Alliance leadership should control the war "opt out" box, not the members MASTER

Oh the idea to set limits is very good too, like 1 war 1 flag, i like that we have no rules we very full good teams but many no have but one team, is okey though we kill many 5 and 6s titans is why i no want any to go but many are getting unhappy with war and wish we could remove people from battlefield, so many have said this here so is clearly something to be issue of thought

This is all we ask…lucky you

Hello to all,

I’ll start this request with an example. I am in the alliance of 27 members and we have our rules. Besides obvious ones like “We do not insult each other” our rules are to actively hit titans and 6 attacks in the war. Most of our problems come from the last one.

Most of my alliance members including me think that kick is too harsh of a sentence for failing to hit 6 times in war. So I think that there should be some other mean of enforcing rules and I was thinking of alliance leader being able to remove someone from the next war. So if someone is not active in war like other members, alliance leader can remove him from the next war as a punishment. By doing that, he’ll receive less rewards from war cheat and that is it. So if you want same rewards like everyone else then be active like everyone else.

I do understand that this could make problems sometimes if your alliance leader is a moron that removes people without reason, but since there are tons of active alliances out there I think that shouldn’t be much of a problem.

If anyone has other suggestions feel free to share. Also if anyone has similar experiences like my alliance members, I would be happy to hear them.


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This request is sth very similar.

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Thanks brother. If you ask me moderator can remove this thread.

Everyone has different game play priorities, but with that being said, for me it’s a really inconsiderate thing to do to rest of alliance members if you do not use all your war flags.

All alliances should have clear rules for titans and wars along with the consequences for not adhering to these rules.

RL happens and so with an explanation for why they didn’t use their flags, maybe there is a grace for first offense.

Sounds like OP opinions do not line up with the alliance rules.

@Impaler instead of thinking its unfair for you, try thinking how unfair you are being to rest of your members.

Recommend you join an alliance that does not require you to use all war flags. Maybe there in a war, you used all your flags but you lost by a few points because other members in your alliance decided to do what you think and didn’t use all their war flags.

Not trying to come across as a personal attack but if my alliance tolerated repeated such behavior without a very good reason, I’d be seeking a new alliance.

I’d recommend anyone who doesn’t use all war flags have a cool down period like automatically not being able to participate in the next war even if they joined a new alliance.

Keep in mind that some of your lower level players, provided you don’t have high cup requirements, probably don’t have the roster to use all 6 flags.
The new guys need to at least use 3, anyone who’s been around for several months, and playing should be able to use the majority of their flags.
Also you need to take into account F2P, C2P and P2W…these all have great bearing on the amount, and quality, of heroes.

@zephyr1 ready for a merge

Alliance leadership should control the war "opt out" box, not the members MASTER

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

I am reading with my great interest.
@Impaler Almost all of us have or have had the same problem.
I had the obligatory wars and in the end I surrendered to not obligatory, that if those who sign up commit themselves to spend their 6 attacks. I do not care if you have to spend them with heroes of 1 *.
It was hard. I had to make a record of wars with screenshots and draw the attention of players who were missing attacks in the alliance chat. ‘This player so many attacks, This other so many attacks’ ‘Please if you are not going to spend all the attacks, remove your equipment from the war’.
After 3 wars I unfortunately had to expel a player I had with me since I made the alliance.
Little by little my problem is disappearing, people are getting used to deactivating wars if they know that they will not be able to participate.
@Rabbitsmoker I agree with you that the war awards must be for those who participate.
Precisely the work of a leader is that, watch that their alliance works as well as possible and if it is needed as unpleasant as it is you have to kick from time to time.
I’m sorry I can not vote this.

Even stronger. After every war the box should reset to opt-out.

Just like tournament you should consciously opt-opt-in imho. Small effort for active players, huge problem solver for more casual alliances.


An alliance leader’s role should not be a policeman who checks who attaked and who didn’t, pleading in chat for people who can’t find time in 24 hours to attack for a total of maybe 10 minutes to spend 5 seconds to opt out…

If anyone thinks that having higher participation in wars in better for the game, I think they are sorely mistaken. Will the game (developers, matching algorithm, whatever) really miss the particpation of the no-participants? Or will it miss the loss of participation of the “leaders” and others who inveitably get frustrated from seeing others bring them down.

Even financially, who are the spenders (not all, but majority) in this game? Those that fight in wars or conciously opt out. Definitely not those that don’t care or are flailing around and ignoring wars despite not taking the beforementioned 5 seconds to deal with the issue.

Just make people confirm their defense team and participation like in tournaments every time (there can be a default one from last time memorized, obviously) Then it is simple, either they don’t join and everything is fine, or they do and then don’t participate and can be kicked if necessary.

Saves a lot of frustration… I’d rather a few people forgot to join than this.

Also, if you missed the 24 hour window to “join” war, you could just as easily have missed the two 12 hour windows to hit. So no loss there.

There is another way around this which would encourage more hits by everyone without the need to opt them out.


Place a percentage on actual hits used dividing the 100% reward into 6, which means you don’t hit you get no rewards as if you where not opt in to start with.
Use only 1 hit and you get 1/6th of a percentage of the rewards and so on.

Bottom line is if you used 6 hits you get 100% your due rewards.

What do you think? @PapaHeavy @Olmor

This solves everybody’s problem without giving extra power to anyone. This also justifies lower leveled players being in the war who don’t have a full roster which means they get rewarded for their percentage of participation only.


Perfect idea.
Make it 25%.
All 6 150%…


Love it @Ozy1!! Perfect suggestion

Any chance that there can be an option for leaders to opt a member out of war temporarily ? It’s frustrating when you have ppl not use flags … And you don’t want to be extreme and opt the whole alliance out for one person … And you do t want to kick them (in case there was a good reason ) but you still want them to understand .it’s not Kool to leave your team hanging
I don’t know I think it would help

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Please vote here:

Maybe a merge @zephyr1 @Garanwyn @Rook


Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:


I agree but the members still should be able to opt in and out … However the leaders should be able to … For lack of a better word “penalize” the offender opting them out of war a maximum of one war cycle (Wednesday & Saturday one war cycle) at a time but not consecutively meaning if they opt them out one war and let them war the following and they mess up again they opt them out that completes a war cycle so you have to wait one time before allowed to opt.them out again… Because you know SOMETIMES leaders do get a god complex

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As acting leader of alliance i only ask for players to try.
Some of the new players don’t have the depth for war, it’s fine, all i ask for them to opt out if they don’t like war or can’t fight for some reason(vacation whatever).
I trying to clear the dead wood off, but since I’m only a co leader there some i can’t do anything about.
I voted for the idea.
I think it is good, if a leader is stupid or petty, there is other alliances that will accept decent players.
Now, i would like to take over as leader(missing for a month) but don’t know how.
My wandering thoughts.