5* non classic hero guarantee

Come on guys (SG)…

Last week I summoned x15 times on costume event and now (3rd season event) summoned x25 times and I could not summon any 5* heroes.
I suppose many people summoned more than x100 to get only ONE fuc**** 5* hero. Like a hundreds dollars to trash. Why you (SG) do not improve some gift (specifically 5* hero token or something like that) after x10 or x20?.
You reduced all kind of chests, titan loots percentage to get 4* ascension material to sell expensively with tittle “250% sale off”.
Do NOT abuse players and make more enjoyable to play games.

Always have same problem. Expensive to buy gems and tokens to have stup** 1.3% chance.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pity Counter/Timer for Summons MASTER