A warning to the community

I mean let’s recap:

1 - Telluria isn’t trash post rebalance. Just look at the top 100…

2 - No one makes you spend any money at all.

3 - If the game no longer brings you enjoyment then quit playing it


Thank you for a much needed eye opener… already in too far, $o much time $pent, and frustrations that I, in denial, justify w any little charity thrown my way from E&P…

Guess I need to once again reclarify my take on the game.

I do enjoy the game.
I would enjoy it more if I had more good heroes.
Good heroes are way too damn expensive.
Therefore, I won’t be spending for them.
Therefore, I will still continue to enjoy the game, albeit not as much as I could if the spending requirements weren’t so high.

Of course one can argue that this is just how life works.
I like my car, I would probably like it more if it was a Ferrari.
I can’t afford a Ferrari.
The difference is that I can’t really try to petition Ferrari to lower their prices, because it costs a lot of money to build a Ferrari.
It wouldn’t cost SG very much money at all to put, say, S2 heroes into TC20.
Aside from the “potential revenue” they might lose from people spending less money to try to summon them (which is purely speculative revenue, not actual production costs).
There is no guarantee that people will continue to be willing to pay full price for these heroes anyway.
Seems to me that the least they could do is list them at a discount.

But that’s just my opinion.
You are free to dismiss it, just as SG almost certainly will.


Doesnt matter how many heroes you have. Thats the biggest lie you tell yourself when you start, that eventually you will have enough heroes to compete against anyone. If you are FTP that is just a flat out illusion. Sure you can do well and climb to diamond but if you are truly FTP it will be years before you have a roster that you feel gives you ease in all aspects of the game, and that is not fun.


I started off as C2P. I thought that if I bought VIP and a few $10-$20 deals here and there, I’d start getting a number of 5* pulls.

Reality is that most of my 5*s have come from TC20. $10-$20 a month is not enough, you have to spend probably 10x that amount if you want to be competitive. Which makes me ask myself, why even bother spending $10? When I can get the same level of enjoyment out of the game spending $0?

Feels like the little bit of money I spent was wasted, because it “wasn’t enough”. Sad thing is that I know how many peoples’ minds work… they don’t get the hero they wanted, so they keep buying more, and more, and more until they do… :confounded:

I am glad that I’m able to stop myself before making that mistake.


So, full disclosure, I started the game last June, and thought it was interactive and fun, I joined a great alliance, pulled some interesting heroes like Ranvir, Kingston, and Grazul, and became an active member of the forum in September 2019.

I had previously left my other game (PC) called League of Legends, some of you may or may not know it but it is a very profitable, interactive , and fun MOBA game. One thing that made it so fun was me being apart of PBE (public beta environment). We tested changes to various parts of the game, and the balance team decided based on playrate, winrate, and overall player experience the changes to champions. League has lost its ways a bit, so SG was refreshing for me.

I signed up for beta this past December and got accepted. I thought with being active on the forums, and previous game balance history, I could make an impact on upcoming changes to this game.

To tell you the truth, I believe none of the feedback I have given has been heard, or cared for. One difference between this game and League is, the League balance team and game designers address their balance changes, and what abilities fit both thematically and for play style.

This is not a comparison, but a note I would like to bring to SG and the community. I have mostly stopped posting in beta because of a lack of transparency, lack of reason for changes, and a lack of respect to beta testers and all they do.

For example, before Tavern of Legends was releases, I did an upward of 3k-4k pulls. Gave feedback like everyone else did on summon ratios and hero inclusions, and no changes were made.

I love this game, I don’t want it to die, or go down a path like League where player experience and voice is pushed aside for whats hot and new and good for marketing.

I would like to have a real voice, I want SG to be successful, and for the community to be successful in our own ways while playing this game.

SG please show you are willing and able to meet us half way. Post more on your reasonings for upcoming hero kits and balance changes, give us a sense of what a “meta” means to you, tell us how we can support you. You can do better, and so can I, meet me half way.



Very well put.

Never personally played LoL, but yes, I am very well aware of it. Lifelong gamer here with experience in various game types (PC, console, handheld, multiplayer, single player, etc.).

This is also what I am looking for (although I’ve never been a part of beta, never requested to be, and probably wouldn’t want to). I want them to at least listen to someone. Doesn’t even have to be me (I know they don’t listen to me).

They don’t listen to our complaints. They don’t listen to beta testers. They don’t listen to our suggestions. They don’t listen to the vent threads, the profanity-laden call outs, the proposed boycotts, or the rage quits.

What SG listens to:

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Firstly, you don’t need to give me any advice on whether or not to stop playing. second, head on which your brain starts working. It is not that Telluria is bad but that you bring out a good hero, the players invest money without end and then the hero is simply throttled. Think

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I think they listen 30/70 (30%) of the time when the whole community gets loud enough, but we shouldn’t be screaming at the top our lungs for change.

It should be an open discussion where SG states what they are planning, and what changes may be coming to implement it.
Then players open a dialogue about problems, suggestions, and feedback.

SG, in my opinion hears us, but they have their own plan, and instead of being inclusive of ideas are acting with a “Type A” personality. They’ve become less cooperative, and more bullheaded.

We aren’t forced into a game built upon adhesion between SG and players, but it has a feeling of “take it or nothing” as of late.

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That’s just it. I don’t expect them to only listen to the forum, because we only represent a small vocal portion of the overall playerbase.

But you look at some of the decisions they’ve made lately.

Okay, yes, I’m going to delve into a particularly controversial one here to start… TellyNerfGate

You had a portion of the playerbase who felt that Telluria was way too overpowered on release.
You had beta testers who had warned them ahead of time that she might be balance breaking.
You had players who spent hundreds (or possibly more) dollars to pull her (him?)
Then after the fact, they decide to nerf her for the sake of “game balance.”

What this tells me is that:

  • They didn’t listen to beta testers
  • They went ahead and let people overspend above their normal budgets to pull her
  • Decided on a whim after the fact, even after so-called testing and such, to nerf her

So basically… they ignored the advice of seasoned players that they had personally selected to help them make good decisions… released the hero anyway… allowed people to spend a bunch of money to pull said hero, even after having been warned that said hero might upset the balance for many other players… then proceeded to nerf that hero later…


Then you toss in ToL…


Now we reads the early beta stuffs on HA.


So yeah. Essentially their message to us is:


have described very nicely and I think that there would be more and cheaper 5 star heroes then the game would be a lot more fun. as it is going now everything is throttled without the end of rare chests about narmale you don’t need to talk get anything. that means invest invest

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Guys, I believe that #Nospend initiative is good atm. It addresses good issues.

But in my opinion more has to be done:

  1. Discuss what we exactly want? (Only being aggressive does not help. We need to show SGG how we want, as their formelly paying customers, to communicate the development of the game).
  2. Set up its own thread or rename this thread to #NOSPEND.
  3. Communicate this also on other channels (like Line).

What I would like from SGG is:
a. Bigger freedom of speech on forum.
b. Solving issue of event/hotm/s2/… duplicates in HA.
c. Providing content for end-game players. You simply only farm and farm.

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What exactly you want to speak in the forum that is forbidden?

I would suggest that…
It is very hard to start a new thread because it will get merged if it has any vague commonality to an existing thread…

Your thread will get locked if a moderator decides it is becoming stale.

You can start a thread about say, boards being less than random, suggesting they are based on a pay table, it will get shut down with a patronising comment about ‘it has been well proven the boards are random’, until 2 years later when a whistleblower restarts the thread with the discovery that boards are less the random and they have been seeded for the last 2 years… that thread will then explode and be locked, because they decide it is ‘not productive’

Forum rules about not being able to discuss other games, making any comparison about other games impossible…which is poor because there are some very good, less money hungry match 3 games out there, some even have a zombie theme .

The game has become a cash grab, the game is now broken, and in line with the general decline, only cheer leading threads or threads that try to minimise how much this game has collapsed are tolerated.

It is all just a bit rubbish really,


Exactly what Lordy says.

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We must read different forums.

The only thing I ever see truly censored are the mentioning of other Mobile games.

Do you really think they’d allow all the none stop Compliant threads if there wasn’t freedom of speech??

Vent all you like on here…there’s even a thread especially for it where you just say it and get no comeback.

If you are good with a profit that is only enjoyment than you have problem far more serious than gambling addiction man! this game is entirely based on probability and is normal that there is frustration after a while.
Tell me 3 things that cause you enjoyment and is not repetitive (apart from war)

The whole point of the #nospend is to take this out of the forum where the small percentage of players aren’t being listened to, and bring it into the actual game to not only get the attention of the larger player base but to get the attention of SG who have yet to respond to a single issue being raised.

While most things here aren’t necessarily censored, so to speak (aside from personal attacks and very naughty language)… the constant merging of threads does bother me a little.

I mean, it’s one thing if 10 people start a thread about the same thing in one day… yeah, that’s just cluttering the forum, those should all be merged together.

But when someone brings up a topic of discussion that hasn’t been mentioned in a while, it probably shouldn’t get merged with a thread from 3 years ago, because a lot has changed since then.

:man_shrugging: IDK. Just my thought on that subject.