⚔ [26 Feb 2023] - 201th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Red/ Fire

Easy start to the tournament on Day 1. As per usual in Bloody Battle, I opted for speed when choosing attack teams.

Used a 3-1-1 stack of Zarola - Kinsaishi - Kvasir - Aqeela - Kinsaishi in 4 of the matches against Purple and Green tanks. LBed, and emblemed 2 of the yellow ninja for this purpose, and he has justified the resources so far. Boards were generous so had enough Yellow tiles to get him to first and sometimes second charge frequently.

Only time I switched was against a Ribbit tank. Went with 3 Purples Maeve - Aqeela - cTyrum + Zarola and Kinsaishi. I really should level a 2nd Aqeela…

Defense has not been attacked yet.

Good luck everyone!


I shall tell you how my very well* thought out defence does!

*It wasn’t really well thought out :laughing:

Goopy would be a better choice. With no reds and faster mana speed than treevil. You usually see treevils in only VF tournaments

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I’m testing her at tank with my alt account. It’s 1-4 so far

Day 1

O : 5-0

Go with x2 C/CB Kvasir and x3 heroes depend on enemy team.

  • Against Kvasir tank, I use x2 purple x1 green : C Mnesseus - C Tyrum - Aqeela
  • Against Treevil tank, I use x1 purple x2 green : C Mnesseus - C Tyrum - C Brienne
  • Against other passive tank (Dawn, Dolgoon, etc.), x3 green : C Brienne - C/CB Mnesseus - C/CB Mnesseus or Whacker
  • If I don’t need any dispell or cleanse against tank and both flank, I will go with x2 purple x1 green : C Brienne - x2 Aqeela

The board is good today. So, no problem. 5 win :slightly_smiling_face:.

D : 4-1

Kvasir tank with double purple flank is the best defense. I don’t see any better choice. Best purple flank is Aqeela because Aqeela will force attacker to need both cleanse and dispell. Treevil is the next best choice since Treevil is tough and hard to take down if the attacker bring many purple to attack Kvasir tank. However, the attacker will need only cleanse. Poppy is still the best wing in 3* bloody battle.


Day 1:

O: 3-2
D: not attacked.

as i suspected, it’s going to be a pretty short week for me. facing +20 LBd teams with near max troops right off the bat and the power differential is too much for my heroes i use for attack, none of whom are +20 or LBd and my 2* troops are weak. wouldn’t be surprised if i’m out tomorrow.


4-1 first day - did my first 2 attacks with Faiez on my team before realizing it was bloody. Also lost to a team with Dawa, but it was Aqeela tank and the RNG that did me in there (seemed like 100% dodge).

Defense (Tree-Kvasir-Shrubbear-Dawn-Maeve) so far is 0-1.


Day 2

O : 5-0 (10-0)

Go with same tactic. The board is still good today. I do face some Fianna tank. I think she is very powerful. Her fiend hit 100+ damage when it reach maximum which almost guarantee kill in long battle. I only lose some of my heroes because of her. At least the board is good enough for me to win :slightly_smiling_face:.

D : 8-6

End day 1 with A. Defense flip around A and B grade. Hope it is A at the end of the day :slightly_smiling_face:.


2 losses on Day 2. First one came against a Dawn tank flanked by Goopy and Zarel. Went 3 Greens (Zarola - Fianna - Zarola - Kvasir - Aqeela) to counter and deny Goopy the tiles. Didn’t manage to charge any of my Greens in time, and even with just a few disjointed Green tiles, Goopy finished off my injured heroes. Did manage to kill Dawn and Zarel so not a total loss.

The 2nd defeat was against a Zarel tank flanked by 2 Dawns. This was one of those “There is only one move on the board” special. To add to injury, the one move was mainly matching useless Red tiles. Big zero.

Faced another Dawn in the last match, and this time decided to go with 3 Yellows. She charged but board was good enough to kill her owls before they cut too much mana.

On the bright side, defense is 4-0 which is a nice change from recent weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 1-0 (A) 2824 900 3724
2 8-2 4-0 (A) 5613 5613

Good luck everyone!


O : 9:1 (4-1, 5-0)
D : 2:1 (1:1 B after day 1)

I lost against Treevil tank def. Kinsaishi, Fianna, Tree, Dolgoon, Noril. Took 2x Poppy, Kvasir, C Mnesseus, Jouka. Starting board full of mainly green so I was able to charge C Mnesseus to counter tree. Tree fired, I fire C Mnesseus. Then I see Kinsaishi is going to fire I had to dump tiles a SS skills into him, Treevil was already dead by then. Then Dolgoon fired and I fire Jouka to counter.
It ends up with my 4 heroes alive, but 3 of them low hp VS Fianna that was about to fire and Noril that was a bit behind. Fianna fired into Kvasir, killed my 2nd Poppy and C Mnesseus nearby him, then Noril was about to fire I dumped some yellow tiles into him, but not enough to get him, he finished Kvasir and almost Jouka too, Jouka slashed by Fianna - loose. At least I took 286 points from the loose.


Day 2:

O: 5-0
D: 4-2 (A)

well hey, i’m still in it. pretty good day on offense. faced a couple of teams that were clearly autofills, and no one scary like the Z girls or Fianna thank goodness. regular Brienne’s superior talent absolutely won me a fight against a corner +20 Belith who was very hard to kill and her constant minions pecked away at the rest of my team until they were all dead, except my Brienne, who kept spawning her own slew of minions. i eventually got enough tiles under Belith with the berserker buff active to finish her off but it seemed pretty close to a loss a couple times. :sweat_smile:

D picked up 2 for an A yesterday, then got two losses and 2 more wins today to stay an A. not bad. currently in 1% with 5831 points, rank 3923. a pleasant surprise i must say, since i thought i might be out today.

good luck on day 3 everyone! hopefully i can at least continue to hang through tomorrow…


This is now the 3rd or 4th tournament where I don’t get attacked on Day 1, and then on Day 2 I get attacked once and lose. This seems to be coming a pattern for my tournament defense now, I don’t understand why? In the previous ones, on Day 3 I would get attacked 1 or 2 and win both, then on Day 4 and 5 the same would happen, and I would result in a B for Day 3, A, and A for Day 4 and 5. Let’s see if this happens again.

Day 1
O: 3-2
D: 0-0

Day 2
O: 5-0
D: 0-1

O: 8-2
D: 0-1 (C, E)
Score: 5,163


Yeah it is quite discouraging when no attacks or 1 attack is deciding if you loose points because of defense or no.

I once had a 5* tourney with good offense 22-3 my def was atttacked once on day 5 to 1-0, it was 0-0 C for 4 days…
Last rush 4* tourney no elements, 24-1 O and 0-1 def… 0-0 C for 2 days, 0-1 for 3 days…
One of 3* bloody battle tourneys few months ago I went 24-1. def was A every day except 1st one was 0-0 C, those lost points didn’t get me to top 100 ranking…
It simply sucks…

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O : 14:1 (4-1, 5-0, 5-0)
D : 3-1 (B,A)

Great boards on flag 3,4,5 today. Very cooperative boards with my colors.
Flags 1,2 were tougher wins.
So far I’ve been using 2x Poppy + Kvasir every or almost every flag with Jouka, C/CB Mnesseus, CB/C Tyrum, CB Balthazar (superior dispel talent). All fast mana except Jouka.


Wow, I honestly don’t know how but I went 5-0 again today — on Wednesday.
I went Mono Yellow for all 5 matches:
Ribbit / Poppy / cMelia / Kvasir / cDawa

I would have lost a couple of it wasn’t for the negative accuracy that cMelia gave to the enemies. 2 missed in a row when I had almost 0 health.

Day 3
O: 5-0
D: 0-0

O: 13-2
D: 0-1 (C, E, E)
Score: 8,191


Day 3

O : 5-0 (15-0)

Go with same tactic. The board is good today. I don’t know why but my board is just full of yellow, green and purple for all the time for now. And that take me 8 tries on the stage 8 for the Covenant of Champions as I go with mono blue :joy:.

I have to say that x2 Kvasir help a lot. My C Kvasir’s minions have 258 hp when he use 2* def troop. Those minion can take a lot of damage.

I somehow never don’t face any Kvasir tank. I do face some Kvasir flank and wing but never for tank. This is similar to my previous 3* bloody battle. I don’t know why but I am very lucky on that :smile:.

D : 16-8

End day 2 with A and up to A grade for now :slightly_smiling_face:.

With this result and early attack, I am at the top of the leader board for now :smiley: (Not sure if I can hide :rofl:.). I think 3* bloody battle is pretty hard for other people.


My Green team is not having a good week. Faced a Zarel - Kinsaishi - Dolgoon - Dawn - Goopy team to start and chose to use 3 Greens again, though I did switch Fianna out for the faster Whacker. Didn’t make a diff. Dolgoon fired twice, once at 2nd charge. It then became a race of which shared damage would kill all the heroes first. Got the two wings down to the red zone, but Goopy firing with Green tiles on the board ended it.

The other 4 matches were easier with better boards. Went 3 Yellow 3 times and 3 Dark once against a Ribbit tank. Defense is still A (9-3) so will probably buy back tomorrow if I get a 4th loss.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 1-0 (A) 2824 900 3724
2 8-2 6-2 (A) 5613 900 6513
3 12-3 9-3 (A) 9069 9069

Good luck everyone!


Well, my luck turned right back around. out with 2 losses straight. really bad boards both times, in the first one Sally decimated my whole team, in the second one it was Zarel. just one shot from either of them and my whole team was basically gone. probably should have put Sally on my defense, lol.

oh well, good luck on the rest of the week everyone, see you next time!


Day 3 without single attack on my def team, getting sick of that, again.
Smth needs to be done with this, some ppl gets 10 attacks on their defense, while others dont get one.
This makes whole tournament impossible to finish in top100, with broken rng.

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Yes, it is an awful shame. Even though getting attacked ten times and loosing all the matches suck, it feels worse, not receiving any attacks on our defense at all. Here´s to hoping for a change one day. :pray:

It makes it all the more easier though, staying away from buying back in!

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