Ok got to sh 21 finally and I know that advanced farms and storage mine’s are great…but wondering how worth is advanced house’s HL and alchemy lab. I know I’ve seen some players say HL items are very expensive to make and it’s alot of iron to make a HL… Also I’ve heard nothing really good about alchemy lab…I know there’s something being fixed with it…but it’d be good going ahead with some knowledge!
I am C2P, I am upgrading only Mines, Farms and both types of Storage.
And the RECRUIT HOUSE; advanced recruit house will produce recruits for you without farming the maps. Couple of levels of advance house will give you about 2 recruits/hour and is well sufficient for your level 11 training overnight…
All advance resources structures (farms and mines) and storages (food and iron) must be maxed, including the Watchtower, Advance House.
I have built Hunter’s Lodge to max (this was the time when you have an idle builder and too much iron), but only researched AL1 and AL3.
My Alchemy Lab is also maxed but only researched AL6 (now AL12, i thought they were giving off unfarmable ascension mats), AL9 (now AL19) and AL10 (now AL20). Currently researching AL5 so that I can transmute approx 20k training manuals (a 1 star ascension material) to a different 1 star ascension material (either Adventurer’s Kits, Practice Swords and Rugged Clothes) as they would be useful for my training camps and for powerleveling heroes. Right now, I am one of those farming the Alchemy Lab for alkashards as it will only cost you 1,000 of them to create an unfarmable 3 star ascension mat, and every transmutation at AL19 (costs 100 gems, 125k food and 12 farmable rare mats) and AL20 (costs 200 gems, 225k food and an epic ascension mat) will give you 1,050 shards each per week. Even using only AL19 weekly, it will allow me to farm for shards, not to mention disposing of farmable rare ascension materials to make a random unfarmable rare ascension mat or a 5% chance of getting epic ascension mat. Combining shards will give an option of getting either an unfarmable rare ascension mat, emblems or 4 star battle items from HL.
Some say AL and HA are useless. But in reality, both just did not conform to their expectations, wants and needs. Like what most Free2Play advocates do, make the best of what you have. I already have Alchemy Lab and I am farming it for shards. I will also be building and maxing Hero Academy soon since my Builder would be jobless then.
Advanced House to Level 9 is as far as you need to go; the benefit to Lvl 10 on that is minimal and not worth it. But 9 is worth doing.
The rest… well, I use Hunter’s Lodge to make Harpoons for titan hits, but I haven’t crafted anything else there. I unlocked all the levels just in case Path of Valor someday asks for something to be crafted there, though. (I have no idea if that is even a concern.)
The rest, I’ve slowly built up because… not much else to do with my Iron & Food. So I’m almost to 10 on my third Adv Food Storage, almost to 8 on my third Adv Iron Storage, 10-10-5 on Adv Farms, and 10-10 on Adv Mines. I mean, it generates more resources in the long run, but I foresee a time not too far in the future where all I’ll be able to spend Iron on is cranking out Harpoons.
I eagerly anticipate the release of a second Advanced House, but… not sure if that will happen or not. I’d like to see it though.
@Fizban Apperently (front what I read in the game msg in-box) about AL it’s gonna change to alot lower alkashards…I haven’t gotten there yet…I’d like to be able to get non farmable mats from farmable one’s… really first major advanced building I’ll be able to build would be HL as I’m at sh 21 rn and getting my one TC to 20 ATM …and getting a forge to 20 and a house to get the recruits without farming… but appreciate the Major insight! Helps alot and much appreciated!
The Advanced House is sort of like an advances storage that also produces. Honestly, I can see prioritizing it very highly. The first swap takes 10 seconds, if I remember right, and it’s very worthwhile.
It’s nice to have some building requiring food to level up again, as going back & forth between using Iron or food can help.
I’ve got Hunter’s Lodge to 4, but I don’t have VIP, basically don’t spend, and am in an alliance where we needed the harpoons. Also, I find the harpoons to be a good use of excess iron & food when I need to spend down.
Alchemy Lab is something that I did the level 1 conversion to get, saw how much things were, and converted it back. I view it as mostly a building for spenders.
Of course advanced farms, mines and storage buildings first. I’ll also max the advanced house, not because I lack recruits, but because there’s a mission for it which will give you a handful of gems.
Hunter’s Lodge has some very useful items to save you trouble with rare or high level titans, like the caltrops or that potion (forgot the name) for +hp, +attack and +defense. Expensive stuff but useful.
Alchemy Lab is good to burn excess materials, and for alkashards. Hero Academy also has some interesting levels, even if you just use it to accelerate troop leveling a little.
So in the end, it’s not about what to build but when to build. There’s no use in leaving your builder idle. Prioritize the economic buildings, after that the order is up to your liking and playstyle.
I’ve got iron storage nearly maxed (a10-a8-a10-20-20), food storage too (a10-a5-20-20), mines and farms are maxed, or very nearly so. HL is only level 5… Will be starting SH25 in two days when I get a free builder.
AL seems to be really only useful to run level 2B constantly to get shards and turn all those bear banners I’ve amassed into something more useful.
HA would be useful to play hero roulette (pulled 4 Telluriae)… I have lots of recruits, so…
What I don’t see is what buildings would be good to convert… Maybe one forge, leaving me with one active forge, and one training camp (leaving one full up on TC11, one full up on TC20, and one for day-to-day trainings)? What are other people doing?
Advanced house and 1st level Hunter lodge are first priority
Effect of advanced mines and farms is negligible. Upgrade them last
Advanced storages are good but better sync them with requirements of SH, AL, HA.
Other than houses and resource related buildings I would say that I’m very fond of the Hunter’s Lodge:
You get some of the strongest items to fight titans and the harpoons, needed to gather the titan’s body parts, can decrease both titan’s defense and attack.
My favourite item, Scroll of Alteration: they have the ability to turn a bad titan board into a 100k hit.
Hero Academy: I’ll run the “cheap to queue” troop’s level and the weekly conversion.
Troop’s feeders could have been a bit easier to get but at least we can run 2 leels at the same time.
Alchemy Lab: Seems like I will have to level it at some point but the chance to get 4* ascension materials for free from shard’s conversion has been given to RNG and I don’t think that 10 emblems after X days are enough of a reason to burn trough my stock of items… I’ll work on it just to burn items I don’t have any use for and to convert items I’ll never use such as Super Antidotes and Revive Scrolls.
Adv farm, mine, and their storages are 1st priority. Then adv house, since hero academy need lots recruits, up to lv 9. HL lv 1 to make harpoons. AL and HA later.
Back then, you have lots of food and an idle builder. If you were among those who were able to catch up all the building to max at level 20 and nothing to build, you always tend to max buildings when the new update comes. But if you are still playing catch up with us, i understand why you wouldnt max certain structures.
Right. No need to rush adv iron until max since you’ll always have enough iron when next building ready to upgrade. However, there’s a mission to fully upgrade adv mine with some gems reward. In case of nothing to build, max it.