Add Option to Disable Hero Animations During Titan Attacks and Raids, or Make the Animations Faster / Allow Continuing Attacks During Titan Attack Animations or Speed Them Up [MASTER]

I observe, as a veteran in this game, is that some animations when your fighting a Titan are really really long. Sometimes Titans Super take like 5 to 6 seconds unable you to attack. Its frustrating when you can only wait. Can you add an on/off supers animation in Titans or in general for veteran players.

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There should be a level playing field between players. Can’t have settings that give you more playing time.

In general I agree with your observation though. Animation time should be limited or we should be able to play through it.

Kinda like TSA at the airport. Get a good search

Please give us the option to speed up animations! RPG/Match 3 games are my jam and EnP has-by a mile- THE slowest gameplay inside the actual match. This becomes especially annoying with a board of minions. I realize it would have to be excluded for titans and challenge events. There is simply way too much waiting between moves. Personally I’d love to see option for doubling and tripling animation speed, but would be thrilled with either. This feature would be so easy to implement and would exponentially increase my enjoyment of the game. Thanks for listening!

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Would be nice for events as well, as these are time based and some animations take longer than others.

You can’t do anything untill the combo is done anyway so why not have some options for speeding up all the animations on special skills and combo x2 x3 and maybe x4 VIP only :slight_smile:

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I would love a button that removes the theatrics from hero’s specials especially for events such as this that are timed. Not only are we trying for better times and scores but some of us can’t afford the extra few minutes those theatrics add thAt cover the board and don’t allow you to see the gems your trying to move because we’re in a hurry doing real life things and are just trying to play for a minute or 2 before life takes over and we can’t play anymore until we get another break. Don’t get me wrong theatrics put a good feel to the game but they get rather aggravating when you can’t see half the screen and you just want to get through the battle.

All the animations are too slow for 5* heroes and minions, plus they obscure a lot of the screen. Just more evidence that nobody at SG actually plays the game. Fix this.

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A lot of people spent their votes on this idea. Is there any reason why Zynga wouldn’t want it implemented?

Time is money. OUR money.


Would it be possible to consider making hero’s specials translucent so you could still see the board beneath it? Some specials seem to have longer animation times, or if you set off several specials it drains the timer on titans. I find myself needing a second just to blink and lubricate my eyes after setting off a few holy heroes :joy::joy::joy: Especially Odin! Its blinding lol…

Either way thanks for your time.

yes i agree with that idea

Animations are here to stay Ă  d the devs know what their doing and how it affects us with titans etc and thus do it on purpose, of that you can be sure of.

The real QUESTION to SG here should be!

Since over the years heroes and animations have grown and evolved into taking more time than they did 4years ago when the game started WHY NOT ask to extend the titans time from 90 seconds to 2 minutes thus taking into account the 20 to 30 seconds lost in time by these animated specials which has occurred on a greater scale over the years.

So @EmpiresPuzzles please think about EXTENDING the titans duration, even 10 would help a bit.


I don’t like it when a hero’s special animation blocks the board so I can’t see my next match move, SG, can you add this option in settings, maybe add this somehow, just like how a player can uncheck music & sound affects, Titan attacks have a limited time, Players shouldn’t have to wait for the animation to clear so we can start looking for our next best match…

I think there is already a poll for this, i think one solution would be to set the animation display’s transparency instead of fully turning it off - assuming SG don’t want us to turn it off. At least set the transparency down to 60% or 70% or something


Here is the main thread on the idea

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Can we please get rid of the stupid and time-consuming animations of heroes specials in battle?
It just takes for ages till they’re all finished one by one. Maybe make it possible to let them go off all at the same time, the result will be the same.
Thank you


It is a good idea.
It is already proposed by others too :slight_smile:


Basically, the topic says it all. But, especially for rush tournaments and wars, you spend all your time waiting for the pointless animations.

Can we please, either speed them up or give us the option of turning them off?


The animation is poorly designed, wastes so much time, and beyond frustrating the 95% of the time boards are biased against mono. Let us turn it off. Don’t care what you do for challenge events and ninja tower and any other future events that’s time sensitive.

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