Belith is still a better healer imo.


I haven’t leveled the costume yet, but I will once current Green project (Hansel) is done. I think extending the heal+ mana boost to all will be a big boost to Tuck’s usefulness. I plan to sub him in in place of Belith if I don’t need a dispeller.

I do already have a maxed, unemblemed copy of Tuck though, so my additional investment isn’t very high. I can see where those who don’t have a maxed base Tuck may be hesitant. But I think the Tuck costume is worth it! Lower % heal than Belith, but mana boost to compensate (and Tuck himself gets the mana boost to help recharge for another heal)!

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I don’t think the game will let you feed off your last copy of a costume, so if you think it’s going to be a long time before you need Tuck, go ahead and eat him, you’ll pull him again by the time you decide to level him, and the costume will still be waiting.


I will definitely also level Tuck’s costume.

However, in May several relatively easily obtainable green heroes/costumes came out. Not only the already mentioned Belith, but also Grevle, a S3 rare hero who boosts health of all by 250 and adds 30% attack for all at average mana. Moreover, a few really great 4* heroes were released: Almur alias mini Evelyn (-54% defense against Green) or Kasshrek’s costume which could become an amazing tank for gold/platinum arena players (and pretty nasty to play against in mana rush tournaments).

Friar Tuck’s costume is not bad and definitely worth leveling. With several green 3* / 4* beasts released, of course he gets little love even if he deserved more.


I have never kept a friar tuck before. He has always been a feeder. Then I pulled his costume which makes him useful.
So yes eventually he will be levelled

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