A warning to the community


If that doesn’t slap ole @Petri in the face and getting him running to Zynga Giant brass don’t know what will.

While this is all incredibly disappointing, my usual default is to try to throw around some F bombs here. But it sounds like that has been covered. So, yay! Way to go team :rofl:

So I’ll go with a “I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”

(Of course I’m mad too :stuck_out_tongue: This is some horse ■■■■ and stupidly frustrating)


Why are you yelling at me?!?

I’m just a player :stuck_out_tongue: no powers over the game beyond my own account which, ultimately, isn’t mine anyways!


:rofl: classic Rigs. Nice.

Isnt it harder to quit the forums than the game?! Game is like, ■■■■ I could stop playing last year.

But where am I gonna get the same opportunity to come and rant against some crazy ■■■ online gambling schema perpetrated against all the humanity by multi millionaires ?!


The forum is harder to quit than the game for sure lol but i think few things fall into that

1 for some unkown reason i do still care about what happens to the game so think in the back of my mind I’m hopin to find reasons to return to playing it

2 I’ve known some of these forum members for years and that’s hard to just bail on overnight

3 i literally click google chrome each time i go to my home screen from habit and the forum is my homepage lol

the arguments are a byproduct of those things

Are you still playing duaneski?



In an alternate universe this other game (censored for this forum) I just started is closing down. No updates from devs. Terrible HOTM.

Assuming that’s why no one is paying and it’s going bust…

As compensation they are giving free gems in their other games if you hop over but I CBB


Thanks for this post.

I think what you’ve said here could be emphasized with this point: the players know what the game needs, the developers are Just too lazy or stubborn to listen.


^Pashaka is the lead developer for that game. It’s been around ten years and still the developer is on, asking for user feedback, improving the game… (that’s just from today. He’s on every day. Well he has twins on the way so that might slow him down :rofl: … but I’m also a moderator there so uh, that’s gotta draw things into question , eh? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Anyway, whoever pointed out that E&P isn’t the worst. They’re right. No forum is technically worst.

But E&P is closer to the worst than the best, for sure.

@Rigs yes sadly still playing. I will say, I still enjoy wars. Enjoy them a lot. But my alliance leader keeps writing about needing to hit Titan more and I don’t give two craps about that. 4+ times day, every day, for two years. Damnit I’m over it. Wish they’d work at a new alliance coop activity. Switch back and forth ya know. Things get old :stuck_out_tongue: (that goes for everything probably. They could alternate wars and raid tourneys. Instead of overwhelming us with activities, space stuff out so we are looking forward to stuff instead of dreading it. I digress)

Anywho. Yeah. My wife still plays, so I still play. (She bates war and loves titans of course.)


When you say that game do you mean the one in my screenshot or another one? The chat looks very different


Oh my bad. Sorry that was confusing syntax.

I meant the game in my screenshot. Then I reread your post and realized I may have misunderstood your post too :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t control whether or not developers care enough about beta feedback to monitor beta chat.

I’ve read this thread for hours now and realized something you said. What if this forum is much less of an influence as we all think? And a thought occurred to me. The only way to get the attention of the company, would be to do it “in game”. How you ask? Alliance Names. If people could put a simple two word phrase in front of their current alliance name, perhaps an awareness could take hold and voices could be heard. Because as of right now, it seems everything is falling on deaf ears. So if the words “no spend” or “no money” or something that’s actually clever that I can’t think of, appeared in front of every alliance name, and a short description or redirect to even something as simple as this thread was put in the alliance description, perhaps the blissfully ignorant and the new players still chasing the dragon will catch on and realize what’s actually happening. Imagine what the leaderboard would look like?!? That could actually make them listen and in turn, save this game from its death spiral.


Sad reality is that they do not care about what anyone says on the forum. They don’t even seem to care about feedback from people they’ve specifically chosen to be mods and beta testers, let alone what some random forum idiot like @TGW has to say.

They are ONLY LOOKING AT ONE THING: profits. Period.

As long as they can still convince someone, somewhere, to continue spending money on the game? They are not going to change one single damn thing. That is the reality.

In the meantime? I’ll continue to play the game casually. Won’t give them any more money. I’ll continue to shout my worthless opinions into the endless void that is the forum. Very glad to see fellow very vocal and very opinionated forum members like @Rigs and @Duaneski still posting here, even if they’re not playing as much (or at all)… makes it worth it for me to continue posting here as well, so that I’m not the only one shouting into the void.

I think everyone who has taken the time to post here, cares about the game in one sense or another. Even those of us who are mad about it and come here to vent, it still shows that we care in one sense or another. Said it before and I’ll say it again: the day that I STOP caring about this game and community altogether will be the day that I STOP playing and posting here permanently. Currently I’m here 90% for the community and only 10% for holding onto a shred of remaining hope for the future of the game itself.


That is not a bad idea… similar to #PlayApartTogether… let’s see if someone can come up with some clever tag!

Alliance I’m in has one member who does come to the forum, though don’t think they’re a daily visitor, heck I’m not anymore compared to a month or so ago. Maybe one or two others have come here from time to time. But still a number of our members have been growing really, really disenchanted… angry… burned out. One member came back a few months ago, a past big hitter and old friend of many in the alliance… but they’re now looking at uninstalling. We’ve now set up a “sister alliance”, one that is a zero pressure place, wars/titans/pants optional, so if anyone needs a break from team duties yet want to continue their own personal progress at whatever pace, they can still go there.

One thing I did was go to Google Play store, changed my rating to one star, explained why, and said how I’d happily change it back to five stars if we saw the game moving in a better direction. Maybe that is one way we can make some noise. If we could get that average star rating down into the 3* range, well… you never know…


I tried that as well in the apple store. It’s impossible. They leave the “most helpful” post at the very top of the reviews which is of no help at all. Any opinions on those reviews kind of get lost in a sea of unwarranted praise for some reason. And besides, people looking for a new game generally won’t read reviews. They just click it if it looks cool. That’s why I feel the only way to go about bringing forth the much needed changes is to do it in the game so we can “speak with our wallets”. That’s the only way to get enough exposure to the masses. Sadly, the people that are keeping this game afloat in its current state are either uninformed, which is not at all their fault, or just don’t care. I have no influence. I’m in a two person alliance and I’m relatively new to the forum. But if some of the more influential players can get the word out, maybe the spark will find its ignition source and help make this game what we all hoped, and still hope it could be.
Edit: And I feel like it has to be in alliance names, not just in the description. People are always looking at the leaderboard, not necessarily reading the alliance description. It’s an in your face approach, but that’s what it’s going to take.


I’m the leader of my alliance. If somebody here comes up with an appropriate / clever tag that we all agree on, I’ll make it happen for my own alliance. Doubt any of my peeps will object, we’ve all pretty much agreed that any dollar spent on this game is a waste of money at this point.


“WhySpend” “CashOut” “NoMoMoney” “/$”

This game has become a huge chase of heroes and it collects dust when you find out you wont there is a better hero released before you could finish the one you got! The clown feast is dying inside out. Season 3 heroes is a joke of its own, the more people get access to OP season 3 heroes the faster the game will die. This broken mirror is not fixable welcome to inevitable death.

SG had the right recipe and finished it with too much :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: . RIP


Just a thought
No Work,No Pay, No Play

What’s the character limit?

I think it’s 24? I think it’s 24?
Redundancy for 20 characters sake.