2nd Aethers Discussion (Poll)

I just came here to say that your new, more pleasant discussions are very good to see :slight_smile:

and to avoid being off-topic, I will say: I’m also taking a wait–and-see-approach to LB2, though I was one of those who didn’t like the idea of them at first. On balance, I aim low and play mostly for fun, so I expect I will be cushioned from their effects for relatively longer :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello, I get what your saying, but, you need to have these characters, I don’t. I have some good max leveled but there old now and no match to the new characters coming out. If you don’t have/ unwilling to spend large amounts on summoning/buying emblems then your a bit obsolete. I would compare it with fighting a modern war now with only muskets in your arsenal no matter how good your tactics your gonna lose. The main point I’m making is that there’s now just too big a gap created. Nobody enjoys losing against a stacked deck.

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Whole heartedly agree with @sleepyhead on both points.

Whilst I am still in the camp of those that think that we cant keep up with the pace of having to level our heroes in a seemingly endless routine, i do believe there are others who may be at their end game pace and may see this as something more interesting and challenging than to try to keep pulling and levelling up new OP heroes, especially those who love to use their existing heroes and have 2LB allows them to continue to use their beloved older heroes.

So some imbalance in the game makes it challenging and allows players to test out new play styles instead of repeating the same play over and over, and hoepfully in the process some balance could be found. So like what Homa did with shrubbear pre-taunt.

Without costume and LB1, a lot of S1 heroes (especially the widely beloved 4*) would have been past tense long ago.

The above is just my personal view and whilst I anticipate that there may be players holding similar view, i accept that that there are also as likely that there are many players who are justifiably opposed to 2LB, I do urge everyone to be cordial about the airing of different views and whilst good humour may add a spice to forum discussions, underlying sarcaism may spiral into unnecessary acrimony that brings a good thread off topic.


Can i see what good 3s 4s and 5s you have?

There are many heroes that are more than a year old that you can have great success with in todays meta


We faced a pile of Aramis 2LB this war. We collectively haven’t used ours yet so technically a mismatch but we only lost by 50pts and arguably on a different day we could easily win it. There was even a 2LB 2CObakan out and I had zero issue with him.

I’m still really not seeing the hype for 5* with this. Only time it will become a pain is Rush and honestly that’s a mess anyway so what’s more mess for 2 wars people don’t like already…

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I think alot if people ( of course not all) just dont know how to put a team together so that the synergy really grooves.
. There are just to many heros in this game and there come alot more that it really makes things confusing and many people just dont know what to do …and then they stop reading the cards because its like work and that makes it frustrating …people are impatient and want it all right now istead of actually using thier brains to figure put a strategy of how to put a team together. There are many older heros that work very good with newer heros and get really good results…it took me almost 6 years to figure this out in this game but now i know the golden secret just like some others here and it makes the game even more fun now …plus i realized i dont have to always have the newer better heros …

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Not shocked to see this really.

What actually shocked me is the pay for buff spring thing. I cant even remember the last time i spent a single cent in this game (maybe a couple years now), and now just pop in from time to time out of curiosity.

There are so many heroes ive never seen before, and raids are insane with season 5 (basically) 6 star heroes who heal for insane amounts at normal speed, and those who can flat line your entire team with one special unless youre at max health.

Would any of us be here playing a game where someone could just pop in now and then and NOT feel overwhelmed?

I honestly couldn’t care less about the effect 2nd aethers will have on pvp/raids/wars. To me it’s already 50% boardluck dependant. Guess that makes me a bad player.

What I am worried about is when they will upgrade the difficulty of PVE content. Looking at the upgraded masquerade-quest, towers, some monster island stuff (the need of health-boosting heroes) and the ridiculous manaspeed of the convenantquest this really doesn’t bode well…

Requested TP 5600 or more incoming…

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Overhealing no longer works in Monster Island. They nerfed that.

Also, last LB release they didn’t increase the difficulty of events. I don’t imagine they will this time either. If anything, the LB2 should help people complete more events.

Covenant Quest mana speed is fixed in V56 build.

I stand corrected in both cases :upside_down_face:

I thought it was bad but I guess it’s something else to strategize against . Seeing an insta taunt isn’t awesome but oh well.

It says that all players will get 50 crystals, then why today we got only 10 crystals?

EDITED: Already get the gift in the ‘INBOX’ (50 aether crystals… Thanx SG


Good catch, they just dropped in the mail box though

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if the rewards will be the same as it is now but extra after 5600 for example it wouldnt be that bad but they might do this, 5600 for exact same reward so you will get less in the end as you would do a month ago.

To me this game pvp/wars is dead. as you said its 50% already bad luck or not with boards but now you will have added effects on top of that. it is utter ■■■■■■■■ and once again alienates part of the community. The length these devs go to kill their own game is impressive.

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Shrub’s added effect allowed me to get through the first 5 matches of the bloody battle tourney relatively easily. It’s a format I usually struggle in.

The benefits go both ways…

Your example is exactly what i mean, its overpowered, it shouldnt be there, its also another money grab because its overpowered. It makes the game worse in ever aspect. You have to look 10 steps further then just 1.


Aethers pulls? 5700+ teams already seen around…thanks SG for destroying this game!

You have achieved the feat of making a socio-economic sefregation within the game…congratulations.


This game become the most pay to win game on earth. Congratulations