šŸ‘‘ Alliance War leaderboard

Sure. But out of the x # of posts that have been moved, this was seen today. :wink:. Should I close it instead? :grin:

Back to topic.

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Stop with the close frenzy!
Between u and jonahā€¦must be somethin in the water



Cool, Iā€™ll have to do more searching on the calculation of war scoresā€¦ I know Iā€™ve seen the threads, but itā€™s been a while.

So, SG could just let us sort the leaderboard by war scores only, not the combined index. Seems easy enough to doā€¦

That would actually suffice, yes

War score is a combination of depth+performance

Depth score(allianceā€™s base war score)= 30 top heroes of each player + top troop of every color of every player, more weight to the top 5(heroes&troops of each player). Itā€™s pretty much just basic addition of hero powers and troop powers but with some weird twist somewhere in there cause i was able to get close but not exact and tried different variables(been awhile now and no laptop in front of me)

Then you have performance score
Performance score =
Each war win is considered a ā€œpenaltyā€ that increases your allianceā€™s war score to find a stronger opponent in an attempt to prevent anyone from chaining wins

Wins increase war score
Losses decrease war score

An alliance can gain up to 20 penalties(used to be 10), once theyā€™ve capped or at least get passed 10(old cap), they start facing opponents above their weight

wins at cap opens war chests faster(unfortunately some have figured out how to reduce their cap by dropping members, playing king of the mountain, and dominating everyone that can possibly match with them and chaining chest fills that way instead)

Think i covered everything but will see if i can find some links for more clarification

Btw if you want to try to crack the code of how individual war scores are figured up

You can find out your own individual score by opting out for about 5 to 15 minutes then opting back in

Screenshot war score before opt out
Then after opt out once u see a score change
Then opt back in and screenshot again when u see another change just to be safe

Then you can start toying with different mathematics of heroes and troops to see if you can break down the exact calcs of individual war scores that are combined to create an allianceā€™s base war score

Hereā€™s a simpler performance score explanation straight from the horseā€™s mouth(keep in mind cap was 10 wins at this time but has been increased to 20 now)


Awesome! Thanks for your insight and the links. Great readingā€¦

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Ffs SGā€¦



Iā€™d like to propose to create a separate leaderboard based on a War score.
This feature recieved a great deal of support in Russian community (see screenshot below).

@Petri, kindly ask for your attention.
Itā€™d be a quite simple implementation.

Thank you!



Since our resident Necromancer is in forum jail, thought Iā€™d revisit this one againā€¦ it really shouldnā€™t be that hard to do, is it? Filter for war score, or even titan score or trophy score if you care about that kinda thingā€¦ please? sigh

:thinking: :crossed_fingers:

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Iā€™d up this topic too.
Guys, pretty pleeease, with a cherry on topā€¦

Itā€™ll increase interest in the most engaging part of the game - wars!


Good and interesting Idea

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the idea is not worth the expense. someone wants to amuse their ego, nothing more. there is a rating, this is enough, there are cups, as an indicator of the player, the war is included in the overall rating

good idea! Iā€™d up this topic

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All the game is a big ego amusement )
Thatā€™s why we have other ratings.

War rating is extremely important, and itā€™s the only rating that shows real alliance strength.
(thatā€™s opinion-based, I know, but stillā€¦)


would vote this but i ran out of votes


This issue have been discussed several times over the years, never getting implemented.
I think it is long overdue.
The game alliance leaderboard is great in the way, that it due to titan decay is dynamic throughout a day, not getting stall, making it possible for all alliances streaking 14* titans, to occasionally make a top 100 rank.
I believe we need a second alliance leaderboard, for wars only, to show the more accurate top alliance ranking, for alliance strength in wars.
Currently top 150+ top alliances are providing data for, and all their thousand of members dependent on the unofficial leaderboard created by @Beezzer and GhostChilli.
They are making an incredible work on collecting and analyzing all the data to post an updated leaderboard twice a week, for top alliances to be able to measure war ranks against each other.
The raw war score data collect and measuring wins and defeats, would be a lot more simple for SG to do directly in game.
Then active players, could focus on the more fun analyzing part about movements and statistics also now added to the unofficial alliance leaderboard.
A war leaderboard aside of the alliance leaderboard could provide:

  • A more accurate ranking of the strength of top 100 alliances in wars
  • Making it easier for upcoming top alliances to measure their war performances and set goals for improving.
  • Make great war performances show in ranks and not be hidden in the details of alliance scores, having to look into each alliance to check their current war score.
  • Making it more motivating for alliances to reach higher war goals, being the main team game factor for most players in top 200+ alliances. What could make it more encouraging to stay in game. (considering the number of top/longtime players leaving game, or stepping down for more casual playing, no longer seeing the point or goals in trying to reach or stay at top)
  • Making it less rewarding for some top alliances, occasionally to stay short on members on purpose, to get easier war matches. It would take a full alliance to stay on the war leaderboard

I imagine it could be an addition to the general alliance leaderboard, like local leaderboards was added in raids.


I love the idea of more leaderboards. Give folks something to push for. It seems like a simple UI implementation.


Yes!!! This is something that is so needed! It should not be up to @Beezzer and Ghost Chili and others to collect war results and manually enter the data into a spreadsheet. This is something easily automated by the developers. We have a top 100 chat that is currently at 225 members who post their war data. Itā€™s time consuming and labor intensive. Sometimes results have to be hunted down. These dedicated players volunteer their time to do this. But this could very easily be automated by the devs. Please, please, please implement this!


It shouldnā€™t be to difficult for the power to be to create another tab that you could toggle between overall top alliance that would include everything such as the titan score, cups and war score and another tab for just the war scores


ā€œSort by tabā€ might solve this issue, not difficult to include it as they already showing the individual scores in the alliance score tab