Alliance leadership should control the war "opt out" box, not the members MASTER

We have the same problem. Players who use 1 flag every second war, so they aren’t removed from war. Or they miss 2 consecutive wars and then opt themselves back in so they don’t miss any.

It’s super annoying. Whether they are high TP teams that force you to fight harder alliances, or low TP teams that get farmed, it’s a huge problem to anyone in the alliance who cares about the outcome.

These players reap the benefits of war without participating. And since we’re in a casual guild, guild leadership won’t kick someone just because of this. It sucks and they might lose me because of it. And besides this one problem, the guild is great.

I’d like there to be an option where leaders have to give permission to participate in war. It should be a privilege, not a right. At least if that was an option and my guild leader decided not to use it, I could very easily decide whether I want to stay or not.

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Well…we kick members not using all flags in war…rules stays rule and we announced it in discription…

Fully agree. Leads should have some control of this. Heck leads need somthing special about being lead. Right now co lead and lead have exact same abilities there’s nothing special about being lead


I second this. As an Alliance leader I’m weary of badgering people to either remember to use at least one flag if they’ve opted in, or to uncheck the dang box if they don’t want to participate.

Edited: Or just have the “Participate in Wars” default to OFF (opt out) instead of the default being opt in for each War. That way someone has to make the decision each War if they will participate or not.


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It is frustrating to lose wars because a player consistently doesn’t do their part…I want to bench such players.

“As a leader or co-leader I would like the ability to remove individual players from Alliance Wars.”

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Or better, don’t give those players participation points if they don’t attack (not sure if this is already done) and/or automatically opt them out for the next battle.

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This suggestion has been requested here:

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Thanks - apparently I didn’t search long enough…

Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

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In all fairness Players that still have 6 hits at the end of AW’s should NOT be awarded rewards by default. But then you will have those that will only use 1 hit just for the reward.

As I agree with leaders having this ability I do support it alm the way.


In defense of some of our lower level Alliance members, sometimes they only have one team and can only use one flag. They just don’t have any kind of bench built yet. And I appreciate the heck out of them for making that effort with their one team and their one flag.



As do our lower ranked members and I would presume they would be an exception to this discussion don’t you think? As they are using their hits and it’s up to the leaders to do right by them.

This discussion is about players not using hits, being away or unable to access their phone to opt out of AW’s or what ever the reason.

Good and fair leaders should know their members and have a fair idea as to why they are not on or didn’t opt out. At least I do anyway as we are all working in real life and for those who work long hours and have families, sometimes a game on your phone is the last thing on your mind.

No one here wanting this suggestion is wanting it to use it against lower ranked players because they only have 1 or 2 or so teams.


I would like to see added, the ability for the leader and co leader to remove player from war. With the time frame for opting in and out, sometimes players don’t get to it in time.
I’ve also asked players not using all flags to opt out and they don’t. But they are still very active with titan battles. It would also give us the option to use “kicked from war” as a warning without having to post on the chat for all to see.


This is probably the thread you are looking for



I would like very much if the leader, or someone leader put in charge, could have a way to remove someone from the battlefield. We have struggled with nonparticiapation and as it effects everyone in the alliance, i don’t want to boot someone from the alliance because they don’t fight in war but right now is only way to get them off the battlefield, this is not right, please game developers look into making this an option, i know you like keeping leaders weak, i like that but its a team thing and when a team is affect by one they should have a choice and complete removal well is to much as an only choice…domo

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This has been suggested multiple times. Main topic with over 80 votes:

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Gomen nasai…we at end of war and just made rule no play twice…well is bad one will go…i will read at other thread, wish game developer would too…gomen…

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

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I did not know that after 2 non plays game would opt out someone, i read for some it not, i think i will test before i kick to see if then that someone does re-opt in and not fight then bye-bye. I vote for the box being unchecked at first maybe save alot of trouble, i no like kick people, i go tell my enforcer…Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita :wink:

Yes, we also have some members using strictly ever only 1 flag to not get opted out.

But nevertheless we momentarily win 4 out of 5 and can tolerate that therefore.