⚔ [27th Dec, 2020] - 88th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, All Elements

I’d use Wilbur in that situation. But be aware that Wilbur, even fully emblemed, like any 4 star heroes would be easily defeated by tiles if your opponent stacks color and has a decent board. But the same can be said about any tank.

What I like about heroes like Wilbur is that your opponent has to take dispellers or cleansers… who are often healers as well.


I don’t ever want to see you in any 3* or 4* tho. So I think you have the edge on me !


Is there a way to max g panther and glenda before the rt starts? I mean glenda could potentially be a tank for you at maxed out with some Emblems… Put your hero card screenshots up so I can see their def/hp stats. Out of those 4s it all depends on who has the tankiest stats with them being fully Emblemed as you say. You never know, mist could be a tank option.

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New team

Subtle change from Joon to bai yeong and here’s why

Yes Joon hits harder, but I feel bai yeong has more to offer all around. The larger -%accuracy, the +30% vs specials and the passive minion neutralizer. As far as att/def/hp it’s virtually even. So, I’m sacking a little more attack % for more overall versatility.


I don’t remember the last time I reached the top 5% in tournaments, and in this one it will be impossible. I just can trust on the speed of my defense team.

If I resist until the second day, it’d be a miracle.

Good luck to all of you. :wink:


I’d still go with Joon, much better to kill than to wound. The -75% accuracy debuff only holds for 2 turns, so an attacker could easily work around that, whereas Joon’s blind lasts for 6 so it’s either you take your chances or hope the board doesn’t screw you up.


Limited number of 5*, lack of snipers, and my preference for healers means only one choice to maximise damage

The only other choices are Isarnia at +7 or stick cVivica +19 at tank to absorb damage.

I guess my streak of top 1% will end this week :sweat_smile:

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That went about as expected. Started with my normal 3R-1B-1P attack team and lost the first fight pretty badly. Barely won the second against a team with Alfrike tank and 200 TP less than mine.
Said screw it after that and went mono Green with 4 4* and an unemblemed Elkanen. Won 2 of the next 3 :sweat_smile:

Defense hasn’t been tested yet

Good luck everyone


4 and 1 start for the day. Team used has been:

I am using Grazul, because my only cleansers are healers so I am using her in the hope of timing it correctly to resist dot etc instead.

Worked well the first 4 battles 5th one though managed to get her going before Hel so countered that but got wiped by azlar at the end as couldn’t get back reds in time


Didn’t make any attacks, got 0 score. Already attacked 5 times, all lost. That’s going well. :roll_eyes:


Day 1
4W 1L


1W 0L



Hello everyone, merry xmasl and new year. Any suggestions on how I can get in touch about my matches? they are totally unfair… since my first opponent I have people with 30 lvl troops and 20 lvl emblems. I’m not that level! There are MILLIONS of players out there… There is no excuse to destroy all my chances on the first day like that. How evil!

Does someone have any explanation for that? Or is it just random wickedness :frowning:
The legendary tournaments are always like that. Rare and Epic are gives me “normal” targets until last day, which is the normal. Or does everyone have now lvl 30 troops and maxed heroes on storage for using on 5* tournaments? Does not makes sense. I’m not complaining I’m just sad, upset and feeling sabotaged.

Thank you.

– A

I want to stay strong like that!

I want to stay strong like that!:clap::clap:

What is the TP of your strongest team? Based on my understanding, the matchmaking should be for opponents at similar levels at least for Day 1

5-0 start for me with a simple strategy: 3 heavy hitters that are strong against the tank, protected by both Black Knight and Krampus. Usually by the time one of them dies the other is ready to taunt and that gives me enough turns to get my strong color going off repeatedly.
Defense has not yet been attacked.

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Ofc its simple!

You got Krampus and Black Knight, which is rarity of probably 1% or less :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats for a good start though


Edit: I’ve sent a ticket to staff to clarify my mismatches so no nome explanation needed here. Thank you.

Day 1

Interesting start. Tried different setups despite 3/2 : 3/1/1 and 2/1/1/1 and worked out. Without healers I don’t wanna go stack heavy and try more to win on specials. The best attack stack that I can form is Athena - RichardC - SonyaC…and probably will stick to this except against green or yellow tanks where I will go purple heavy. Planing to use Proteus a lot now I got him down to 9 tiles and SonyayC as my only cleanser as non-healer will be on board.

First fight saw Lotl+20 as tank…scared :astonished:…took Marjana as only red…she killed Lotl fully charged…that was close. :roll_eyes: *phew

Lost the 3rd fight…but due to board playing errors. Could have made a purple match to charge Proteus and silence Marjana & Missandra one round earlier…later I made another mistake by dumping tiles into Lianna and charging her…think I could have avoided that loss.

4 : 1

Defense…close to my standard defense but decided for Domitia+8 instead of Malosi+18 because of the evade.

Took quite some time before I was attacked…but lost :roll_eyes:

0 : 1 E


As predicted, this is not going to be an easy ride for me. 4-1 on day 1, used mostly 3-1-1, or 2-2-1. As for defence team, tried to pick the fastest attackers.
Defence is 1-1, so not too bad.