Alliance War chat with Opponents

We can’t have nice things.

There are several instances where another alliance will put a racially-charged Insult in the War - #3 by PeachyKeen in their description. Meanwhile, SG bends over backwards to censor not only silly words, but every permutation, derivation, alternate spelling, cheeky work-around and otherwise goody representation of regular phrases that even the most prudish person has uttered at least once in their lives.

As much as I REALLY like the idea…

And I’m saying this as a friend… we live in a world where the well-intentioned are out-shouted by the rest. Where a few bad apples spoil the whole bushel.

Your best bet— if you are lucky enough to be deep in the community, and find an alliance that meets your language, to use the message to invite them into General Chat (in game) or another chat, exchange line IDs and set up a Chat Room in Line.

You could also put up a forum post if any of the members are on the forum, I always love reading the moderated banter and seeing the war hits: WAR ROOM: The Light of HELIOS v. The Darkness of BATMAN DARK KNIGHTS

I’d also be willing to share my Line ID if you want to continue the discussion.

But I am not willing to lie to you and say there is any chance of this ever happening.
Anyone that tells you differently, has a below 90 IQ, believes the boards aren’t random and thinks that SG intentionally holds certain heroes from them.