I would like to change your opinion about this stage.
This stage is only good for two things:
recruits (9 avg per run, 3 per energy)
common herbs (2 avg per run, 0,66 per energy)
and that’s it.
This stage is so bad for anything else, that it is hard to believe, check this:
I got to 9,8 energy to get 1 adventurer’s kit (adki) and 7,66 energy to get 1 practice sword (prsw).
compare this with 23-9
5,7 energy to get 1 adki and 6,23 energy to get 1 prsw (stats after 89 runs). This will probably settle at 6 over time.
8-7 can give you as low as 6* worth of loot (avg 11,5)
compare with 23-9
lowest ever is 17* worth of loot (avg 27).
So either loot given in this stage has been changed or there is a lot of misinformation on the forum.
Many people believe that this stage is the best.
I have to add one more stat:
In 8-7 I got 16 times a 3* ingredient (you can’t get a 3* asc.item here) in 46 runs, that is 8,6 energy per 1.
In 23-9 I got 82 times a 3* ingred. (+25 3* asc. items) in 90 runs, that is 7,6 energy per 1.
Same with heroes:
8-7 is 7,2 energy per 1 hero
23-9 is 6,7 energy per 1 hero
Can’t compare troops, cause it seems to me that 23-9 is especially designed to give green troops.