5* derp heroes

With hero academy doing very little to make 5* dupes useful, or anything other than a roster space filler, what are your plans, if any, for those dupes?

I sit at lvl 74 with 158 roster slots and a cost of 150 gems to add more. I don’t spend a lot at all so each time I sink money into roster space it irks me. Currently I have 17 5* dupes clogging up space. I do not need 4 justices when I have another maxed. Or 3 azlars or kadilens. Or 2 thornes or elenas. Do I eat some? Right now I have 9 of those 158 slots open for feeders. Levelling can be a pain when you have to do it every 9th feeder you collect.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: For the love of… need a solution to duplicate heroes!