760K Epic Villains Walk-Through (Currently 14th)

I am wondering this myself. I left most Facebook groups because of the trolls. I have enjoyed this forum because it tends to have more elevated conversations than I was seeing on Facebook but the reality is weeds grow in all yards.

Thank you for this and the rest that you posted here. I think some fail to realize that I did not have the right heroes or the skill until I started watching other people’s videos, talking to top challenge event players, and ultimately started tweaking my own style/patterns/etc.

I find it incredible bizarre that some feel that if it is not useful or applicable to them then it must not have any value at all. I am equally puzzled that these types spend time “yucking some else’s yum” online.


Great performance :clap: . Thanks for sharing


You are welcome. Glad to help/assist, answer any questions anyone might have.


Sorry you are getting such comments, Jeffrey! I have enjoyed your videos, in particular, the interviews featuring players from and outside of the top alliances. Congrats for your scores and keep on going! :clap:

For the fellow non-native English speakers out there: I understand it is sometimes hard to capture a specific meaning of a word but let’s keep on educating ourselves. :sweat_smile: Keep in mind you can always ask.


Thank you. This is appreciated.

I am actually processing an interview from yesterday right now. Ironically, the interviewee ended up on the other side of my battlefield! haha

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A few games where money provides no in game advantage (you can only assume latency advantage which is not a built-in part of the game)
Any MUD in history
Others we can’t mention per forum policy

I don’t rely on others.
I’m just pointing out that my view is not otherworldly.
But nice cheap shot about the world perils deriving from the opinion of what a game walkthrough is.
Also, plenty of points that have stood for centuries because they had merit.
Slavery is one.
I could name a few others.

It could be an issue or it could be that some legislators do feel that presenting goods in an “innocent” way can be harmful.
In US the alcohol stands have to be hidden, in my country a toddler can walk thru them.

What I don’t like in your video - again: no-one is discussing your right to put what you want in them - is that any walkthrough is based on the idea that if you follow the instructions you can succeed/improve.
But your instructions are based on a considerable money bias and this is a game where kids play.
The implicit - but not that clear for kids/teens - teaching is that you need money to succeed in a game.

All of your takes on the matter are perfectly fit in a corporate environment, but this should be a 7+ game.
Your examples also involve professional sport/competition.
Professional, meaning money presence is totally appropriate.

The problem - for me - is that money, in your walkthrough, is a conditio sine qua non.
And the video lacks this form of disclaimer.
Like “don’t try this at home”, “professional drivers on a closed circuit”, etc.

A word for the community (and Jeffrey): I’ve always said that he has all the rights to do what he does, my exceptions are not directed to the person, but to a specific aspect of this product of his and E&P money biased “competition”.
You are welcome to flag anything you feel necessary, but if there’s someone who has made it personal against the authors (forum rules, anyone?) that’s not me.

Think about it.


I am not sure if you are aware of it but that is how the entire mobile games industry - or at least most of it - works. The top 1% spenders finance averyone else’s play. It makes no sense to me to discuss it in context of one video, even less so since the creator has given voices to f2p/c2p players in his videos.

Maybe you are happier to check out some indie game for example? There are many cool ones out there and they could really use some support.

I don’t know where you are from but in my country education is (perceived as being) free and alcohol is sold in separate stores during restricted hours. We don’t have slavery, though.

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I know absolutely nothing about these games, but I am certain money provides an advantage in competing in them. It always does.

Thanks. You just proved my point about the perils of relying on other for confirmation. I do not see any scenario that slavery as a concept stands on its own merit.

US - as in the United States?! I am not aware of any place in the US that alcohol stands are hidden. First, that would never be a “us” law as it would be up to each state. Second, alcohol has not been hidden in any state or territory that I have been to and I have been to all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.

There have been “kids” in top alliances in E&P. :slight_smile:

Who are you to determine that??!

The same is true for amateur sports, local sports, any form of competition … money provides advantages. Period.

All the better that they learn this while they are young. Life is not fair and money will always provide advantages.

Well, that we can agree on — the problem is yours.

… and it does not need one any more than a baseball glove, football, or tennis racquet. Should golf clubs with a disclaimer that the game might get expensive if you want to compete?

Then please, by all means do not watch my channel, look at my posts, or in any other way engage me. I would also suggest walking away from E&P if it causes this much angst.

Excuse me for saying this but it’s hard to take you seriously after such a statement.


Oh my, the response is in reply to another posters… Too funny :joy::rofl:. Taking a quote out of context makes little sense :dizzy_face:… You’re excused.

I look forward to your next video @JekylandHyde. FWIW, there are more people who appreciate your work than those who continue to debate philosophical issues or differences of opinion beyond the initial intent of your thread. :thinking:

The cream always rises to the top :wink:.


My statement was factual. I do not know anything about the games the commenter mentioned, but money would absolutely provide advantages in playing them. I do not need to know the game, because the fact is, as mentioned previously, money always provides advantages—always.

Thank you for being you! Every garden has its weeds, but the flowers will out number them and always look more beautiful!


I’ve made the point before. Money gives people advantages in everything in life. Whether you like that or not is really not going to change this fact.

Even good old Chess. The most basic and cheapest game on Earth. Kids that come from privilege will get better access to coaching and the competitions needed to improve. There’s always an expection, some kid from a poor rural village somewhere who gets noticed but 99.99% they probably don’t. Raw skill can carry you so far but sadly, the world revolves around money. And it talks.

I play a lot of other games competitively. Let’s take Warhammer 40K as an example. Firstly it’s a very expensive game to play anyway but if you want to chase the meta in 40K you are changing armies every other month. At $500+ a time.

Then you get the best players who generally only practice against each other and have access to the new rules before most others do. If you don’t have the cash and you aren’t in the club you will struggle. The last 4 major US tournaments have had the same 2 people in the final. And they are mates. Literally they are like the Avengers/7DD/Koyber in this game. They only really compare to each other.

I’m rambling but the point is where there’s a way for money to influence it will do so. Getting angry at this is your prerogative but it doesn’t change the facts.

But what the videos posted will help anyone with is seeing how to do it. You might not make the top 1000 in rare but you’ll certainly improve your positions because the method doesn’t really change. You might not be able to replay as often or use as many items but other 4 days you’d definitely get a better score than before you knew how to do it.


Precisely my point and as former poor kid that played in chess tournaments, I seen the players with money … their summer chess camps, better books, better coaches, opportunities to travel to better competitions. The list goes on.

Did I eventually get to travel to better tournaments? Absolutely, but was my hotel as nice? Were my meals as nice? Did I sleep as well? Nope.

Did I complain? Nope. I just made my life better :slight_smile:

Ah yes, the exception. In this case, the exception becomes the rule … if they “get noticed,” what happens? Someone starts infusing cash … and we are back to better books, better coaches, better tournaments, etc.

As you say …

Precisely. I get excited messages from players all the time that watched the videos and improved scores, or made it to the next prize bracket.

@Cheds Thanks for this post. Best wishes to you.


@JekylandHyde I have a question. In your video at 8:50 stage 9, why do you use Wu Kong + x4 red in stage but x5 red in the other stage ? I do understand that some stage x5 blue is better than x5 red. But, does Wu Kong + x4 red really better than x5 red in some specific stage ?

Overall, thank you for your advice and tell me the key point. Now, I can easily get in top 5000 in epic without use any refill and also use less battle item :slightly_smiling_face:


Generally speaking, Ice and Fire will always be the two strongest elements in these events because of Costume Gunnar and Wilbur. The ability to share damage is very important, especially on higher levels with 3 bosses when they are killed fastest with tile damage and specials. Since we can’t get tiles evenly across the board, the shared damage is important.

I will experiment with both Fire and Ice. Sometimes one works better depending on the colors of the tiles on the board or the elements of the bosses.

I will sometimes play around with Wu for the massive attack boost to both tiles and specials with the risk of missing. He is a gamble for sure.


But are you a 1st Time Eventer??? Good job buddy as always!

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I did lol at the name. Last Regiment are a bunch of jokers for sure.


You are always good for a smile!! I did improve this score by a bunch, but not enough to get back into the top 10. Congrats to you for another amazing Challenge weekend. You and Darrian …what a pair!

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This consideration will start to belong in E&P the day chess will allow you to buy [lottery tickets for] extra Queens.


I don’t know what these “$$$” comments are with those Epic teams. I’m no whale but I’ve got every one of those bar Cillian, and only didn’t get him because I wasn’t really interested in pushing for Slayers (got both the 3*, that’ll do for now). It was intriguing to see the use of 3* which I wouldn’t even have thought of doing - as far as I was concerned I had “enough” 4* so I didn’t look elsewhere for other skills. I’m also incredibly mean on item use, which is the other reason I don’t do well in speed events - that, and the falling randomly to sleep :laughing: Let’s face it though, axes and bombs aren’t expensive to make. Using five per level for a 10 stage event isn’t that heavy. Tornadoes now… Scrolls of Alteration… that’s heavy. But you can’t use 'em for that difficulty anyway.